Please help understand the solution on Math Induction

  • Thread starter phillyolly
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In summary: Yes, I think so.The author is trying to show that for any set, A, there is a collection, B, of subsets of A that does not have any element in it. He does this by taking a set of K+1 elements and defining a set, B, that is the same as A except for the element x. He then shows that p(B) has 2^k elements, since B has K elements. He also shows that if we take every subset of A it is either a subset of B or a set that contains the element x. From this we see that p(A) = 2p(B) = 2*2^k = 2^(k+1).
  • #1

Homework Statement

Please help me understand the given solution. Is there a simpler way of solving the problem?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution



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  • #2
I am no expert but this is usually the proof given in most txtbooks.
The proof is board, so which part do you not understand ?

Do you know the definition of the power set ? Can you follow the logic of the proof or are you having trouble with the logic ?

Please, elaborate on your difficulties.
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  • #3
I don't follow logic...
  • #4
phillyolly said:
I don't follow logic...

I don't blame you. The author has a not so friendly way of proving his proposition.

Basically, what the author is trying to do is use induction to show the if a set, A, has n elements then p(A) has 2^n elements. This much I know you understand.

The logic

The author shows that for n=0 this holds
The author uses the inductive hypothesis and assumes it holds for some K then, he tries to show it holds for K+1. This much I believe you understand.

To accomplish his purpose the author does the following. He takes a set of K+1 elements. Let's call this set A.
He then defines a set B like this
B= A/{x} [ B has all the elements in A except x ( some x ) , therefore B has K elements ]

We know by inductive hypothesis p(B) has 2^k elements, since B has K elements.

We also know that if we take every subset of A it is either a subset of B or a set that contains the element x. Now we know there are two possible cases.

1) We have a subset of A that contains x
2) We have a subset of A that does not contain x.

We know that all subsets of B lie in A. We also know that the only thing that B is lacking is the element x.

So from this we can "conclude" , based on the two cases, that for every subset of A there are two kinds; one that contains x and one that does not. p(B) is a collection of all subsets of A that do not have x . So this means there is a p(B*) which consist of every subset of A that contains x.

Considering there are only two cases we can match up all the subsets that contain x and those that do not contain x.

That is, we can form a bijection from p(B) to p(B*).

From this we see that p(A) = 2p(B) = 2*2^k = 2^(k+1)

Do you understand a little more ?
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FAQ: Please help understand the solution on Math Induction

What is mathematical induction?

Mathematical induction is a proof technique used to prove statements that involve a variable n, such as "for all positive integers n, some property is true". It involves two steps: the base case, where the statement is proven to be true for the first value of n, and the inductive step, where it is shown that if the statement is true for some value of n, it is also true for the next value.

How is mathematical induction used in problem solving?

Mathematical induction is used to prove statements that are true for all positive integers. It is a powerful tool in problem solving because it allows us to prove a statement for an infinite number of cases by only considering a few specific cases.

What is the difference between strong induction and weak induction?

Weak induction, also known as simple induction, only uses the previous case to prove the next case. Strong induction, on the other hand, uses all previous cases to prove the next case. This allows for a wider range of statements to be proven, but it also requires a stronger base case.

Can mathematical induction be used to prove any statement?

No, mathematical induction can only be used to prove statements that are true for all positive integers. It cannot be used to prove statements that are only true for specific values or a finite number of cases.

What are some common mistakes when using mathematical induction?

Some common mistakes when using mathematical induction include not properly defining the base case, assuming the statement is true without proving it, and using the wrong variable in the inductive step. It is important to carefully follow the two steps of mathematical induction and ensure that each step is logically sound.

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