Pair Instability Supernovae & Electron Capture Supernovae

In summary, the conversation discusses four types of core collapse causes in supernovae: electron capture in a degenerate O+Ne+Mg core, iron core collapse, pair instability, and photodisintegration. These causes lead to different types of supernovae and remnants, such as neutron stars and black holes. The conversation also touches on the process of pair instability, where fluctuations in the core's density and temperature lead to a reduction in radiation pressure and ultimately result in a supernova without any remnants left behind.
  • #1
Hi! I've been browsing the internet for information about supernovae and I came across this chart describing 4 types of core collapse causes (the chart may have copied weirdly because not all the information fits into this text box):

Cause of collapseProgenitor star approximate initial mass (solar masses)Supernova typeRemnant
Electron capture in a degenerate O+Ne+Mg core9–10Faint II-PNeutron star
Iron core collapse10–25Faint II-PNeutron star
25–40 with low or solar metallicityNormal II-PBlack hole after fallback of material onto an initial neutron star
25–40 with very high metallicityII-L or II-bNeutron star
40–90 with low metallicityNoneBlack hole
≥40 with near-solar metallicityFaint Ib/c, or hypernova with gamma-ray burst (GRB)Black hole after fallback of material onto an initial neutron star
≥40 with very high metallicityIb/cNeutron star
≥90 with low metallicityNone, possible GRBBlack hole
Pair instability140–250 with low metallicityII-P, sometimes a hypernova, possible GRBNo remnant
Photodisintegration≥250 with low metallicityNone (or luminous supernova?), possible GRBMassive black hole

I am familiar with iron core collapse supernovae and photodisintegration supernovae, but I have some questions about the other two types:
1. Why are electrons captured in an O+Ne+Mg core?
2. If the electron-positron pairs annihilate and return their energy to gamma rays (in the progenitors of pair instability supernovae), why am I reading that the radiation pressure is being reduced? Also, why am I reading that a pair instability supernova leaves behind no remnant?
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  • #2
tovisonnenberg said:
1. Why are electrons captured in an O+Ne+Mg core?

I'm not certain, but it may be because the degenerate core simply gains enough mass to undergo collapse into a neutron star. The immense pressure makes it energetically favorable for protons and electrons to combine into neutrons.

tovisonnenberg said:
2. If the electron-positron pairs annihilate and return their energy to gamma rays (in the progenitors of pair instability supernovae), why am I reading that the radiation pressure is being reduced? Also, why am I reading that a pair instability supernova leaves behind no remnant?

If I understand things correctly, fluctuations in the core's density and temperature cause an increase in the energy of the generated gamma rays, which increases the amount of electron-positron pairs created. In stars not massive enough, this temporarily reduces the radiation pressure until the electron-positron pairs annihilate with each other to produce gamma rays, since many gamma rays are used up in creating the particles and can't support the star. The increase is only temporarily in star not massive enough for pair-instability supernova.

In stars massive enough, the following occurs (from wiki):

As temperatures and gamma ray energies increase, more and more gamma ray energy is absorbed in creating electron–positron pairs. This reduction in gamma ray energy density reduces the radiation pressure that resists gravitational collapse and supports the outer layers of the star. The star contracts, compressing and heating the core, thereby increasing the rate of energy production. This increases the energy of the gamma rays that are produced making them more likely to interact and so increases the rate at which energy is absorbed in further pair production. As a result, the stellar core loses its support in a runaway process, in which gamma rays are created at an increasing rate, but more and more of the gamma rays are absorbed to produce electron–positron pairs, and the annihilation of the electron–positron pairs is insufficient to halt further contraction of the core, resulting in a supernova.

No remnant is left behind because the contraction and subsequent increase in temperature and density drastically increases the rate of fusion in the core, which ends up blowing the star apart.
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  • #3
tovisonnenberg said:
Interesting. But why doesn't the mass gain ignite magnesium and neon fusion instead?

That's a good question, and I'm afraid I don't know the answer. I'll look around some and see if I can find more information.

FAQ: Pair Instability Supernovae & Electron Capture Supernovae

What is the difference between Pair Instability Supernovae and Electron Capture Supernovae?

Pair Instability Supernovae occur in very massive stars, typically those with a mass of at least 130 times that of the Sun. These supernovae are triggered by the production of electron-positron pairs in the star's core, causing a rapid collapse and explosion. On the other hand, Electron Capture Supernovae occur in lower mass stars, typically those with a mass between 8 and 10 times that of the Sun. In these supernovae, the core collapses due to electron capture by protons, leading to a thermonuclear explosion.

How do Pair Instability Supernovae and Electron Capture Supernovae differ from Type Ia and Type II Supernovae?

Type Ia and Type II Supernovae are caused by different mechanisms than Pair Instability Supernovae and Electron Capture Supernovae. Type Ia Supernovae occur in binary star systems when a white dwarf star accretes matter from its companion until it reaches a critical mass and undergoes a thermonuclear explosion. Type II Supernovae occur in massive stars when their cores run out of nuclear fuel and collapse, leading to a core-collapse supernova.

What is the role of electron capture in the explosion of a supernova?

In Electron Capture Supernovae, the collapse of the star's core is triggered by the capture of electrons by protons, causing a release of energy that leads to a thermonuclear explosion. This process is essential in these types of supernovae, as it is the main source of energy for the explosion.

Are there any observable differences between Pair Instability Supernovae and Electron Capture Supernovae?

Yes, there are observable differences between these two types of supernovae. Pair Instability Supernovae are known to produce large amounts of radioactive nickel, which can be observed in the aftermath of the explosion. On the other hand, Electron Capture Supernovae do not produce significant amounts of radioactive nickel, making them less luminous and harder to observe.

What is the current understanding of the progenitors of Pair Instability Supernovae and Electron Capture Supernovae?

The progenitors of Pair Instability Supernovae are believed to be very massive stars, typically those with a mass of at least 130 times that of the Sun. However, the progenitors of Electron Capture Supernovae are still not well understood. Some studies suggest that they may be stars with a mass between 8 and 10 times that of the Sun, while others suggest they may be stars with a mass between 10 and 25 times that of the Sun.
