Will I be accepted by my male peers in engineering as a female?

In summary, the speaker is starting their studies in Electrical Engineering in September but has received no support from girls due to the fear and stigma surrounding engineering. They question how boys will react to them and if they will be able to gain their support and friendship. Others, including a successful female engineer and friends studying engineering, assure them that gender doesn't matter and they will be accepted and respected for their abilities.
  • #1
This coming September I will be studying Electrical Engineering. Not a single girl supported me in my decision. Everyone was afraid of engineering. Everyone frowned upon me, since aspirations for medical school and business were the popular choices and seemed the norm in my school( among both girls and boys). I was just wondering, how will the boys react to me in university when i have to built an inverted pendulum and so forth (maybe Tesla's coil, hehehe)? Will I be able to gain boys support, friendship and partnership? I'm speaking more towards males since there will not be many girls in engineering especially EE! :frown:
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I'm lost... what is trying to be achieved here?
  • #3
College is for you. Do not make your decisions based on what you think others may think of you. Be your own person and you'll be fine. People will accept you if you can accept yourself.
  • #4
Russ got this one.

In fairness, only around 5% of the students in my department were girls. But I don't know of one who encountered any prejudice against them based on their sex. My best coursemate was one of the 3 girls on my course, and (I'm generalising here) the girls seemed to fit in a lot better than many of the blokes!

Don't worry about it, and it won't be a problem. It might even work in your favour, since industry is so keen to recruit female engineers that many large companies offer valuable scholarships and bursaries to females on engineering courses. And remember, when you graduate, you will be the one saying "I told you so" to all the idiots who frowned on you for choosing engineering in the first place.

Good luck!
  • #5
Ok I'm not a man but speaking as a woman I think its fantastic you are interested in such a field it makes no sense to me why more women are not..Good luck to you
  • #6
nikola-tesla said:
This coming September I will be studying Electrical Engineering. Not a single girl supported me in my decision. Everyone was afraid of engineering. Everyone frowned upon me, since aspirations for medical school and business were the popular choices and seemed the norm in my school( among both girls and boys). I was just wondering, how will the boys react to me in university when i have to built an inverted pendulum and so forth (maybe Tesla's coil, hehehe)? Will I be able to gain boys support, friendship and partnership? I'm speaking more towards males since there will not be many girls in engineering especially EE! :frown:

I know what you mean. The number of girls taking up engineering in my college are very few. Anyway, the number seems to be increasing. Medicine seemed to be the norm in my school too, but I decided to go in for Computer Engineering, much to the shock of my friends, who still think girls cannot be engineers.
  • #7
The 25 year-old daughter of an acquaintance is a mechanical engineer at a company that does subcontract work. She gets to design things in dozens of different fields, loves her work, and is very respected.
  • #8
nikola-tesla said:
This coming September I will be studying Electrical Engineering. Not a single girl supported me in my decision. Everyone was afraid of engineering. Everyone frowned upon me, since aspirations for medical school and business were the popular choices and seemed the norm in my school( among both girls and boys). I was just wondering, how will the boys react to me in university when i have to built an inverted pendulum and so forth (maybe Tesla's coil, hehehe)? Will I be able to gain boys support, friendship and partnership? I'm speaking more towards males since there will not be many girls in engineering especially EE! :frown:
Lots of my friends are studying engineering and they don't have any problem as far as I know.You know they really like what they're studying and I don't think you'd need your classmates to help you.But I'm sure if you need their help, for sure they'll help you especially because there aren't lots of gils who study engineering(base on what you said!).I think if you wanted to study Mechanical Engineering, you may need others' help.
You know I have a friend who's more successful than her bf.She's studying Electrical Engineering and she's working at the same time! :smile:
  • #9
nikola-tesla said:
This coming September I will be studying Electrical Engineering. Not a single girl supported me in my decision. Everyone was afraid of engineering. Everyone frowned upon me, since aspirations for medical school and business were the popular choices and seemed the norm in my school( among both girls and boys). I was just wondering, how will the boys react to me in university when i have to built an inverted pendulum and so forth (maybe Tesla's coil, hehehe)? Will I be able to gain boys support, friendship and partnership? I'm speaking more towards males since there will not be many girls in engineering especially EE! :frown:
Well, if you're male, you will be able to gain the support of the female EE students only if you are sincere and work hard at your studies. And if you're female, ditto. M/F doesn't matter. What matters is what's in your mind and how you apply it. This isn't the 1950's anymore. Even when I did my undergrad in the late 70's, it wasn't the 1950's anymore, thank goodness. -Mike-
  • #10
When you become an EE (or a student of it) you will be in a new world where you
will be accepted and respected for what you do. And don't let those who can't
become EE's stop you. You'll love it. I know, I'm an EE.
  • #11
nikola-tesla said:
This coming September I will be studying Electrical Engineering. Not a single girl supported me in my decision. Everyone was afraid of engineering. Everyone frowned upon me, since aspirations for medical school and business were the popular choices and seemed the norm in my school( among both girls and boys). I was just wondering, how will the boys react to me in university when i have to built an inverted pendulum and so forth (maybe Tesla's coil, hehehe)? Will I be able to gain boys support, friendship and partnership? I'm speaking more towards males since there will not be many girls in engineering especially EE! :frown:

I am understanding you are a girl which is not sure about what will happen in the man engineering's world. Read this:

You are lucky!

