Problem when solving example with differential forms

In summary: I suggest you start from the beginning and read some more mathematics textbooks. In summary, the author of the pdfs you're citing seems to be stating that if you want to find the answer to a differential equation, you need to sum over all the derivatives. However, the author of the other pdf does not mention this requirement.
  • #1
Hi was reading about differential forms, when I tried to solve the example
given in this pdf According to it, the answer is that on the image above. But when I tried to solve this same example by following the expression for ##w## given in this pdf, namely that a p-form ##w## can be written as $$\frac{1}{p!}w_{\mu_1 ... \mu_p}dx^{\mu_1} \wedge \ ... \ \wedge dx^{\mu_p}$$ and that ##w##, in this case, applied to two vectors ##v_{(1)}## and ##v_{(2)}## is ##w_{i j}v_{(1)}^i v_{(2)}^j##, the answer that I'm getting diverges from that given in the other pdf. What is wrong?
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  • #2
I noticed that the only problem is that in one pdf they introduce a factor ##1 / p!## while in the other they don't. My answer is off by a factor of ##1/2## in this case. So what is the correct?

I guess if one were going to consider only the anti-symmetric part of ##A(u)B(v)## then a factor of ##1/2## would be needed. But if one were considering ##A(u)B(v) - A(v)B(u)## it is not clear whether a factor of ##1/2## is needed. (##A, B## are one-forms and ##v, u## are vectors)
  • #3
You ask us what's wrong with your calculation we do not get to see?
  • #4
haushofer said:
You ask us what's wrong with your calculation we do not get to see?
After this thread, I noticed that I have forgotten to summing over all components and that was the cause of not getting the right result.
  • #5
Look, if you want people to invest time to help you, you shouldn't expect them to have paranormal abilities.

I've read a couple of your questions now and they seem highly confused, giving me the impression that you're studying stuff without the right background.

FAQ: Problem when solving example with differential forms

What is a differential form?

A differential form is a mathematical concept used in multivariable calculus and differential geometry to describe properties such as orientation, volume, and flow of a region in space. It is represented by a combination of differential symbols and coefficients.

What is the role of differential forms in problem solving?

Differential forms provide a powerful tool for solving problems involving calculus and geometry. They can be used to express and manipulate equations involving vectors, surfaces, and volumes in a concise and elegant manner. This allows for more efficient and accurate problem solving.

What are some common difficulties encountered when solving problems with differential forms?

One common difficulty is understanding and correctly applying the rules and operations of differential forms, such as the exterior derivative and the wedge product. Another challenge is visualizing and interpreting the geometric meaning of differential forms in higher dimensions.

How can one improve their skills in solving problems with differential forms?

Practice and familiarity with the concepts and techniques of differential forms is key to improving problem solving skills in this area. It is also helpful to study and understand the geometric interpretations of differential forms and how they relate to traditional calculus concepts.

Can differential forms be used in real-world applications?

Yes, differential forms have numerous applications in physics, engineering, and other fields. They are particularly useful in solving problems involving vector fields, fluid flow, and curved surfaces. For example, they are used in fluid dynamics to describe the flow of air around an airplane wing, and in general relativity to describe the curvature of spacetime.

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