Is there an integer divisible by 1989 with 1990 as its last four digits?

  • Thread starter philbein
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In summary, the problem is to find an integer that has a remainder of one when divided by 1989. The pigeonhole principle is used to prove that the remainders are all different.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Prove that there exists an integer divisible by 1989 Such that it's last four digits are 1990.

Homework Equations

Pigeonhole Principle where if we have k+1 items and k holes, two items go in one hole.

The Attempt at a Solution

Ok. I called my professor for help on this and I was given the hint that I should first take the integers from 1 to 1989, and multiply each one of them by 10^4. Then, when I divide each number, each has a different remainder, which means one of them has a remainder of one. I first need to figure out why this whole thing is true ( meaning why they each have different remainders). Then I need to figure out why it is important that one of these problems have a remainder of one. I have no clue on what to do here, so any suggestions would be great. Thanks for your time.
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  • #2
Hi philbein! :smile:
philbein said:
Then I need to figure out why it is important that one of these problems have a remainder of one.

Try adding 1989 to it :wink:
  • #3
Should I add 1989 to the remainder or to the orignal number that I had divided by 1989?
  • #4
erm :redface:

if you're not sure, try both! :smile:
  • #5
I'm sorry. I'm still not seeing what this does. Either way, I am still left with a remainder of 1.
  • #6
You've not quite got it right.

The point is that you have numbers ending in 4 noughts, and when you add 1990 you have a number ending in 1990. You've just got to show...
  • #7
Ok. I'm still confused.
  • #8
philbein said:
Ok. I'm still confused.

What you actually want is an n such that n*10^4 has a remainder of 1988 when divided by 1989. Since 1990 has a remainder of 1. So sure, if you have the 1989 numbers n*10^4 for n=1...1989 and the remainders are all different and each remainder is in the range 0...1988, then one of them must be 1988. The pigeonhole principle is used in proving that the remainders are all different. Suppose n1*10^4 and n2*10^4 have the same remainder. That means (n1-n2)*10^4 is divisible by 1989, right? But 10^4 and 1989 are coprime. They have no common prime divisors. What does that tell you?
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  • #9
Finally figured it out. Not an easy problem. Thanks for all the help. Couldn't have done it without the help. Thanks again.

FAQ: Is there an integer divisible by 1989 with 1990 as its last four digits?

What is the Pigeonhole Principle problem?

The Pigeonhole Principle is a mathematical concept that states that if there are more pigeons than pigeonholes, at least one pigeonhole must have more than one pigeon. This principle is often used to solve problems involving counting or arranging objects.

How is the Pigeonhole Principle problem used in mathematics?

The Pigeonhole Principle is used in various areas of mathematics, such as combinatorics, graph theory, and number theory. It is often used to prove existence of solutions, to show that certain outcomes are inevitable, or to determine the maximum or minimum values in a given situation.

Can the Pigeonhole Principle be applied to real-life situations?

Yes, the Pigeonhole Principle can be applied to real-life situations. For example, if there are more students than lockers in a school, at least one locker must have more than one student. It can also be used in scheduling tasks, organizing data, or predicting outcomes in various scenarios.

What are some common misconceptions about the Pigeonhole Principle problem?

One common misconception is that the Pigeonhole Principle only applies to pigeons and pigeonholes. However, it is a general mathematical principle that can be applied to any situation where there are more objects than containers. Another misconception is that it can only be used to prove existence, when in fact it can also be used to determine maximum or minimum values.

Are there any limitations to the Pigeonhole Principle problem?

One limitation of the Pigeonhole Principle is that it only applies to finite sets. It cannot be used to prove things about infinite sets, as there are no definite number of "pigeons" and "pigeonholes" in such cases. Additionally, it may not always be the most efficient method for solving a problem, and other mathematical techniques may be more suitable.
