Solving a 3D PDE with given initial conditions and characteristics"

In summary, the characteristics for the given partial differential equation are dx/dt= x, dy/dt= xy, and dz/dt= z. The solution for the PDE can be written as an arbitrary function of the constants x, y, and z, which are determined by the characteristic equations. The characteristics can be combined to form a single solution of the PDE.
  • #1
b]1. Homework Statement [/b]
Find the characteristics, and then the solution, of the partial differential equation

x[tex]\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}[/tex]+xy[tex]\frac{\partial u}{\partial y}[/tex]+z[tex]\frac{\partial u}{\partial z}[/tex]=0

given that u(1, y, z)=yz

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Found this question on an old exam and am not quite sure what to do.
Initialy i tried to take the z derivative to the other side and still take dy/dy=y to be the characteristics, leaving me to solve

x[tex]\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}[/tex]+z[tex]\frac{\partial u}{\partial z}[/tex]=0.

but i think that's wrong.
Could someone please point me in the right direction.
Physics news on
  • #2
Are you clear on what "characteristics" are for a partial differential equation?

The characteristics for this equation are given by
dx/dt= x, dy/dt= xy, and dz/dt= z. From the first and third, x= Aet and z= Cet. The second equation is dy/dt= Aety which separates as dy/y= Aetdt and integrates as ln(y)= Aet+ B' or y= BeAet= Bex. Also, z= Cet and, from x= Aet, et= x/A so z= Cex/A. That is, taking x= t as parameter, the charateristics are given by x= t, y= Bet, and z= Cet/A.
  • #3
Ok thanks. So would the solution of the PDE still be just an arbitary function of the constant combination of variables? how do i combine all the characteristics to form a single solution?

FAQ: Solving a 3D PDE with given initial conditions and characteristics"

What is a 3D PDE?

A 3D PDE, or partial differential equation, is a mathematical equation that involves multiple independent variables and their partial derivatives in three dimensions. It is commonly used to model physical phenomena in fields such as physics, engineering, and finance.

Why do we need to solve 3D PDEs?

3D PDEs are useful for understanding and predicting the behavior of complex systems in three-dimensional space. They allow us to analyze how a system changes over time and make predictions about its future behavior.

What are initial conditions in relation to 3D PDEs?

Initial conditions refer to the values of the dependent variables in a 3D PDE at the starting point of the system. These conditions are necessary to solve the equation and determine the behavior of the system over time.

What are characteristics in the context of solving a 3D PDE?

In the context of solving a 3D PDE, characteristics refer to the curves along which the solution of the equation is constant. They are an important tool for solving 3D PDEs and understanding the behavior of the system they represent.

What are some methods for solving 3D PDEs with given initial conditions and characteristics?

Some common methods for solving 3D PDEs with given initial conditions and characteristics include finite difference methods, finite element methods, and spectral methods. Each method has its own strengths and limitations, and the choice of method depends on the specific problem being solved.
