Moving Square Loop through a Magnetic Field

In summary, the problem involves a square loop with side 1.5m and resistance 2Ω being pulled at a constant velocity of 0.3m/s through a smaller region with a constant magnetic field B (out of the page) of 4T. The magnetic flux of the coil at t=4s is calculated using the formula B*y*x, where B is the magnetic field, y is the height of the square loop, and x is the distance the loop has moved. The flux is found to be 3.6 T*m^2. There is some confusion about the area and how it changes, but it is determined that the flux will vary over time and can be graphed as a function of
  • #1

Homework Statement

A square loop of side 1.5m and Resistance 2Ω is pulled with a constant velocity v=0.3m/s through a smaller region with a constant magnetic field B (out of the page) of 4T. The figure shows the position at t=0.

Calculate the magnetic flux of the coil at t=4s..

Here is a picture I made.

Homework Equations

E = -dFlux / dt

Magnetic flux = B*Area = B*y*x

The Attempt at a Solution


So I tried solving this and I don't know if I am on the right track or not but I calculated the flux at t=4s. I got 3.6 T*m^2. I did this by flux = B * y*x so
flux = 4T *1.5 (high of the square) * 0.6 (part of the region that is inside the loop)

My question are first, I am not sure if I should be using 1.5 for the high, I kind of feel like i should be using the high of the region which is 0.9 but then again, they are asking for the flux through the COIL, so that's why i used 1.5 (the high). If this is correct, then why am I using 0.6 for the base? Shouldn't i be using 1.5 as well? I am confused this doesn't make any sense any help will be appreciated.
Physics news on
  • #2
well, in this case, the coil is the loop, right? I think 0.6 for the base is correct, you should use a similar reasoning for the height.
  • #3
I am very confused now, I thought they were asking for the magentic flux through the area of the coil (loop shown in red) so the area of the coil would be just 1.5^2. If that is the case, then the magentic flux will be that area times the field (4T) but the field is not changing so the flux is constant? Hence no emf is induced... I have a WTF face right now cause the following questions ask for a graph of current vs T and emf vs T, so it is implied that the flux cannot be constant, The area MUST be changing but I just don't know in what way... :( help please I have a test on Tuesday and I need to understand this
  • #4
hold on, step back. Generally, the flux through the coil is:
[tex]\int \vec{B} \cdot d \vec{A} [/tex]
(where A is the area of the coil). And B is not the same over the whole area of the coil.

edit: They tell you where B is zero, and where B is 4T, so you need to use this information to do the integral properly. (In this case, it is a fairly easy integral, because the integrand is zero in some parts, and constant in another part).
  • #5
wouldn't that integral become B*A since B and the vector dA are parallel? why do you mean by 'They tell you where B is zero, and where B is 4T, so you need to use this information to do the integral properly'
Thanks a lot for your help!
  • #6
well, in the (smaller) black square, B field = B and outside the black square, the B field = 0
edit: (and yes, they are parallel, so that makes it a bit simpler)
  • #7
So let me see if I get this right, as soon as some of the magnetic field area gets inside the loop, there is a magnetic flux through the coil, which will be B *A, here the area will be the area from the little square THAT IS INSIDE THE LOOP, so the flux = 4T*y*x
Since height is constant cause the loop is moving horizontally, the only thing that varies with time would be x so, Flux = 4T*0.9*x
at t=4 the loop moved 0.3 m/s *4s or 1.2m so there is 0.6m of the base of the little magentic field area inside the loop. Hence, Flux (at t=4s) = 4T*0.9*0.6.

If I had to graph this Flux vs t, would it look something like this?

Thank you

EDIT: For the graph, the max value is achieved at t=5 until t=7, where the flux starts to decrease.
  • #8
Yep! That all looks very good. nice work!
  • #9

FAQ: Moving Square Loop through a Magnetic Field

What is a Moving Square Loop?

A Moving Square Loop refers to a square-shaped wire or conductor that is able to move through a magnetic field. It is commonly used in experiments to demonstrate the effects of electromagnetic induction.

What is a Magnetic Field?

A magnetic field is a region in space where an electrically charged object experiences a force. It is produced by moving electric charges and is represented by lines of force that point in the direction of the force on a positive charge.

How does a Moving Square Loop interact with a Magnetic Field?

When a Moving Square Loop is placed in a magnetic field, it experiences a force due to the interaction between the magnetic field and the electric current flowing through the loop. This force causes the loop to move and induces an electric current in the loop.

What is Electromagnetic Induction?

Electromagnetic induction is the process by which a changing magnetic field induces an electric current in a conductor. In the case of a Moving Square Loop, the motion of the loop through the magnetic field causes a change in the magnetic flux, which induces an electric current in the loop.

What are the applications of Moving Square Loop through a Magnetic Field?

One of the main applications of Moving Square Loop through a Magnetic Field is in the generation of electricity. This phenomenon is used in power plants to produce electricity for everyday use. It is also used in various scientific experiments to study the principles of electromagnetism.
