Optimal Motor Power for DIY Cat Waste and Litter Device

  • #1
I am a beginner in Electronics and motors, and I want to build a DIY device that is like this

I am just wondering how powerful is that motor that turns the globe in the device, which would hold the cat waste and litter. I am looking to get a powerful enough motor from Amazon.ca but just not sure how powerful do I need to go. I think I am looking for AC motors as they are more powerful than DC.

Does anyone know?
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2

The power supply is 30W so the motor must be smaller than that. I would suggest using a DC motor as they are much easier to control with digital electronics at this size.

You will need gearing to increase the torque to a sufficient value to turn the barrel of litter.

  • #3
Ah ok, is it possible you could show me some example DC motors that would be powerful enough for this. And do you think it would be better to have just 1 motor on the side or 2 motors, 1 on each side? I was thinking of making a gear rack/track strip going around the barrel, and then attaching a gear to the motors to help turn.
  • #4
Yes. Turning from the outside edge is a good idea. Depending on the weight you may be able to use a rubber driving wheel (think rock tumbler) then you won't have to make a large gear the correct size. You may be able to find a gearbox with attached rubber wheel ready made that will work for you. Using a large belt around the barrel like clothes dryers do might also be an option.

One motor simplifies the design. I would only look into multiple motors as a last resort.

First you need to calculate the rotation speed and acceleration you need. The only information we have now is that it can be done with less than 30W.

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Likes jrmichler
  • #5
rbelli1 said:
Turning from the outside edge is a good idea.
Especially because that would act as a safety clutch too.
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Likes rbelli1
  • #6
Rive said:
Especially because that would act as a safety clutch too.

You can then size the drive motor to be just powerful enough to make the friction drive slip. A more powerful motor would be wasted, a less powerful motor might not be enough.