One dimensional infinite potential well problem

In summary: It's not a 'convolution'. That's something else. It's just the integral conjugate(psi1(x))*psi2(x) over the domain of the wavefunctions. And yes, if everything is properly normalized that's all you have to do.
  • #1
I am not getting idea to solve below problem
A particle of mass m is in a one-dimensional ,rectangular potential well for which V(x)=0 for 0<x< L and V(x)=infinite elsewhere. The particle is intially prepared in the ground state ψ1 with eigen energy E1. Then , at time t=0, the potential is very rapidly changed so that the original wave function remains the same but V(x)=0 for 0<x<2L and V(x)=infinite elsewhere.Find the probability that the particle is in the first,second,third and fourth excited state of the system when t ≥ 0.
could you help me please.
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  • #2
When the potential is changed suddenly the original wavefunction stays the same. To compute the amplitudes of being in any other state then just compute the overlap integral <psi1|phi> where phi is the wavefunction of the excited state. To get the probability find the modulus squared of the amplitude.
  • #3
Dick said:
When the potential is changed suddenly the original wavefunction stays the same. To compute the amplitudes of being in any other state then just compute the overlap integral <psi1|phi> where phi is the wavefunction of the excited state. To get the probability find the modulus squared of the amplitude.

the |phi> is the excited states in the new potential, right??
  • #4
tnho said:
the |phi> is the excited states in the new potential, right??

  • #5
Dick said:
compute the overlap integral <psi1|phi> where phi is the wavefunction of the excited state.
Two quick questions:

1. Is this 'overlap integral' the convolution of the wavefunctions in each potential?

2. Is taking this 'overlap integral' in such a situation generally the way to tackle problems such as this?
  • #6
White Ink said:
Two quick questions:

1. Is this 'overlap integral' the convolution of the wavefunctions in each potential?

2. Is taking this 'overlap integral' in such a situation generally the way to tackle problems such as this?

It's not a 'convolution'. That's something else. It's just the integral conjugate(psi1(x))*psi2(x) over the domain of the wavefunctions. And yes, if everything is properly normalized that's all you have to do.

FAQ: One dimensional infinite potential well problem

1. What is the one dimensional infinite potential well problem?

The one dimensional infinite potential well problem is a simplified model used in quantum mechanics to describe the behavior of particles confined to a one-dimensional space. It consists of a particle trapped in a potential well with infinitely high walls, meaning the particle cannot escape the well. This problem is used to study the behavior of particles in confined spaces, such as atoms in a solid or electrons in a semiconductor.

2. How is the one dimensional infinite potential well problem solved?

The solution to the one dimensional infinite potential well problem is found using the Schrödinger equation, which describes the behavior of quantum systems. The solution is a set of wave functions, which represent the probability of finding the particle at a given position inside the well. These solutions are known as the eigenfunctions of the problem.

3. What are the energy levels in the one dimensional infinite potential well?

The energy levels in the one dimensional infinite potential well are quantized, meaning they can only take on discrete values. The lowest energy level, known as the ground state, has an energy of 0 and corresponds to the particle being confined to the center of the well. The higher energy levels have increasing energy and correspond to the particle being in more excited states, further away from the center of the well.

4. How does the width of the well affect the energy levels?

The width of the well has a direct impact on the energy levels in the one dimensional infinite potential well. A wider well results in higher energy levels, while a narrower well results in lower energy levels. This is because the width of the well affects the probability of finding the particle in different positions inside the well, and therefore affects the energy of the particle.

5. What is the significance of the one dimensional infinite potential well problem?

The one dimensional infinite potential well problem is an important concept in quantum mechanics as it provides a simplified model for understanding the behavior of particles in confined spaces. It also serves as a building block for more complex quantum systems, such as the quantum harmonic oscillator and the hydrogen atom. The solutions to this problem have also been used to explain various phenomena in condensed matter physics, such as the behavior of electrons in solids.
