Modification to the simple harmonic oscillator

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of perturbation theory in relation to eigenstates of the harmonic oscillator and the potential change in the size of the Hilbert space. The speaker is unsure if perturbation theory is necessary and questions if the modification affects the size of the Hilbert space. However, it is noted that the eigenstates of the original harmonic oscillator are unchanged.
  • #1
Homework Statement
The simple harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian is altered such that the p' = p + 2mcx. How does this affect the condition necessary for the matrix elements <m|x|n> and <m, x^2| n> to be nonzero, given |n> is an eigenstate of the original harmonic oscillator.
Relevant Equations
x = Sqrt(h/2mw)(a + adagger)
I was assuming there could be something via perturbation theory? I am unsure.
Physics news on
  • #2
At first glance, I don't think that perturbation theory is necessary. The ##\ket{n}## form a complete basis, even for the modified Hamiltonian.

However, I do not understand the question. "Given ##\ket{n}## is an eigenstate of the original harmonic oscillator," then ##\braket{m|\hat{x}|n}## and ##\braket{m|\hat{x}^2|n}## are unchanged, whatever the Hamiltonian is.
  • #3
DrClaude said:
At first glance, I don't think that perturbation theory is necessary. The ##\ket{n}## form a complete basis, even for the modified Hamiltonian.
I would like to question this statement. How do you know such modification doesn't change the size of the Hilbert's space?