Multivariable Chain Rule & Variable-Dependence

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of differentiation along curves, the use of chain rule in finding the rate of change of a function, and the relationship between total and partial derivatives. The conversation also touches on the confusion caused by variable dependencies and the use of notation in expressing derivatives. A specific question is raised about finding the second derivative of a function using the chain rule.
  • #1
I am having a terrible hard time with the multivariable chain rule and its related stuff (I read my textbook many times, but it doesn't help that much because the explanations are very limited). I hope that someone can help me to withdraw from this darkness of confusion.

1) (Differentiation along curves) Find the rate of change of f(x,y) = 1 - x^2 - y^2 along the ellipse g(t) = (2cos(t),sin(t) ) at the point where t=pi/4.

Using chain rule, we can get that the answer is d(f(g(t))/dt [evaluated at t=pi/4] =3.
But what does this represent geometrically? I have no idea what is going on geometrically about differentiation along curves.
Is the ellipse even lying on the surface f(x,y) = 1 - x^2 - y^2?
If not, then why does it even make sense to talk about "the rate of change of f(x,y) = 1 - x^2 - y^2 along the ellipse g(t) = (2cos(t),sin(t) ) "?

2) From my textbook:
"Suppose w= f(x,y,t,s) and that x and y are themselves functions of the independent variables t and s.
[note: Let D=curly d, representing partial derivatives]
If we write Dw/Dt = (Dw/Dx)(Dx/Dt) + (Dw/Dy)(Dy/Dt) + (Dw/Dt) using the chain rule, this is nonsense because the Dw/Dt on the left and right denote different things. We definitely cannot cancel out the two Dw/Dt."

Now this is driving me crazy, when I use the chain rule, the above expression is what I get. How can this be wrong?
I absolutely don't understand why the Dw/Dt would be denoting different things.
And also, how can we cope with this problem? (i.e. what would be the correct way to write the expression?)

3) [note: Let D=curly d, representing partial derivatives]
If, for example, w=f(x,y,z), are Dw/Dx and Df/Dx always always equal? My textbook seems to use Dw/Dx and Df/Dx quite interchangably in most cases, but I am not sure whether they are ALWAYS equal. The variable-dependence thing is just driving me crazy...

Any help is greatly appreciated!:smile:
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  • #2
Think of f as a scalar field (e.g. temperature), and you want to know the rate of scalar changes along the ellipse g.
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  • #3
1) andytoh has the right idea. f(x,y) does not define a surface, it gives you the value of something (like temperature) at point in the x-y plane. The partial derivative with respect to x would tell you how fast f changes as you change x, while holding y fixed. This can be thought of as how fast f changes as you move along a particular curve in the x-y plane, the "curve" in this case being a straight line parallel to the x-axis. Now, generalize this to motion along a more general curve. That's the idea.

2) Most books would write this as dw/dt = (Dw/Dx)(Dx/Dt) + (Dw/Dy)(Dy/Dt) + (Dw/Dt), where dw/dt denotes the total derivative of w with respect to t, as distinct from the partial derivative Dw/Dt, where you differentiate only with respect to the explicit dependence on t. The problem with calling this a total derivative is that there is still dependence on s. So, if we wrote out x(t,s) and y(t,s) explicitly, so that w was just a function of t and s, then what I have called the total derivative would normally be called the partial derivative with respect to t, with s held fixed. But if we call both these derivatives partial, then we can get confused, because what do we mean by Dw/Dt? This appears to be what your book is trying to explain.

3) Once we have agreed on what we mean by the partial derivative, Dw/Dt and Df/Dt are always equal.
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  • #4
Thanks a lot, but I have one more question.

4) [Let D=curly d representing partial derivatives.]
Q:Suppose u = f(x-ct) + g(x+ct), where c is a constant. Show that D^2u/Dx^2 = (1/c^2)(D^2u/Dt^2)

The hint I get from the solutions manual is that

Firstly, I don't understand why it would even make sense to talk about f ''(x-ct) and g ''(x+ct) in this situation. t is not a constant, it's a variable, and the prime notation is used for functions of one variable only, but here f depends on 2 variables, x and t, why can we still use the prime notation? Shouldn't we be using the "curly d" notation here? I am absolutely lost here...

Secondly, how can I actually find Du/Dx here? Can someone please show me the steps in detail? (I would really appreciate it) I know that I have to use the chain rule for sure, but I am EXTREMELY confused about keeping track of which variables depend on which variables, and I end up spending an hour looking at the question and fooling around, but still can't understand anything...

