Need some help interpreting the muon energy spectrum

In summary: So for example, if you are interested in the total number of muons with energies between 10 and 20 GeV and angles between 5 and 15 degrees from the zenith, you would calculate:\int^{20 GeV}_{10 GeV} \int^{15 degrees}_{5 degrees} {f(\theta, E) d\theta dE}In summary, the flux of muons at Earth's surface follows a squared cos theta relationship with angle from the zenith and can be accurately parametrized by the Gaisser parametrization, dN/dE=f(theta,E) [per square cm, per second, per steradian, per GeV]. To determine the number of muons in a specific energy range
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I have been looking at the flux of muons (as secondary cosmic ray particles) at the Earth's surface as a function of both energy and angle from the zenith. From what I have read, the flux follows a squared cos theta relationship with angle from the zenith and several attempts have been made to accurately parametrize the energy dependence. I am using a revision of the Gaisser parametrization, dN/dE=f(theta,E) [per square cm, per second, per steradian, per GeV]. My questions are as follows:

1. Do I just integrate f(theta,E) over an energy range to find the number of muons in that range? I have done this and it doesn't give what I expect (something that looks roughly like a Maxwell-Boltzmann spectrum in form) so I want to check I am doing the right thing.

2. How do I understand the 'per GeV' part of the untis of f(theta,E)? If for example, f(theta=10,E=20) = 2x10^-5, then it means that on average 2x10^-5 muons with energy 20GeV will flow through a square cm from a solid angle of 1 steradian centred around a point at 10 degrees from the zenith. Where does the 'per GeV' come into it?

Sorry if this doesn't make sense but I'd appreciate any help.

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  • #2
stakhanov said:
I2. How do I understand the 'per GeV' part of the untis of f(theta,E)? If for example, f(theta=10,E=20) = 2x10^-5, then it means that on average 2x10^-5 muons with energy 20GeV will flow through a square cm from a solid angle of 1 steradian centred around a point at 10 degrees from the zenith.

No. It means that if you select only muons with energies from 19.5 to 20.5 GeV, that is, a range of 1.0 GeV, you will get approximately [itex](2 \times 10^{-5})(1.0) = 2 \times 10^{-5}[/itex] muons per steradian at 10 degrees. If you select only muons with energies from 19.95 to 20.05 GeV, that is, a range of 0.1 GeV, you will get approximately [itex](2 \times 10^{-5})(0.1) = 2 \times 10^{-6}[/itex] muons. And similarly for other energy ranges.

In general, this sort of calculation is only approximate. To get the exact number of muons in an energy range, you have to integrate over the desired energy range:

[tex]\int^{E_{max}}_{E_{min}} {f(\theta, E) dE}[/tex]

Of course, you also have to integrate over a suitable angular range as appropriate.
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1. Yes, you are correct in integrating f(theta,E) over an energy range to find the number of muons in that range. However, the result may not always look like a Maxwell-Boltzmann spectrum. This is because the energy spectrum of muons is affected by various factors such as the energy spectrum of the primary cosmic rays, the geomagnetic field, and the Earth's atmosphere. These factors can cause fluctuations and distortions in the muon energy spectrum.

2. The "per GeV" part of the units of f(theta,E) refers to the energy interval over which the flux is measured. In your example, if f(theta=10,E=20) = 2x10^-5, it means that for every 1 GeV of energy, there will be 2x10^-5 muons flowing through a square cm from a solid angle of 1 steradian centered around a point at 10 degrees from the zenith. So, the "per GeV" part is important in understanding the energy dependence of the flux.

I hope this helps clarify your questions. If you need further assistance, I would recommend consulting with a physicist or researcher who specializes in cosmic rays and muon energy spectra for more detailed explanations.

FAQ: Need some help interpreting the muon energy spectrum

1. What is a muon energy spectrum?

A muon energy spectrum is a graph that shows the distribution of energy levels of muons, which are subatomic particles that are similar to electrons but with a larger mass. The spectrum is typically measured in units of energy, such as electron volts (eV) or mega electron volts (MeV), and can provide important information about the behavior and interactions of muons.

2. How is a muon energy spectrum measured?

Muon energy spectra can be measured through various techniques, such as using particle detectors or analyzing the results of particle collisions. Typically, muons are produced in high-energy particle interactions, and their energy levels can be measured using equipment that can detect and measure the particles' trajectories and energy levels.

3. What factors can affect the shape of a muon energy spectrum?

The shape of a muon energy spectrum can be affected by various factors, including the initial energy of the particles that produce the muons, the material they pass through, and the presence of other particles that can interact with the muons. Additionally, the shape of the spectrum can also be influenced by the sensitivity and limitations of the measuring equipment.

4. What information can be obtained from a muon energy spectrum?

A muon energy spectrum can provide valuable information about the properties and behavior of muons, such as their energy distribution, average energy level, and the types of interactions they undergo. This information can help scientists understand the fundamental principles of particle physics and improve their understanding of the universe.

5. How is a muon energy spectrum interpreted?

The interpretation of a muon energy spectrum involves analyzing the shape and features of the graph to draw conclusions about the behavior and properties of muons. This can involve comparing the spectrum to theoretical models and data from previous experiments, as well as considering the effects of various factors that may have influenced the results. Interpretation of a muon energy spectrum requires a thorough understanding of particle physics principles and advanced data analysis techniques.
