Parallel plate capacitor with dielectric in a gravitational field.

In summary, the equilibrium condition in the presence of a gravitational field is when the dielectric block is pushed a small distance past equilibrium. The period of small oscillations around this equilibrium point is given by the capacitance of the dielectric filled part divided by the charge of the dielectric.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A square parallel plate capacitor with vertical plates of area A
and distance d, charged with a constant charge Q and is completely
filled with a dielectric material the same dimension as the gap between
the plates, with dielectric constant k and mass m. Assuming
the dielectric is a solid block of material that can move inside the
capacitor with no friction, what would be the equilibrium condition
in the presence of gravitational field? What would be the period of
small oscillations around this equilibrium point?

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

Honestly I don't know where to begin with this question. Is it suggesting that the dielectric would oscillate from side to side between the plates? How? I am assuming I've just stared at the problem too long and I am missing something obvious, so if someone could just nudge me in the right direction by pointing out what this question is asking it would help a lot.
Physics news on
  • #2
Vertical plates! There will be two forces in balance, one the weight of the dialectric, the other an electrostatic attraction between plates and the dialectric.
  • #3
Why is there electrostatic attraction toward the dielectric, it has no charge! Adwodon I am pretty sure youre on my course btw. UCL?
  • #4
Sorry Chi Meson I forgot to thank you it was a case of me staring at it so long I completely ignored the vertical part, it took a while but I figured it out before our original due date (tuesday), we got an extension though as barely anyone could do all 3 questions (this being the first and easiest).

Connor yes I am at UCL.

The dielectric has no overall charge, but the electrons will move towards the positive plate of the capacitor so you get something like this:

So the attraction is only between the edge of the dielectric.
When a dielectric is fully inserted this force will cancel itself out, but if there is a gap it will pull it in (ie if the dielectric starts to fall out it will be pulled back in)

If you want some help imagine the dielectric is horizontal for now, push it into the dielectric by a distance x

Capacitance of the part filled with dielectric will be:


Part filled with air:


as the volage across the two parts is the same

As charge is constant:

U= (-Q^2)/2C

F= -dU/dx

Thats how you figure out the force the plates put on the dielectric, then just imagine the plates were vertical. As for the small oscillations, just see what happens when the dielectric is pushed a small distance past equilibrium (y, where y<<x).

If you're still having trouble I am easy to spot, I am the guy with the arm covered in tattoos. Although I am pretty sure I've nailed this one I haven't touched the rest of this problem sheet though. Too busy with other work.

FAQ: Parallel plate capacitor with dielectric in a gravitational field.

1. How does the presence of a dielectric affect the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor in a gravitational field?

The presence of a dielectric material in a parallel plate capacitor in a gravitational field increases the capacitance. This is because the dielectric material has a higher permittivity than air, which allows for a greater accumulation of charge on the plates.

2. How does the direction of the gravitational field affect the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor?

The direction of the gravitational field does not have a significant effect on the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor. The capacitance is primarily determined by the distance between the plates and the permittivity of the dielectric material.

3. Does the gravitational field affect the electric field between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor?

Yes, the gravitational field does affect the electric field between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor. The electric field is stronger in the direction of the gravitational field, and weaker in the opposite direction.

4. How does the presence of a dielectric in a parallel plate capacitor in a gravitational field affect the energy stored in the capacitor?

The presence of a dielectric in a parallel plate capacitor in a gravitational field increases the energy stored in the capacitor. This is because the dielectric material reduces the electric field between the plates, allowing for a greater accumulation of charge and therefore, a higher energy storage capacity.

5. Can the gravitational field affect the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor to the point of altering its performance?

In most cases, the gravitational field does not have a significant enough effect on the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor to alter its performance. However, in extreme gravitational fields, such as near a black hole, the effects may be more noticeable and could potentially impact the performance of the capacitor.
