Need some help with Bernoulli's principle and how it applies to a drone

In summary: The pressure difference between the downwash and the air above the rotor plane creates the lift force.
  • #1
Hi there, I am building a drone for a school project and I am looking at physics behind how it flies. I stumbled upon Bernoulli's principle and the Coanda effect but I am struggling to find out how it can apply to the rotors of a drone. I understand the primary aspect of as the fluid's speed increases, it's pressure decreases but I am struggling to find an exact description for rotors. Any help is appreciated, thanks!
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  • #2
This Insights article by @boneh3ad should get you started. It's about wings in general, but applies to propellers as well.

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  • #3
You need to be a bit careful with your reference frames when talking propellers/rotors, since Bernoulli assumes no energy addition (which is obviously not the case in the frame where the prop is spinning). If you don't care about the details of the flow around the blades themselves, the easiest treatment is to just treat the rotor as a disk that accelerates air by creating a step pressure gradient across the disk. Thrust is then created by the acceleration of the mass through Newton's third law. A decent summary of the math involved can be found here:
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  • #4
mxchapz said:
Hi there, I am building a drone for a school project and I am looking at physics behind how it flies. I stumbled upon Bernoulli's principle and the Coanda effect but I am struggling to find out how it can apply to the rotors of a drone. I understand the primary aspect of as the fluid's speed increases, it's pressure decreases but I am struggling to find an exact description for rotors. Any help is appreciated, thanks!
You'll need to tell us what information you have about the rotors and what exactly you are trying to calculate. Bernoulli's equation may or may not be needed here.
  • #5
russ_watters said:
You'll need to tell us what information you have about the rotors and what exactly you are trying to calculate. Bernoulli's equation may or may not be needed here.
I apologize if this isn't what it's typically used for but I don't really know anything about it yet. I'm not really looking to use calculations, I'm just researching into how lift is generated by the propellers of a drone.
  • #6
mxchapz said:
I apologize if this isn't what it's typically used for but I don't really know anything about it yet. I'm not really looking to use calculations, I'm just researching into how lift is generated by the propellers of a drone.
If you are just looking for a general understanding of lift, then yes, it can be applied.
  • #7
cjl said:
You need to be a bit careful with your reference frames when talking propellers/rotors, since Bernoulli assumes no energy addition (which is obviously not the case in the frame where the prop is spinning).
I don't understand what you are getting at there. For a hovering helicopter, for example, no work is done on the helicopter. The lift force is perpendicular to the rotation plane (though the drag force is not).
If you don't care about the details of the flow around the blades themselves, the easiest treatment is to just treat the rotor as a disk that accelerates air by creating a step pressure gradient across the disk. Thrust is then created by the acceleration of the mass through Newton's third law. A decent summary of the math involved can be found here:
I definitely agree that that is a common and useful model for helicopters (and hovercraft). But since it describes what happens to the mass of air because of the interaction with the wing and not the interaction itself, it may not satisfy the OP.
  • #8
russ_watters said:
I don't understand what you are getting at there. For a hovering helicopter, for example, no work is done on the helicopter. The lift force is perpendicular to the rotation plane (though the drag force is not).
No work is done on the helicopter, but work is done on the air. As a result, even though the downwash is at a higher velocity than the air above the rotor plane, it does not have a lower pressure (even though a naive application of Bernoulli would lead you to believe the opposite).

FAQ: Need some help with Bernoulli's principle and how it applies to a drone

What is Bernoulli's principle?

Bernoulli's principle is a fundamental concept in fluid dynamics that describes the relationship between the speed of a fluid and its pressure. It states that as the speed of a fluid increases, its pressure decreases, and vice versa.

How does Bernoulli's principle apply to drones?

In the case of drones, Bernoulli's principle is applied to the lift force that allows the drone to fly. The propellers of a drone create a difference in air pressure, with the air moving faster above the propellers than below. This creates a lower pressure above the propellers, allowing the drone to lift off the ground.

Can you provide an example of Bernoulli's principle in action on a drone?

One example of Bernoulli's principle in action on a drone is when the drone is moving forward. As it moves, the air flowing over the wings or propellers moves faster, creating a lower pressure above the wings or propellers, which generates lift and allows the drone to stay in the air.

How does the shape of a drone's wings or propellers affect Bernoulli's principle?

The shape of a drone's wings or propellers is crucial in creating the necessary difference in air pressure for Bernoulli's principle to work. A curved shape, such as that of an airplane wing, creates a longer path for the air to travel over the top, resulting in faster airflow and lower pressure. This shape is essential for generating lift on a drone.

Are there any other factors that can affect Bernoulli's principle on a drone?

Yes, there are other factors that can affect Bernoulli's principle on a drone, such as air density, temperature, and humidity. These factors can impact the speed of the air and, therefore, the pressure difference created, ultimately affecting the lift force and flight of the drone.
