Plotting a Bragg Curve in SRIM

In summary, the conversation is about creating plots for a Bragg curve of an alpha particle in air. The person wants to plot the curve for two different alpha particles and is looking for a way to do so. They mention using the "stopping range/tables" feature and finding the range data for the particles, but they are having trouble inputting the alpha particle itself. The range data for a 5.156 MeV helium/alpha particle in air is given at 37.60 mm.
  • #1
I'd like to plot a Bragg curve for an alpha particle in air.

I'd like to make one plot for 239Pu (5.156 MeV alpha) and one plot for 238U (4.267 MeV).

Does anyone know how I can do this? I would like a basic plot of stopping power (MeV/cm) vs path length (cm).

Thank you
Physics news on
  • #2
It isn't a Bragg curve, but by clicking the "stopping range / tables" feature I can get the range data for the alpha particle (below). The only problem is I can only seem to input an element (e.g. helium) and not an alpha particle itself. Is 37.60 mm about right for a 5.156 MeV helium / alpha particle in air?==================================================================
SRIM version ---> SRIM-2013.00
Calc. date ---> January 01, 2019

Disk File Name = SRIM Outputs\Helium in Air, Dry (ICRU-104) (gas).txt

Ion = Helium [2] , Mass = 4.003 amu

Target Density = 1.2048E-03 g/cm3 = 4.9872E+19 atoms/cm3
Target is a GAS
======= Target Composition ========
Atom Atom Atomic Mass
Name Numb Percent Percent
---- ---- ------- -------
C 6 000.02 000.02
O 8 021.08 023.18
N 7 078.43 075.51
Ar 18 000.47 001.29
Bragg Correction = 0.00%
Stopping Units = MeV / (mg/cm2)
See bottom of Table for other Stopping units

Ion dE/dx dE/dx Projected Longitudinal Lateral
Energy Elec. Nuclear Range Straggling Straggling
-------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
5.16 MeV 7.533E-01 4.978E-04 37.60 mm 1.39 mm 828.87 um
Multiply Stopping by for Stopping Units
------------------- ------------------
1.2048E-02 eV / Angstrom
1.2048E-01 keV / micron
1.2048E-01 MeV / mm
1.0000E+00 keV / (ug/cm2)
1.0000E+00 MeV / (mg/cm2)
1.0000E+03 keV / (mg/cm2)
2.4158E+01 eV / (1E15 atoms/cm2)
2.1045E+00 L.S.S. reduced units
(C) 1984,1989,1992,1998,2008 by J.P. Biersack and J.F. Ziegler

FAQ: Plotting a Bragg Curve in SRIM

1. What is a Bragg Curve and why is it important in SRIM?

A Bragg Curve is a plot that shows the variation of energy deposition of ionizing particles as they pass through a material. In SRIM (Stopping and Range of Ions in Matter), it is important because it helps to predict the effects of ionizing radiation on materials and biological tissues, which is crucial in fields such as radiation therapy and materials science.

2. How is a Bragg Curve calculated in SRIM?

In SRIM, a Bragg Curve is calculated by simulating the passage of ions through matter and tracking the energy lost by the ions as they interact with the material. This information is then used to generate a plot of the energy deposition as a function of depth in the material.

3. What factors can affect the shape of a Bragg Curve?

The shape of a Bragg Curve can be affected by several factors, including the type and energy of the ion, the density and composition of the material, and the angle of incidence of the ion. Additionally, the presence of other elements or molecules in the material can also affect the Bragg Curve.

4. Can a Bragg Curve be used to determine the stopping power of a material?

Yes, a Bragg Curve can be used to determine the stopping power of a material. The slope of the curve at a given point represents the stopping power of the material at that depth, and the area under the curve represents the total energy deposited by the ions in the material.

5. How accurate are Bragg Curve calculations in SRIM?

The accuracy of Bragg Curve calculations in SRIM depends on several factors, including the accuracy of the input parameters, such as the material composition and ion energy, and the complexity of the material being simulated. In general, SRIM has been validated through experimental data and is considered to be a reliable tool for predicting the behavior of ionizing radiation in materials.
