Probability of finding a particle and complex wave functions

In summary, the probability of finding a particle at a specific position at a certain time is proportional to the squared magnitude of the wavefunction. The Schrodinger equation forces us to use complex functions to represent matter waves, and we can switch between using complex exponentials and sinusoidal functions as they span the same vector space.
  • #1
Maroon Ray
1-Why is the probability of finding a particle at
specific position at a certain time
proportional to |Ψ|2?
2- Waves are represented by sinusoidal or
complex functions. Why did we choose a
complex function to represent matter waves
instead of sinusoidal?
Physics news on
  • #2
Maroon Ray said:
1-Why is the probability of finding a particle at
specific position at a certain time
proportional to |Ψ|2?
You are questioning a postulate; a postulate cannot be explained in the same framework. It ought to be taken as given.

2- Waves are represented by sinusoidal or
complex functions. Why did we choose a
complex function to represent matter waves
instead of sinusoidal?
The solution of the Schrodinger equation (which defines what can be allowed as wavefunctions) forces us to use complex functions. You can question the validity of the Schrodinger equation, but it is too a postulate, and so the same argument above applies.


So I cannot answer why the above hold within QM, but it can be made plausible. The first point is that all these calculations that agree remarkably well depend upon both of the above postulates. And then there are a whole host of other plausibility arguments based on the classical limit.
  • #3
Maroon Ray said:
2- Waves are represented by sinusoidal or
complex functions. Why did we choose a
complex function to represent matter waves
instead of sinusoidal?

Are you asking why the solutions of the Schrodinger equation are complex, or why we write them in terms of complex exponentials? If it's the first one then see masudr's reply: the solutions are what they are, and we can't do anything about them. If your question is the second one then the answer is that the basis [itex]{\sin(kx),\cos(kx)}[/itex] spans the same vector space as the basis [itex]{exp(ikx),exp(-ikx)}[/itex]. We can arbitrarily switch between them.

FAQ: Probability of finding a particle and complex wave functions

What is the probability of finding a particle in a particular location?

The probability of finding a particle in a particular location is given by the squared magnitude of the complex wave function at that location. This is known as the Born rule and is a fundamental principle in quantum mechanics.

How do complex wave functions describe the behavior of particles?

Complex wave functions describe the behavior of particles by representing the position, momentum, and other physical properties of the particle as a function of time. They can also be used to calculate the probability of finding the particle in a certain state or location.

What is the relationship between the probability of finding a particle and its wave function?

The probability of finding a particle is directly related to its wave function through the Born rule. The wave function describes the probability distribution of the particle's position, and the probability of finding the particle in any specific location is given by the squared magnitude of the wave function at that location.

Can the probability of finding a particle be greater than 1?

No, the probability of finding a particle cannot be greater than 1. The Born rule states that the probability of finding a particle in any state must be between 0 and 1 inclusive.

How does the complex nature of wave functions affect our understanding of particles?

The complex nature of wave functions allows us to understand the probabilistic nature of particles. It also allows us to describe the wave-like behavior of particles, which cannot be explained by classical physics. The use of complex wave functions in quantum mechanics has greatly expanded our understanding of the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic levels.
