Nuclear Vibrations: Krane pg 141 | 0^+ State

In summary, the book passage discusses adding two quadrupole phonons to a ##0^+## state, which can be written in the form ##Y_{\lambda \mu}## with ##\lambda=2##. The possible ##\mu## values for these phonons are listed, with the restriction that only even values of angular momentum are allowed due to angular momentum selection rules and symmetrization. This explains why ##l=1## or ##l=3## are not permitted. The same reasoning applies to adding three quadrupole phonons, with the possible states being ##0^+, 2^+, 3^+, 4^+,6^+##. The explanation for the ##3^
  • #1
In a passage of our book (Krane page 141) they add two quadrupole phonons to a ##0^+## state. So as I understand it these phonon can be written in the form ##Y_{\lambda \mu}## with ##\lambda=2##. It makes sense that this corresponds to two units of angular momenta. Then they talk about the possible ##\mu## values for these phonons and get the list below. But I don't understand how they get the list below. I can understand how ##+\mu = \pm 4## forces ##l=4## but not the rest. Why isn't ##l=1## or ##l=3## permitted?

##l=4 \; \; \; \mu = +4, +3 ,+2 ,+1 ,0 ,-1,-2,-3,-4##
##l=2 \; \; \; \mu = +2 ,+1 ,0 ,-1,-2##
##l=0 \; \; \; \mu = +0##

They also say that if we instead add ##3## quadrupole the possible states are
##0^+, 2^+, 3^+, 4^+,6^+##.
But how is ##3^+## possible? Shouldn't the parity be ##(-1)^l##?
Even parity makes some sense with the total wave function of the phonons must be symmetric since they have integer spins and ##0^+## being symmetric the combination should be symmetric but I don't get why this contradicts the rule above.
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  • #2
Incand said:
They also say that if we instead add 333 quadrupole the possible states are
0+,2+,3+,4+,6+0+,2+,3+,4+,6+0^+, 2^+, 3^+, 4^+,6^+.
But how is 3+3+3^+ possible? Shouldn't the parity be (−1)l(−1)l(-1)^l?
Even parity makes some sense with the total wave function of the phonons must be symmetric since they have integer spins and 0+0+0^+ being symmetric the combination should be symmetric but I don't get why this contradicts the rule above.

i was looking up and found that the allowed states are due to angular momentum correlations...
<Angular-momentum selection rules allow for the values of λ = 0,1,2,3,4.
However, it turns out that not all of these values are possible

the wave functions for odd values of λ vanish: such states do not exist !
The two-phonon states are thus restricted to angular momenta 0, 2, and 4,
forming the two-phonon triplet.

This effect is an example of the interplay of angular-momentum coupling and
symmetrization (or, for fermions, antisymmetrization).>

To get a detail treatment of modes of vibrations (both surface vibrations and spherical vibrations)
one can look up the following...

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  • #3
That would explain it. I've read through the pdf too. I haven't read about Clebsch-Gordan coefficients before so I guess the explanation is a bit beyond me. But at least now I know a reason for why we only have even values of angular momenta. Kind of makes me even more curious about the three quadrupole phonon thought with their non even state.

I now remembered the parity rules explaining the ##3^+## state as well. Parity is ##\pi = \Pi_i \pi_i## so since the quadrupole phonon is even so is the total parity.
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I found that the following pdf explain it quite nicely in a simpler way
So for example for two phonons we only had a single ##\mu = 3## state that is already accounted in ##l=4## so we got nothing over for ##l=3##. You can see the same reasoning applied to three phonons in the pdf. So just accounting for all the ##\mu## states we arrive at the right conclusion.
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FAQ: Nuclear Vibrations: Krane pg 141 | 0^+ State

What is a 0+ state in nuclear vibrations?

A 0+ state in nuclear vibrations refers to a nuclear state with zero spin and positive parity. This means that the nucleus does not have any intrinsic angular momentum and is symmetrical under parity transformation.

Why is the 0+ state important in nuclear vibrations?

The 0+ state is important in nuclear vibrations because it is the ground state of many even-even nuclei. This means that it is the most stable and energetically favorable state of the nucleus.

How do nuclear vibrations in the 0+ state affect nuclear stability?

Nuclear vibrations in the 0+ state do not significantly affect nuclear stability. This is because the 0+ state is the ground state and any vibrations around this state are small and do not alter the overall stability of the nucleus.

What is the role of nuclear vibrations in nuclear reactions?

Nuclear vibrations play a crucial role in nuclear reactions. They can affect the energy levels and excitation of the nucleus, which can in turn affect the outcome of a nuclear reaction.

Can nuclear vibrations in the 0+ state be observed?

Yes, nuclear vibrations in the 0+ state can be observed using experimental techniques such as inelastic scattering or gamma-ray spectroscopy. These techniques can detect the energy levels and transitions of the nucleus, which can provide information about its vibrations.

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