Why is there a phase change in reflection and why is it always \pi?

In summary, when there is reflection, the phase shift upon reflection is determined by the angle of incidence (\theta_i). For internal reflection, the phase shift is determined by the angle of incidence, as well as the phase shift of the reflected wave.
  • #1
McLaren Rulez

When there is reflection, we generally use the phase shift upon reflection to be [itex]\pi[/itex]. Where does this [itex]\pi[/itex] come from or is it arbitrary? I ask because I came across an optics book which describes beam splitters (a mirror is of course a beam splitter with reflectivity, R=1 and transmittivity, T=0) and as long as we have

[tex]e^{ikx} -> \sqrt{T}e^{ikx} + \sqrt{R}e^{i\theta}e^{iky}[/tex]
[tex]e^{iky} -> \sqrt{T}e^{iky} + \sqrt{R}e^{i\theta'}e^{iky}[/tex]

and [itex]\theta+\theta'=\pi[/itex]

it is perfectly valid to choose any phase shift for the reflected beam. So why is [itex]\pi[/itex] everywhere? In particular, if we talk about thin film interference, the fact that it is [itex]\pi[/itex] seems to be very important.

And on the same note, reflected light will experience a 180 degree phase change when it reflects from a medium of higher index of refraction and no phase change when it reflects from a medium of smaller index. Why is this so?

Thank you!
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  • #2
Just answering the first question (why [itex]\pi[/itex])

Consider a polarized wave directed perpendicularly towards a plane surface (not to have sines and cosines to mess things up). Be [itex]\mathbf{k}[/itex] the wave vector.
Since the directions of [itex]\mathbf{E},\mathbf{B},\mathbf{k}[/itex] (not their magnitude) are linked by [itex]\mathbf{E}\wedge\mathbf{B}=\mathbf{k}[/itex], and since the magnetic field does not change in direction on the interface of a medium if the latter has no densities of current on it ([itex]div\mathbf{H}=0[/itex]), when [itex]\mathbf{k}[/itex] is reflected, to maintain the vectorial relationship, the phase of [itex]\mathbf{E}[/itex] has to be shifted from a [itex]\pi[/itex] factor.

I can't answer now (and it's quite disturbing, since I studied it last year) why passing from a medium with higher refractive index to one with a lower on you do not have reflection.
  • #3
McLaren Rulez said:
particular, if we talk about thin film interference, the fact that it is [itex]\pi[/itex] seems to be very important.

I don't have Born and Wolfe in front of me, I'd have to dig it up to explain since it's been many years since I looked at this, but the pi shift is *not* universal at all, particularly for thin films. It's the limit for reflection from a conducting metal surface, as I recall, but it does not apply to thin dielectric films or stacks of films - you have to do more work to calculate the phase shift. I waded into this in some detail while designing an interferometer for a company I worked for, turned out - to my great advantage - that reflection off a non-polarizing beamsplitter was giving me a 40-degree phase shift compared with the transmitted beam coming from the other direction, which was enough for electronic quad counter circuits to treat them as sines and cosines, which turned the system into an interferometer encoder without the need for 1/4 waveplates, polarization splitting, etc.
  • #4
Ok, I studied better this topic in today optical physics, so now I can answer to you properly :D
Some conventions: [itex]n=\frac{n_2}{n_1}[/itex], where n1 is the first medium and n2 the second, so that you have internal reflection for n<1;
[itex]E_{0,i},E_{0,r},E_{0,t}[/itex] are the amplitudes of the incoming, reflected and transmitted waves.

From Fresnel equation linking the amplitudes of the incoming, the reflected and the transmitted waves, you get the Fresnel coefficient for reflection and transmission:
[itex]r=\frac{E_{0,r}}{E_{0,i}}=\frac{\cos(\theta_i)-\sqrt{n^2-\sin^2(\theta_i)}}{\cos(\theta_i)+\sqrt{n^2-\sin^2(\theta_i)}}[/itex] Actually this expression is for a particular type of waves - the ones with the electric field perpendicular to the incident plane, but the qualitative considerations fit with all the other types since they do not differ too much from this expression.