Chain rule is just driving me crazy...

I hope that someone can help me out! Thanks a million!
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  • #5
kingwinner said:
Thanks a lot, but I have one more question.

4) [Let D=curly d representing partial derivatives.]
Q:Suppose u = f(x-ct) + g(x+ct), where c is a constant. Show that D^2u/Dx^2 = (1/c^2)(D^2u/Dt^2)

The hint I get from the solutions manual is that

Firstly, I don't understand why it would even make sense to talk about f ''(x-ct) and g ''(x+ct) in this situation. t is not a constant, it's a variable, and the prime notation is used for functions of one variable only, but here f depends on 2 variables, x and t, why can we still use the prime notation? I am absolutely lost here...

Secondly, how can I actually find Du/Dx here? Can someone please show me the steps in detail? (I would really appreciate it) I know that I have to use the chain rule for sure, but I am EXTREMELY confused about keeping track of which variables depend on which variables, and I end up spending an hour looking at the question and fooling around, but still can't understand anything...

Chain rule is just driving me crazy...

I hope that someone can help me out! Thanks a million!
f is a function of the single variable y=x-ct, that is and g is function of the single variable z=x+ct.

Thus, the expression f'' means [tex]\frac{d^{2}f}{dy^{2}}[/tex]
  • #6
Following arildno's notation, u(x,t) = f(y) + g(z). So Du/Dx = (df/dy)(Dy/Dx)+(dg/dz)(Dz/Dx)=f'(y)(1)+g'(z)(1)=f'(x-ct)+g'(z+ct), where the prime denotes a derivative with respect to the argument.
  • #7
To remove ambiguities in notation:
We have y=Y(x,t)=x-ct, z=Z(x,t)=x+ct, and u(x,t)=f(Y(x,t))+g(Z(x,t))[/tex]
Thus, for example,
  • #8
arildno said:
To remove ambiguities in notation:
We have y=Y(x,t)=x-ct, z=Z(x,t)=x+ct, and u(x,t)=f(Y(x,t))+g(Z(x,t))[/tex]
Thus, for example,

Why can x-ct be treated as ONE variable?

Also, what is the difference between your notation and Avodyne's notation? How does it remove ambiguitites? Sorry, I don't understand this part.
  • #9
ANYTHING can be treated as one variable! Just make a substitution. For example, if
F(x,t)= cos(x- ct) then you can let u= x- ct so that F(x,t)= F(u)= cos(u) and apply the chain rule:
[tex]\frac{\partial F}{\partial x}= \frac{dF}{du}\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}[/tex]
[tex]\frac{\partial F}{\partial x}= -sin(u)(1)= -sin(x- ct)[/tex]
[tex]\frac{\partial F}{\partial t}= \frac{dF}{du}\frac{\partial u}{\partial t}[/tex]
[tex]\frac{\partial F}{\partial t}= -sin(u)(-c)= c sin(x- ct)[/tex]

The difference between Avodyne's and Arildno's notations is that Arildno actually wrote down the substitutions: y=x-ct, z= x+ ct instead of just indicating them.

FAQ: Multivariable Chain Rule & Variable-Dependence

1. What is the Multivariable Chain Rule?

The Multivariable Chain Rule is a mathematical concept that allows for the differentiation of composite functions with multiple variables. It is an extension of the Chain Rule, which is used for single-variable functions.

2. How is the Multivariable Chain Rule applied?

The Multivariable Chain Rule is applied by taking the partial derivative of the outer function with respect to each variable, and then multiplying it by the partial derivative of the inner function with respect to the same variable. This process is repeated for each variable in the composite function.

3. Why is the Multivariable Chain Rule important?

The Multivariable Chain Rule is important because many real-world problems involve functions with multiple variables. It allows for the calculation of the rate of change of these complex functions, which is necessary in fields such as physics, engineering, and economics.

4. What is the concept of Variable-Dependence?

Variable-Dependence refers to the relationship between two or more variables in a function, where one variable is dependent on the other. This means that changes in the independent variable will affect the value of the dependent variable.

5. How is Variable-Dependence determined?

Variable-Dependence can be determined by looking at the functional relationship between two variables. If one variable is explicitly defined in terms of the other, then there is a clear dependence between them. Additionally, graphs and tables can be used to show the relationship between variables and determine their dependence.
