Minimum breakdown voltage in Neon, Electrode spacing in mm

  • #1
Shane Cox
Hello all. I am conducting a simple research project, and am having a little trouble with the math for paschen's law.

my question is.

At 74762 Microns of pressure, using pure Neon gas, what is the electrode spacing in mm for the minimum breakdown voltage of that gas?

Thank you.
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  • #2
Welcome to the PF. :smile:
Shane Cox said:
the minimum breakdown voltage of that gas?
The breakdown is based on the electric field. The electric field depends on the applied voltage and the electrode spacing. The minimum breakdown voltage is when the electrode spacing is ________. Can you fill in the blank?
  • #3
I am unable to answer the question, as I have been unable to do the calculations correctly, they are beyond my current ability.

I do understand that neon has a minimum breakdown voltage, the voltage i will be running is 260V DC

which is a little above the minimum threshold, so the optimum gap distance for the pressure I specified is what I am unable to calculate.
  • #4
The units of electric field are Volts per meter. So the electric field is higher when the voltage is higher, and the electrode spacing is ____ (maximum or minimum?)? :smile:
  • #5
This Graph shows the optimum pressure to electrode spacing for the minimum breakdown voltage of the gas used in this Graph, the
electrode spacing is what I am trying calculate for pure Neon at its minimum breakdown voltage at 74762 microns of pressure.


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  • #6
Another way of explaining it is that, I am trying to apply the minimum amount of voltage in order to achieve breakdown in pure neon gas, at 74762 microns of pressure, and looking for the optimum electrode spacing in order to achieve this.
  • #7
The Paschen Curve is for the breakdown electric field as a function of pressure. It may be labeled as "Voltage", but that will be for a given electrode spacing, giving a corresponding electric field. No?