Now, we have to consider 2 cases: n>1 (external reflection) and n<1 (internal reflection).
1) n>1
If you plot r, you'll see that [itex]\forall\theta_i,\,\, r<0[/itex]
This means that [itex]E_{0,r}=rE_{0,i}=-|r|E_{0,i}=|r|E_{0,i}\cdot e^{i\pi}[/itex], where I transformed [itex]-1=e^{i\pi}[/itex]
If we consider now the global equation for E, we get

[itex]\vec{E_r}=E_{0,r}e^{i\{\vec{k}\cdot\vec{r}-\omega\cdot t\}}
=|r|E_{0,i}e^{i\{\vec{k}\cdot\vec{r}-\omega\cdot t+\pi\}}[/itex]

As you can see, the reflected wave has a pi phase shift.

2) n<1
For internal reflection things are a bit different: for [itex]\theta_i\in[0,\theta_{critical}][/itex] ([itex]\theta_{critical}[/itex] is the angle when complete internal reflection occurs, and satisfies [itex]\sin\theta_{critical}=n[/itex]), the phase shift is 0, while for higher [itex]\theta_i[/itex] the phase shift depends on [itex]\theta_i[/itex]. If [itex]\phi[/itex] is the phase shift,

This is the analytical explanation. Dunno if it's too complicate :D Hope you are satisfied :D
  • #5
DiracRules said:
I can't answer now (and it's quite disturbing, since I studied it last year) why passing from a medium with higher refractive index to one with a lower on you do not have reflection.

Whenever there is a discontinuity, you get a reflection. Beyond the Critical angle, it's Total, too.
  • #6
Thank you DiracRules for writing it out fully for me. Much appreciated!

Two quick questions:

1) How come in thin film interference, we always assume the light reflecting off the back end of the film undergoes zero phase shift? That seems wrong.

2) For a beam splitter in an optical circuit, how come we have a liberty to choose any [itex]\theta[/itex] and [itex]\theta'[/itex] as long as [itex]\theta+\theta'=\pi[/itex]. Your explanation suggests that the phase shift is always defined based on incidence angle and the refractive indices so how come this freedom exists?
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  • #7
The reflectivity formula depends upon the difference between the two refractive indices. In one case the result is positive and in the other the result is negative. So a phase change for reflection into the more dense and no phase change for reflection going out of the more dense.
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FAQ: Why is there a phase change in reflection and why is it always \pi?

1. What is phase change in reflection?

Phase change in reflection refers to the change in the state of matter when light or other electromagnetic waves are reflected off of a surface. This change is caused by the interaction between the waves and the surface, which alters the wavelength and direction of the reflected waves.

2. How does phase change affect the appearance of an object?

Phase change in reflection can affect the appearance of an object by altering its color, brightness, and texture. For example, when light reflects off of a smooth surface, it appears shiny and bright, while a rough surface will appear dull and matte due to the different phase changes that occur.

3. What are the different types of phase change in reflection?

There are two main types of phase change in reflection: specular reflection and diffuse reflection. Specular reflection occurs when light reflects off of a smooth surface and maintains its original wavelength and direction. Diffuse reflection occurs when light reflects off of a rough surface and scatters in different directions, causing a change in wavelength and direction.

4. What factors can affect phase change in reflection?

There are several factors that can affect phase change in reflection, including the angle of incidence, the surface roughness, and the refractive index of the material. The angle of incidence refers to the angle at which the light hits the surface, while the surface roughness and refractive index determine how the light interacts with the surface.

5. How is phase change in reflection used in everyday life?

Phase change in reflection is used in various applications, such as mirrors, cameras, and even in everyday objects like windows. It is also utilized in industries such as optics, photography, and architecture to manipulate the appearance and properties of objects. Understanding phase change in reflection is crucial in creating and improving these technologies and products.

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