Pole-Zero Plot and ROC for LTI System

In summary: The line of poles and zeros should be symmetrical with respect to the origin. 4.) In summary, we considered a discrete-time LTI system with transfer function H(z) =(1-3z^-1) / ( 2-z^-1). We sketched the pole-zero plot of H(z) and determined the possible regions of convergence (ROC) for H(z) under the conditions of stability and causality. We also discussed the possibility of a causal and stable inverse for this system.
  • #1
Consider a discrete-time LTI system with transfer function
H(z) =(1-3z^-1) / ( 2-z^-1)
(a) Sketch the pole-zero plot of H(z).
(b) Suppose the system is stable. Determine all possible regions of convergence (ROC) for H(z) under this condition, or state that none exists.
(c) Repeat part (b) assuming the system is causal instead of stable.
(d) Can this system have a causal and stable inverse? If so, determine
H^(-1)(z) including its ROC. If not, explain why not.
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  • #2
hxluo said:
Consider a discrete-time LTI system with transfer function
H(z) =(1-3z^-1) / ( 2-z^-1)
(a) Sketch the pole-zero plot of H(z).
(b) Suppose the system is stable. Determine all possible regions of convergence (ROC) for H(z) under this condition, or state that none exists.
(c) Repeat part (b) assuming the system is causal instead of stable.
(d) Can this system have a causal and stable inverse? If so, determine
H^(-1)(z) including its ROC. If not, explain why not.

1.) Find the poles and zeros of H. They will be easy to see if you multiply the top and bottom by z.

2.) Find how stability and causality relate to ROC of your plot. Stability is related to the unit circle and causality is related to inside or outside of the extreme poles.

3.) Draw a pair of axes. Draw a circle centered at the origin. Use knowledge gained in steps 1 and 2 to draw the pole-zero diagram.
  • #3

(a) The pole-zero plot for the given transfer function is shown below:

[image of pole-zero plot]

(b) Since the system is stable, all poles must lie within the unit circle in the z-plane. Therefore, the possible regions of convergence for H(z) are: |z| > 1 and |z| < 0.

(c) If the system is causal, then all poles must lie outside the unit circle. Therefore, the possible regions of convergence for H(z) are: 0 < |z| < 1 and |z| > 2.

(d) Yes, this system can have a causal and stable inverse. The inverse transfer function, H^(-1)(z), can be found by interchanging the poles and zeros of H(z) and taking the reciprocal. Therefore, H^(-1)(z) = (2-z^-1) / (1-3z^-1) and its ROC is |z| < 1 and |z| > 2. This is because the poles and zeros of H(z) have been interchanged, so the ROCs for H(z) and H^(-1)(z) are also interchanged.

FAQ: Pole-Zero Plot and ROC for LTI System

What is a Pole-Zero Plot?

A Pole-Zero Plot is a graphical representation of the poles and zeros of a transfer function. Poles are the values of the variable for which the transfer function becomes infinite, while zeros are the values of the variable for which the transfer function becomes zero.

What does the location of poles and zeros on the plot indicate?

The location of poles and zeros on the plot can provide insights into the behavior of the system. For example, the number of poles and zeros in the right half-plane can indicate instability, while poles and zeros on the imaginary axis can indicate oscillatory behavior.

What is the purpose of a Region of Convergence (ROC) in a Pole-Zero Plot?

The ROC is a region in the complex plane where the Laplace transform of a signal converges. It is important in determining the stability and causality of a system. A system is stable if its ROC includes the imaginary axis and causal if its ROC extends to infinity.

How can a Pole-Zero Plot and ROC be used to analyze a Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) System?

A Pole-Zero Plot and ROC can be used to determine the stability, causality, and frequency response of an LTI system. By examining the location of poles and zeros and the extent of the ROC, we can gain insights into the behavior and performance of the system.

What is the relationship between a Pole-Zero Plot and the frequency response of a system?

The frequency response of a system can be obtained from its Pole-Zero Plot by evaluating the transfer function at different frequencies. This allows us to analyze how the system responds to different input frequencies and can be useful in designing filters and control systems.
