Overcoming Chemistry Hate: Tips for Success in Physics and Math

  • Thread starter apples
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In summary: Chemistry. #2. You are not adapting to the material. #3. You may be struggling with the material because you don't have a strong background in Chemistry. ...In summary, while Chemistry may not be the subject that you love, it is important that you continue to pursue it in order to fulfill your pre-med requirements. If you are not doing well in Chemistry, it may be helpful to identify whether the issue is with the material, your ability to understand it, or your ability to apply it to real-world situations.
  • #1
I hate chemistry.
I love Physics,
I love Math, and I'm good in Physics in Math too.
But I absolutely hate Chemistry.
I was good in Chemistry in high school, but in my freshman year as an undergrad it's not working.

What do I do?
Chemistry news on Phys.org
  • #2
Pass chemistry and never do it again? :-p
  • #3
apples said:
I hate chemistry.
I love Physics,
I love Math, and I'm good in Physics in Math too.
But I absolutely hate Chemistry.
I was good in Chemistry in high school, but in my freshman year as an undergrad it's not working.

What do I do?

One of the reasons, I chose EE.

I am so happy that I don't see Chemistry anymore :biggrin:
(Biology is the another one)
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  • #4
Freshman year chemistry (like most freshman courses) just isn't gong to be as interesting much of the time -- your math and physics classes are going to get more interesting later on too. My favorite chemistry courses were more advanced (like organic chemistry... where the labs were especially fun, making dyes and aspirin and the like; and advanced inorganic chemistry, where I got to make some pretty neat coordination compounds). Just get through the large lecture freshman class (which will repeat a lot of high school chemistry with a few extra topics), and hopefully if you continue you'll see the subject matter excite you again if you take more courses later (also talk to student who are further along in their studies than you are... so you know the "good but tough" faculty).
  • #5
apples said:
I hate chemistry.
I love Physics,
I love Math, and I'm good in Physics in Math too.
But I absolutely hate Chemistry.
I was good in Chemistry in high school, but in my freshman year as an undergrad it's not working.

What do I do?

read about nanotech & see that anyone doing that stuff would probably have to know at least a bit about chem
  • #6
my high school interest in chemistry was nourished by boyhood fascination with explosives. sadly, that may get you a visit from stern-looking men in black these days.

i dunno, maybe make some soap, assuming you can even find caustics now. i hear Red Devil Lye may be gone.
  • #7
and mathematical physics takes physics lunch money away
  • #8
Why no love for Chemistry? The further I get into my degree, to more I realize that we Chemical Engineers are a rare breed.
  • #9
If no love for Chemistry, examine it from the physical viewpoint. You have heard of Chemical Physics, and Physical Chemistry? Would or would not Materials Science be a field overlapping Physics and Chemistry? Physics and Engineering contain topics of treatment to physical properties of materials and mixtures of materials, such properties as different kinds of viscosities, elasticity, melting or boiling or softening points, tackiness. The list of features is surely bigger than that.
  • #10
I tried looking at chemistry from a Physics perspective, but it didn't really work.
There's something specific to chemistry that ruins everything.
I did awful last quarter, got a B-.

We're doing thermodynamics this quarter, but this quarter isn't going well either.
My first midterm and got the average score.
I am however doing good in Physics. I didn't do so well (don't know my grade yet) in the calculus midterm, because I spent the whole time studying for chem.

My major is undeclared. I have no idea what to do. Don't have a lot more to do for fulfilling the pre-med requirements (just to have to take a year of organic CHEM!) and another quarter of freshman general chem.

I am 50% sure I'll major in electrical engineering and minor in writing and be a pre-med. i hate social sciences.

I should make another thread. You guys are ideal for helping me.

But I guess with chem I'll just have to pull myself along.
  • #11
I thought organic chemistry was pretty easy, just some C's here and some H's there, the occasional and O or OH and something starts to smell like bubble gum. The inorganic stuff is harder to learn, but I enjoyed it more. The experiments and mixing stuff together and watching reactions. It is a heavy duty learning subject though (at first year level) whereas physics was more of a math based application subject. ie. learn a new theory with the help of some maths principles and then apply it to situations. Chemistry was more: what molecular forces are stronger, how big is an atom of Helium, what is the outcome (compounds formed, heat generated/required, solubility, bla bla bla) of the mixture of these chemicals.
  • #12
apples said:
We're doing thermodynamics this quarter, but this quarter isn't going well either.
I am however doing good in Physics.
Thermodynamics in chem is essentially a physics subject. If you aren't doing too well in it, but are doing very well in all your physics courses, then you should consider the following possibilities:

#1. You have a preconception about chemistry that is biasing your performance in the subject,

#2. Your chemistry department has lousy teachers and your physics department has great ones.

If you think #2 is more likely than #1, then you should also consider the following:

#3. You have a preconception about chemistry that is biasing your evaluation of your chemistry teachers. :-p

Thermodynamics is really just a branch of physics that is applied to chemistry. Maybe this knowledge will help you like it better. All the best.
  • #13
I don't understand why every discussion of different departments has to turn into a circle jerk over whose subject is better.

FAQ: Overcoming Chemistry Hate: Tips for Success in Physics and Math

1. What is chemistry?

Chemistry is the scientific study of matter, its properties, and the changes it undergoes. It is a broad field that covers everything from the composition of elements and compounds to the interactions between different substances.

2. Why is chemistry important?

Chemistry is important because it helps us understand the world around us. It explains how substances interact with each other and how they can be manipulated to create new materials and products. It also plays a crucial role in fields such as medicine, agriculture, and environmental science.

3. How can I start to like chemistry?

The key to liking chemistry is to approach it with an open mind and a positive attitude. Try to find real-life applications of chemistry, such as in cooking or in everyday products. You can also engage in hands-on experiments and activities to make the subject more interesting and fun.

4. What are some common misconceptions about chemistry?

One common misconception about chemistry is that it is only about memorizing equations and formulas. In reality, chemistry is more about understanding the underlying concepts and how they apply to different situations. Another misconception is that chemistry is only for "smart" people, but anyone can learn and enjoy chemistry with the right approach.

5. How can I improve my understanding of chemistry?

The best way to improve your understanding of chemistry is to practice regularly. This could involve solving problems, doing experiments, or studying with a group. It's also important to ask questions and seek help when needed. Additionally, keeping up with current research and developments in the field can help you stay engaged and motivated.