Why? Think of it. How many girls are inside an engineering classroom? I would say a 5% of total alumnii. What do you think boys are going to do with you? Be sure they are not going to hate you or to be impolite with you. ON THE CONTRARY they are going to be flirting with you all the time (listen my opinion carefully, I have done what I am telling you for a long time). A woman in an engineering classroom is the princess of the world. I know cases in which a fat ugly girl can feel herself as the queen of the world because of our desperated anxiety and disliking of being rounded by guys all our class time. So you are very lucky. :biggrin: :wink:
  • #12
Thank you so much. I feel so happy now. You made my day.
  • #13
My sister is going to do EE in NUS (singapore) soon. Nothing unusual bout that too.
  • #14
I was going to say "you're in trouble. There are no girls in engineering." But then I realized you're a girl! Hooray! You will love it. (And tons of boys will love you.) :-)
  • #15
I wonder if the opposite situation exists in like, liberal arts (or education degree, whichever its called) or art or something like that. Would be friggen unbelievable for the guys to be the 5% of the class rooms!
  • #16
Pengwuino said:
I wonder if the opposite situation exists in like, liberal arts (or education degree, whichever its called) or art or something like that. Would be friggen unbelievable for the guys to be the 5% of the class rooms!

Women's studies :-)

Should have done that...
  • #17
Omegatron said:
Women's studies :-)

Should have done that...
:smile: I attended a women's college, thus ran into a few Women's Studies majors. It wouldn't have done you any good to be one of the <5% of males in that class, unless you enjoy being abused regularly. :-p

As for women in engineering, go for it! It seems unfair to the men, but they will practically THROW money at you to stay in that field if you're a woman...at least if you're even halfway decent at it. I know a few women who are engineers (they are all college friends). One was an EE, and two were Civil Es, and they had no problems with their male classmates (other than the rare chauvenist you'll run into anywhere, nothing peculiar to the field).
  • #18
Moonbear said:
:smile: I attended a women's college, thus ran into a few Women's Studies majors. It wouldn't have done you any good to be one of the <5% of males in that class, unless you enjoy being abused regularly. :-p

Well yeah, you'd have to be gay to be their friends. :-)
  • #19
Moonbear said:
:smile: I attended a women's college, thus ran into a few Women's Studies majors. It wouldn't have done you any good to be one of the <5% of males in that class, unless you enjoy being abused regularly. :-p

what kind of abuse :D
  • #20
Omegatron said:
Women's studies :-)

Should have done that...
What on Earth is Women's Studies and why do we need it ?
  • #21
The need for "Women's Studies" should be obvious...
  • #22
haha i doubt they would even offer a phd program. Who could really say they understand women :|
  • #23
In Mining Engg.,

1) No Physically handicapped allowed to apply.

2) No Girls allowed.

This is a common eligibility criteria in colleges.

Now what say on that?

  • #24
Where do you live drbrain? or is that a joke
  • #25
Mining areas in India , Africa do not allow girls , I have heard.Dont know about US.

  • #26
Think you'd get a lawsuit if you dared say no girls allowed in a program in the US
  • #27
Pengwuino said:
Think you'd get a lawsuit if you dared say no girls allowed in a program in the US

Maybe...you have the right to free association but that is not absolute. You could do it but it would be risky.
  • #28
Well at least no public school would be allowed to. Private school... actually you could privately.
  • #29
Pengwuino said:
Private school... actually you could privately.

Not necessarily...it really is a complicated matter. Some judges might say that in this case you have the right to free association and in others they may not. It depends on a lot of things.
  • #30
Well there are all boys and all girls colleges.
  • #31
Pengwuino said:
Well there are all boys and all girls colleges.

Like I said...it depends on a lot of factors. I would be willing to bet the most of the all boy or all girl colleges are old. Most older institutions can get past laws by the grandfather clause...

Anyhow, my point is that you can do it, but you have to know the laws and understand them before setting up something that might be perceived as an intrusion on someone elses rights.
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  • #32
In Mining Engg.,

1) No Physically handicapped allowed to apply.

2) No Girls allowed.

This is a common eligibility criteria in colleges.

Now what say on that?
A girl that went to High School with me is studing mining eng.
  • #33
Do it! It is a strain taking these math classes with very few women! :smile: Seriously though, do what you want to do, I like how russ put it: "College is for you."
  • #34
Gokul43201 said:
What on Earth is Women's Studies and why do we need it ?

I thought it was OBGYN??

oh snap that is SO sexist, cronxeh! How could u??
  • #35
Yes, gynecology is the major you want, not women's studies.