Projectile Motion (checking my work, one question)

In summary, a ski jumper with a horizontal take off velocity of Vo=20.0m/s and lands on a hill inclined at 30 degrees. Using a rotated coordinate system, the time of flight is 2.04 seconds and the distance travelled is 35.3 meters. When the ski jumper lands, their velocity along the inclined hill can be found by using the SUVAT equations of motion, taking into account the initial vertical velocity (0) and acceleration (gravity). The final horizontal velocity (20m/s) can then be combined with the final vertical velocity to determine the landing velocity along the hill.
  • #1
A ski jumper starts with a horizontal take off velocity of Vo=20.0m/s and lands on a hill inclined at 30 degrees. (Note says to use a coordinate system that is not horizontal and vertical, so I rotated the coordinate system to make the ski jumper "take off" at Vo at the angle of 30 degrees. Thus x is "down" the hill and y is perpendicular)

Find: Time, distance

Here is what I have done:
(given) Ax=0 Ay=gravity Vo=20.0 theta=30


VFY=Voy+Ayt (solved for t)
t=1.02s <---Since this is only at the top of the parabola I multiplied by 2 and got 2.04s (when the skier lands)

x=xo+Voxt +1/2at2
x=17.3(2.04) <-----Vox=20cos(theta)

The last question is: What is the component of the ski jumpers velocity along the inclined landing hill when he lands?

The relationship between the two velocities would be the Pythagorean theorem (I think) but I'm not sure what I'm actually trying to find here.

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  • #2
For the first part, your working looks ok. However, just a note - if he lands on an incline, the downward section of the flight will be shorter than the upward section surely? So perhaps it isn't just doubling the halfway time. This would also apply to the distance as the incline would reduce the horizontal distance travelled. I'm not sure if you need to worry about this though.

So far as the last part goes, you can't use Pythagoras Theorem as the horizontal motion is separate from the vertical.

You need to use the SUVAT equations of motion. Once you know the flight time from the first section, you can use this with initial vertical velocity from peak of jump (0) and acceleration (gravity). Plug those into one of the SUVAT equations and you'll get the final velocity for the vertical component.

You then combine your final horizontal velocity (assuming no air resistance = 20m/s) with the final vertical velocity to get the landing velocity along the hill.
  • #3
Thanks for the help, I ended up re-working the first part with a friend and found out a more precise answer. Also, thanks for clarifying the last part, I simply did not understand the question and your explanation, well, explained it :)
  • #4
Happy to help.
  • #5
for checking my work!

Great job on your calculations! Your solution seems to be correct. For the last question, you are correct that the Pythagorean theorem can be used to find the component of the ski jumper's velocity along the inclined landing hill. This component is known as the horizontal velocity (Vx) and can be found using the equation Vx = Vcos(theta). In this case, Vx = 20cos(30) = 17.3m/s. This means that the ski jumper will have a horizontal velocity of 17.3m/s when he lands on the inclined hill.

FAQ: Projectile Motion (checking my work, one question)

1. What is projectile motion?

Projectile motion is the motion of an object that is launched into the air and moves along a curved path under the influence of gravity. It is a type of motion that occurs when an object experiences both horizontal and vertical motion simultaneously.

2. What factors affect projectile motion?

The factors that affect projectile motion include the initial velocity of the object, the angle at which it is launched, and the force of gravity. Other factors such as air resistance and wind can also have an impact on the motion of the object.

3. How can you calculate the range of a projectile?

The range of a projectile can be calculated using the equation R = (v^2 * sin(2θ)) / g, where R is the range, v is the initial velocity, θ is the launch angle, and g is the acceleration due to gravity. This equation assumes no air resistance.

4. What is the difference between maximum height and maximum range in projectile motion?

The maximum height is the highest point reached by a projectile, while the maximum range is the horizontal distance traveled by the projectile before hitting the ground. The maximum height occurs when the vertical velocity of the projectile is zero, while the maximum range occurs when the horizontal velocity is zero.

5. How does air resistance affect projectile motion?

Air resistance can have a significant impact on projectile motion, as it can slow down the object and change its trajectory. This is because air resistance acts in the opposite direction of the motion of the object, reducing its speed and altering its path. In some cases, it can also cause the maximum height and range of the projectile to be lower than predicted.

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