PFR reactor, concentration profile

Yes, if c is not a function of r, then the equation becomes a first order ODE that can be integrated analytically using separation of variables.
  • #1
When I set the differential equation (mass transfer) to find the the concentration profile of the i-spice I also need boundary condition to solve it. Inside the pipe (along its axis of symmetry) the concentration has a maximum (first derivate has to be 0), while on the internal surface... should I put the concentration egual to 0 (like i think) or should I force the function to have a minimum?
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  • #2
dRic2 said:
When I set the differential equation (mass transfer) to find the the concentration profile of the i-spice I also need boundary condition to solve it. Inside the pipe (along its axis of symmetry) the concentration has a maximum (first derivate has to be 0), while on the internal surface... should I put the concentration egual to 0 (like i think) or should I force the function to have a minimum?
Did you really expect us to figure out what you are describing here.? Please provide a precise statement of the problem or at least show the model equations that you are trying to solve.
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  • #3
Sorry, I thought it was a "general" question, I don't have a problem to solve, I was just thinking about it.

here are my assmption:

A PFR reactor = A pipe.

cylindrical coordinates.

Reagent "i" comes in and flow through the pipe.

Reaction ##i→ products## takes place. (equilibrium not reached)

Turbulent flow ## → \frac {\partial v} {\partial r} = 0##

Also ## \frac {\partial v} {\partial z} = 0##

My thinking:

Since the velocity, even if it can be considered as constant in the section of the pipe, has to be 0 when ##r = R_{pipe}## (boundary layer) so technically the time of residence of ##i## at the internal surface of the pipe has to be infinite ##→## the concentration of i at ##r=R_{pipe}## has to be zero.

My question:

Is it right or should I say, instead, that the concentration of i at ##r=R_{pipe}## is minumum?
  • #4
The PFR model is only an idealization, featuring a square wave residence time distribution, so it doesn't really pay to worry about what's happening at the wall. However, even in real reactors where the velocity is profiled and is zero at the wall, the system doesn't behave as if the reaction has an infinite time to occur for the material near the wall. There is still diffusion of chemical species that allows reactants to diffuse from the bulk toward the wall and products to diffuse from the wall to the bulk. So the species concentrations at the wall are not what they would be if there were no diffusion. Typically, in modeling laminar flow reactors, we include radial diffusion.
  • #5
So, let's say I write the equation of mass transfer for i specie like this:
$$ v_z \frac {\partial c_i} {\partial z} = -D_{diff} \left[ \frac 1 r \frac {\partial} {\partial r} \left(r \frac {\partial c_i} {\partial r} \right) + \frac {\partial ^2 c_i} {\partial z^2}\right] + kc_i$$

what boundary condition should I apply?

I thought:

## lim_{z→∞} c_i(r, z) = 0 ##
## \frac {\partial c_i} {\partial r} |_0 = 0 ##
## \frac {\partial c_i} {\partial r} |_R = 0 ## ?? Not sure at all

and maybe the fourth could be:

## v_zc_i^0 = v_zc_i(r, 0) - D_{diff} \frac {\partial c(0, z)} {\partial z} ## (comes from ##\dot m_{in} = \dot m_{out}##)
  • #6
dRic2 said:
So, let's say I write the equation of mass transfer for i specie like this:
$$ v_z \frac {\partial c_i} {\partial z} = -D_{diff} \left[ \frac 1 r \frac {\partial} {\partial r} \left(r \frac {\partial c_i} {\partial r} \right) + \frac {\partial ^2 c_i} {\partial z^2}\right] + kc_i$$
Both signs on the right hand side of this equation are incorrect, and need to be flipped. Also, the diffusion in the axial direction is virtually always negligible compared to the radial diffusion (and is virtually always neglected).

what boundary condition should I apply?

I thought:

## lim_{z→∞} c_i(r, z) = 0 ##
This boundary condition is unnecessary if diffusion in the axial direction is neglected.
## \frac {\partial c_i} {\partial r} |_0 = 0 ##
## \frac {\partial c_i} {\partial r} |_R = 0 ## ?? Not sure at all
Both are correct.
and maybe the fourth could be:

## v_zc_i^0 = v_zc_i(r, 0) - D_{diff} \frac {\partial c(0, z)} {\partial z} ## (comes from ##\dot m_{in} = \dot m_{out}##)
If axial diffusion is neglected, this becomes: ## c_i(r, 0)=c_i^0##. Usually, the inlet concentration is assumed to be radially uniform.
  • #7
Thank you very much!

Chestermiller said:
This boundary condition is unnecessary if diffusion in the axial direction is neglected.

but if I do not intend to neglect it, would it be correct?
  • #8
dRic2 said:
Thank you very much!
but if I do not intend to neglect it, would it be correct?
But then it has to be solved in conjunction with what is happening upstream and downstream (i.e., be matched up with), rather than just standing alone. At the upstream end, you still use ##c=c_i##. The downstream end is problematic, and depends on the details of what is happening after the pipe exit (unless you really do have an infinite pipe).
  • #9
Fogler discusses these boundary conditions in a reasonable textbook format
  • #10
BvU said:
Fogler discusses these boundary conditions in a reasonable textbook format
Over 50 years ago, Scott Fogler was on my preliminary exam committee at the Univ. of Mich. He was a new young professor and I was a 1st year graduate student. He is the one remaining faculty member from back then who is still active in the department.
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  • #11
thank you very much
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  • #12
dRic2 said:
thank you very much
Considering your boundary conditions on r, c is not going to be a function of r. So your equation reduces to an ODE. If axial diffusion is neglected, it reduces to a first order ODE which can immediately be integrated analytically.
  • #13
Chestermiller said:
Considering your boundary conditions on r, c is not going to be a function of r.

Anyway i think it is still possible to integrate it analytically using the separation of variables without any further assumption
  • #14
dRic2 said:

Anyway i think it is still possible to integrate it analytically using the separation of variables without any further assumption
Does c not being a function of r satisfy the differential equation and boundary conditions?
  • #15
sorry if you read the previous comment. I take it back. You're right, I need to think about it

FAQ: PFR reactor, concentration profile

1. What is a PFR reactor?

A PFR (Plug Flow Reactor) is a type of chemical reactor where reactants are continuously fed into the reactor at one end and products are continuously removed from the other end. The reactants flow through the reactor tube without any back-mixing, creating a concentration profile along the length of the reactor.

2. How does a PFR reactor work?

In a PFR reactor, the reactants flow through the reactor tube at a constant velocity, with no back-mixing. This allows for a uniform concentration profile to be established along the length of the reactor. As the reactants flow through the reactor, they undergo a series of reactions and are converted into products which are continuously removed from the reactor.

3. What is a concentration profile in a PFR reactor?

A concentration profile in a PFR reactor refers to the distribution of the concentration of reactants along the length of the reactor. It is influenced by factors such as the flow rate, reaction kinetics, and reactor design. The concentration profile can be measured and analyzed to understand the performance of the reactor and optimize its design.

4. What factors affect the concentration profile in a PFR reactor?

The concentration profile in a PFR reactor is affected by several factors such as the flow rate, reaction kinetics, reactor design, temperature, and the properties of the reactants. These factors can impact the extent of reaction and the distribution of reactants and products along the reactor length.

5. How is the concentration profile measured in a PFR reactor?

The concentration profile in a PFR reactor is typically measured by sampling the reactants and products at different points along the reactor length and analyzing their concentrations. This data can then be used to plot the concentration profile and evaluate the performance of the reactor. Other techniques such as online sensors and spectroscopic methods can also be used for real-time monitoring of the concentration profile.

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