Newtons first law should not be termed an expression of inertia

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of inertia and its relation to Newton's first law of motion. It is argued that inertia is not a physical thing, but rather a property or tendency defined by the first law. The idea of removing inertia from a body is deemed impossible and the law applies to all objects, even if they have no inertia. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of understanding the fundamental principles of physics and avoiding speculative discussions.
  • #1
Newtons first law should not be termed an expression of inertia


In case inertia could be removed from a body (e.g by a relative of Maxwell`s demon), the following situation is presumably true;

1. A body B has a state of uniform motion in a right line
2. Inertia is removed from the bodies mass
3. The bodies state of motion is unchanged*

4. Another (inertial)body A comes in contact with Body B
5. This contact causes B to change in its state of motion which is described as mass over a distance per second squared. Also known as force.

I conclude the following about LAW I;

Every body perseveres in its state of uniform motion in a right line regardless of inertia.

Any body can be compelled to a change in its state of motion by forces regardless of inertia.

Newtons first law is therefore independent of inertia and should not be termed an expression of inertia or «the law of inertia».

Some examples where LAW I is termed an expression of inertia; and Noteworthy
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  • #2
Your post is hardly coherent... but it seems you just don't understand what 'inertia' is.

'Inertia' (as you can find from a simple google search), is not a physical thing---its a property, or a 'tendency'. In particular, 'intertia' IS exactly Newton's first law. In other words, Newton's first law defines 'inertia'.

[tex]F = 0[/tex]
[tex]ma \sim \Delta (mv) = 0[/tex]
Edited equation for clarity

That is inertia.
johann1301 said:
In case inertia could be removed from a body (e.g by a relative of Maxwell`s demon)
What? Maxwell's demon removed certain types of particles from an ensemble of many... how do you remove inertia from an object without exerting a force upon it?

johann1301 said:
In case inertia could be removed from a body (e.g by a relative of Maxwell`s demon), the following situation is presumably true;

1. A body B has a state of uniform motion in a right line
2. Inertia is removed from the bodies mass
3. The bodies state of motion is unchanged*
You don't 'remove inertia from mass'.
You put an '*' on part '3' without expanding... '3' is also completely false. Inertia is an objects state of motion.

johann1301 said:
4. Another (inertial)body A comes in contact with Body B
5. This contact causes B to change in its state of motion which is described as mass over a distance per second squared. Also known as force.
This isn't really related to the overall point, but force is in units of mass * distance per second squared.

johann1301 said:
Some examples where LAW I is termed an expression of inertia; and Noteworthy

For the record; random videos aren't especially pertinent sources or references...
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  • #3
What does
stand for?

The mark(*) is there because i don't know if the statement is true.
I figure you do;
'3' is also completely false
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  • #4
johann1301 said:
What does [tex] \Delta(mv) [/tex] stand for?

The 'Delta' ([itex]\Delta[/itex]) refers to a 'change in' a parameter. A more exact statement would have been [tex] \frac{d}{dt} (mv) = 0 [/tex] which means, the derivative* of the mass times the velocity. If the mass is constant, this simplifies to
[tex]\textrm{if} \hspace{0.2in} \frac{d}{dt} m = 0 \hspace{0.2in} \textrm{then} \hspace{0.2in} \frac{d}{dt} (mv) = m a[/tex]
Where the acceleration is the derivative of the velocity.

* If you are unfamiliar with derivatives, its basically the instantaneous rate of change of something.
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  • #5
ΔZHermes: Force has units based on mass, distance and time squared. Not what you said.
Your equation: ma = Δ(mv) is incorrect.
It should read ma = m(Δv/Δt).

johann1301: Δ(mv) is more commonly and correctly written as mΔv and means change in momentum.

To start changing mass by breaking off bits or whatever changes the object in discussion so that it is neither Object A nor Object B any more.
  • #6
daqddyo1 said:
ΔZHermes: Force has units based on mass, distance and time squared. Not what you said.
Your equation: ma = Δ(mv) is incorrect.
Thanks @daqddyo, fixed and clarified these respectively.
  • #7
I understand why you disagree and find my demon silly. Its not possibly to remove inertia from matter.

If i said;

Lets say that some day we find a rock from space which is made of matter/mass but has no inertia. I know, its a stupid thought. (but imagine that! wow!)

Why should or would we think that it would be an exception from Newtons first law of motion?

My answer is; it wouldn't be an exception from the law, it would follow the law exactly. Is there any reason to think anything else?
  • #8
johann1301 said:
I understand why you disagree and find my demon silly. Its not possibly to remove inertia from matter.

If i said;

Lets say that some day we find a rock from space which is made of matter/mass but has no inertia. I know, its a stupid thought. (but imagine that! wow!)

This is one of the most meaningless waste-of-time discussion that I've ever seen on this forum.

1. You have not shown ANY physics that decouples mass from inertia.

2. Yet, without showing #1, you THEN somehow make this outlandish assertion of "what if".

This thread is in clear violation of the PF Rules on over-speculative post.


FAQ: Newtons first law should not be termed an expression of inertia

What is Newton's first law and how is it related to inertia?

Newton's first law, also known as the law of inertia, states that an object at rest will remain at rest and an object in motion will continue in a straight line at a constant speed unless acted upon by an external force. This law is closely related to the concept of inertia, which is the tendency of an object to resist changes in its state of motion.

Why should Newton's first law not be termed as an expression of inertia?

While Newton's first law is often referred to as the law of inertia, it is more accurately an expression of the principle of inertia. Inertia is a property of matter that is described by Newton's first law, but it is not the same thing as the law itself. The law states the effect of inertia, rather than defining what inertia is.

What are some common examples of Newton's first law in action?

A common example of Newton's first law is a hockey puck sliding on an ice rink. Once the puck is set in motion, it will continue moving in a straight line at a constant speed unless acted upon by a force, such as a player's stick or the friction of the ice. Another example is a book sitting on a table - it remains at rest until a force, such as someone picking it up, is applied to it.

How does understanding Newton's first law help us in everyday life?

Understanding Newton's first law can help us in everyday life by allowing us to predict how objects will behave in different situations. For example, if we know that an object at rest will remain at rest unless acted upon by a force, we can anticipate that a book sitting on a table will not move unless someone or something moves it. This can also help us make decisions, such as wearing a seatbelt while driving to prevent being thrown from the car in the event of a sudden stop.

What are the limitations or exceptions of Newton's first law?

While Newton's first law is a fundamental principle of physics, it has some limitations and exceptions. For example, in the absence of external forces, objects in motion will continue moving at a constant speed and in a straight line. However, if an external force, such as air resistance, is present, the object's motion may change. Additionally, the law only applies to objects in inertial frames of reference, which are frames that are not accelerating. In non-inertial frames, such as a car turning, the law may not hold true.

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