Minibands and Minigaps in Quantum Cascade lasers

In summary, the minibands and minigaps in QC Lasers are implemented through the use of a periodic stack of nanometer-thick layers of Quantum Wells (QWs) and barriers, creating an artificial crystal potential which splits the conduction and valence bands into narrow minibands with energy gaps in between. The widths of these minibands and minigaps can be controlled by the thickness of the layers, but are not independent of each other in the generic case of a simple periodic Superlattice (SL).
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
What is the structure and how are minibands and minigaps in QC Lasers implemented
Summary:: What is the structure and how are minibands and minigaps in QC Lasers implemented

Hello everybody,

I have a question regarding the miniband and minigaps that are displayed widely in diagrams about the functioning of Quantum Cascade Lasers. How are this mini-gaps established physically? And what is there effect?

Thanks in advance
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  • #2
I'm not an expert on quantum cascade lasers, but I understand band structures.

I've looked at some images. Aren't all these diagrams just a series of square wells with an electric potential across them? Thus the gaps are just band gaps in the finite-size material?

If I am correct then this simulation should be conceptually helpful: You can modify the band structure and even apply an electric potential across it.
  • #3
Please see
In the following excerpt SL refers to Superlattice and QW refers to Quantum Well.

"In general, semiconductor SLs consist of a periodic stack of nanometer-thick layers of QWs and barriers. The period of this artificial crystal is typically much larger than the lattice constant of the bulk crystalline constituents. This superimposed periodic crystal potential splits the conduction band (and the valence bands as well) along the direction normal to the layers into a series of narrow (typically, tens to a few hundreds of meV wide) minibands separated by energy gaps (’minigaps’) in the strong-tunnel-coupling regime. For a given set of materials, miniband and minigap widths can be engineered by suitable choice of the layer thicknesses. In the generic case of the simple periodic SL, however, those widths are not independent of each other [108]. "
  • #4
Thank you very much, the both of you. You have helped me a lot.

FAQ: Minibands and Minigaps in Quantum Cascade lasers

1. What are minibands and minigaps in quantum cascade lasers?

Minibands and minigaps refer to the energy levels of electrons in a quantum cascade laser. Minibands are closely spaced energy levels that are formed when electrons are confined in a periodic potential. Minigaps are the small energy gaps between minibands, which play a crucial role in the operation of quantum cascade lasers.

2. How do minibands and minigaps affect the performance of quantum cascade lasers?

The properties of minibands and minigaps greatly influence the performance of quantum cascade lasers. The spacing and width of minibands and minigaps determine the energy levels at which electrons can be excited, and thus affect the wavelength of light emitted by the laser. The presence of minigaps also allows for efficient electron transport, leading to higher output power and better overall performance.

3. How are minibands and minigaps engineered in quantum cascade lasers?

Minibands and minigaps can be engineered in quantum cascade lasers through careful design of the semiconductor materials and the laser's structure. This can be achieved by controlling the thickness and composition of the layers in the laser's active region, as well as the spacing and height of the potential barriers. Advanced fabrication techniques such as molecular beam epitaxy are often used to precisely engineer the minibands and minigaps in quantum cascade lasers.

4. What is the significance of the size of minigaps in quantum cascade lasers?

The size of minigaps is a crucial factor in the performance of quantum cascade lasers. A larger minigap allows for a larger energy separation between minibands, which in turn allows for more efficient electron transport and higher output power. Additionally, a larger minigap also leads to a wider wavelength tuning range for the laser, making it more versatile for different applications.

5. How do researchers study and characterize the minibands and minigaps in quantum cascade lasers?

Researchers use a variety of techniques to study and characterize the minibands and minigaps in quantum cascade lasers. These include electrical measurements such as current-voltage and current-light output characteristics, as well as optical techniques such as photoluminescence and electroluminescence spectroscopy. These methods allow for the precise determination of the energy levels and transport properties of minibands and minigaps in quantum cascade lasers.

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