Momentum & Energy Correlation: Is it Valid?

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  • Thread starter Anton Alice
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In summary: I was also wondering if it is possible, to showThis is not possible. There are situations when energy is conserved but momentum is not and vice versa. Energy and momentum are related to different symmetries.
  • #1
Anton Alice
In a relativistic treatment of mechanics one can say, that momentum and energy are correlatively conserved.
The argument I would use, is that the length of the four-momentum is lorentz-invariant, and therefore, if E is conserved in any frame of reference, so the momentum.
But I don't know, if this argument is fully valid. The length of the four-momentum ( I mean pμpμ) is creating a relation between the Energy and the magnitude of the momentum, not the vectorial momentum itself. But I want a vectorial conservation... Where is the catch?
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  • #2
The four-momentum transforms as a vector in Minkowski space. This is a stronger requirement than just having a frame independent magnitude, just as having a frame invariant magnitude is not enough to ensure that a quantity transforms as a vector in three-space.
  • #3
So in the end, if I get it right, I am only interested in [itex]\vec p=conserved \Rightarrow E=conserved[/itex]. And the proof of [itex]E=conserved \Rightarrow \vec p=conserved[/itex] is not necessary, since I assume that [itex]\vec p=conserved[/itex] is true under any circumstance.
  • #4
Anton Alice said:
In a relativistic treatment of mechanics one can say, that momentum and energy are correlatively conserved.
The argument I would use, is that the length of the four-momentum is lorentz-invariant, and therefore, if E is conserved in any frame of reference, so the momentum.
But I don't know, if this argument is fully valid. The length of the four-momentum ( I mean pμpμ) is creating a relation between the Energy and the magnitude of the momentum, not the vectorial momentum itself. But I want a vectorial conservation... Where is the catch?
I would go the other way. The relativistic conservation of four momentum leads to the conservation of energy, momentum, and mass. The conservation of the four momentum is justified by the translation symmetry of the Lagrangian density.
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  • #5
Ah ok. But just to be on the safe side, with "relativistic conservation of four momentum" you do NOT mean the lorentz-invariance, but the four-vectorial conservation in the case of interactions, right? I am just a little confused about the terminology.
  • #6
Anton Alice said:
Ah ok. But just to be on the safe side, with "relativistic conservation of four momentum" you do NOT mean the lorentz-invariance, but the four-vectorial conservation in the case of interactions, right? I am just a little confused about the terminology.
Yes. There is a distinction between conservation vs invariance. Conserved means that the value doesn't change over time. Invariant means that different reference frames agree on the value.
  • #7
As in Newtonian physics in special relativity there are 10 conservation laws from the space-time symmetries (Noether's theorem). For any closed system energy, momentum, angular momentum and the speed of the center of energy (in non-relativistic physics the center of mass) is conserved.
  • #8
I was also wondering if it is possible, to show
Anton Alice said:
  • #9
Anton Alice said:
I was also wondering if it is possible, to show
This is not possible. There are situations when energy is conserved but momentum is not and vice versa. Energy and momentum are related to different symmetries.
  • #10
There is an argument that if a collision of two particles conserves kinetic energy in every frame, then it also conserves a vector quantity, which we can identify with momentum. Let [itex]T(\vec{u})[/itex] be the kinetic energy associated with a mass [itex]m[/itex] traveling at velocity [itex]\vec{u}[/itex]. Let [itex]\vec{F}(\vec{u}, \vec{v})[/itex] the relativistic velocity-addition function (that is, if a particle has velocity [itex]\vec{u}[/itex] in one frame, then it will have velocity [itex]\vec{F}(\vec{u}, \vec{v})[/itex] in a second frame that is moving at velocity [itex]\vec{v}[/itex] relative to the first). Then if there is a collision of two or more particles (all of mass m for simplicity) such that:

[itex]\sum T(u)[/itex] is conserved in every frame (where the sum is over all particles)

then it's also the case that

[itex]\sum \vec{p}[/itex] is conserved

where [itex]\vec{p}[/itex] is defined via components:

[itex]p^j = \sum_k \frac{\partial T}{\partial u^k} \frac{\partial F^k}{\partial v^j}|_{\vec{v}=0}[/itex]

This formula works both nonrelativistically and relativistically, if you use the appropriate forms for [itex]T[/itex] and [itex]F[/itex]
  • #11
This is somewhat problematic. It's (maybe, I'm not sure whether I understand your idea correctly) right, if you consider the usual scattering process as from an asymptotic free initial to an asymptotic free final state (here of course in the sense of classical mechanics).

Of course, the general case is covered by Noether's theorems. If the system is translation invariant (maybe only in specific directions) then momentum is conserved (or the components in the specific directions). If the system is time-translation invariant, energy is conserved. You can even say that energy and momentum are defined as the generators of these symmetries.
  • #12
Orodruin said:
There are situations when energy is conserved but momentum is not and vice versa.

Interesting. Do you have an example of that, for a closed system?
  • #13
MikeGomez said:
Interesting. Do you have an example of that, for a closed system?
Not if you require translational invariance, which I would assume is one of your prerequisites for calling the system "closed". Translational invariance (in space) is equivalent to conservation of momentum.
  • #14
A closed system by definition is one whose action (or more generally the 1st variation of the action) is Poincare (or in the non-relativistic case Galileo) inviariant und thus all 10 conservation laws of the space-time symmetry hold (maybe even more if there are additional dynamical symmetries as for the non-relativistic harmonic oscillator or the Kepler problem).

Related to Momentum & Energy Correlation: Is it Valid?

1. What is momentum and energy correlation and why is it important in scientific research?

Momentum and energy correlation is the relationship between the momentum and energy of a system. It is important in scientific research because it allows us to understand the behavior and interactions of particles and objects in motion.

2. How is momentum and energy correlation measured and calculated?

Momentum and energy correlation can be measured and calculated using various mathematical equations, such as the momentum equation (p=mv) and the energy equation (E=mv^2/2). These equations take into account the mass and velocity of the particles or objects involved.

3. Is momentum and energy correlation always valid in all scientific experiments?

No, momentum and energy correlation may not always be valid in certain experiments, especially those involving quantum mechanics or extreme conditions. In these cases, other factors such as uncertainty and relativistic effects may need to be considered.

4. How does momentum and energy correlation relate to the law of conservation of energy and momentum?

Momentum and energy correlation is closely related to the law of conservation of energy and momentum, which states that these quantities cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or transformed. This means that the total momentum and energy of a system will always remain constant, regardless of any internal changes.

5. How can momentum and energy correlation be applied in real-world situations?

Momentum and energy correlation can be applied in many real-world situations, such as in the design of engines and vehicles, understanding the behavior of particles in accelerators, and predicting the outcome of collisions in sports or other physical activities. It is also crucial in fields such as astrophysics and nuclear physics.

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