Properties of Complex Numbers (phasor notation)

Taking half of both equations gives us:ejα + e-jα = 2cosα --> 1/2(ejα + e-jα) = cosα --> |A|e^jα + |A|e^-jα = 2|A|cosα --> A + A* = 2|A|cosαejα - e-jα = 2jsinα --> 1/2(ejα - e-jα) = jsinα --> |A|e^jα - |A|e^-jα = 2j|A|sinα --> A - A* = 2j|A|sinαIn summary, Real(A) =
  • #1
1. Statement:
The Real Part of a "Complex Number is expressed as the following:
[tex]Real(A) = \frac{1}{2}(A + A*) = \frac{1}{2}(|A|e^{j\alpha} + |A|e^{-j\alpha}) = \frac{1}{2}|A|(2cos(\alpha)) = |A|cos(\alpha)[/tex]. (#1)

The Imaginary Part of a "Complex Number" is expressed as the following:
[tex]Imag(A) = \frac{1}{2}(A - A*) = \frac{1}{2}(|A|e^{j\alpha} - |A|e^{-j\alpha}) = \frac{1}{2}|A|(2jsin(\alpha)) = j|A|sin(\alpha)[/tex]. (#2)

2. Questions:
I was just curious how [tex]\frac{1}{2}|A|(2cos(\alpha))[/tex] was derived in equation (#1), and how [tex]\frac{1}{2}|A|(2jsin(\alpha))[/tex] was derived in equation (#2)?


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  • #2
jeff1evesque said:
I was just curious how [tex]\frac{1}{2}|A|(2cos(\alpha))[/tex] was derived in equation (#1), and how [tex]\frac{1}{2}|A|(2jsin(\alpha))[/tex] was derived in equation (#2)?

e = cosα + jsinα
e-jα = cosα - jsinα

so e + e-jα = 2cosα
e - e-jα = 2jsinα
  • #3

Hello Jeff,

Thank you for your question. In order to understand how the equations (#1) and (#2) were derived, we need to first understand the concept of phasor notation in complex numbers.

Phasor notation is a way of representing complex numbers in the form of magnitude and phase. In this notation, a complex number A is represented as A = |A|e^(jα), where |A| is the magnitude and α is the phase angle.

Now, to derive equation (#1), we use the fact that the real part of a complex number is given by the average of the number and its complex conjugate. In other words, Real(A) = (A + A*)/2. Substituting A = |A|e^(jα) in this equation, we get Real(A) = (|A|e^(jα) + |A|e^(-jα))/2. Using the trigonometric identity e^(jα) + e^(-jα) = 2cos(α), we get Real(A) = |A|cos(α).

Similarly, to derive equation (#2), we use the fact that the imaginary part of a complex number is given by the difference of the number and its complex conjugate. In other words, Imag(A) = (A - A*)/2. Substituting A = |A|e^(jα) in this equation, we get Imag(A) = (|A|e^(jα) - |A|e^(-jα))/2. Using the trigonometric identity e^(jα) - e^(-jα) = 2jsin(α), we get Imag(A) = j|A|sin(α).

I hope this helps to clarify how equations (#1) and (#2) were derived. Let me know if you have any further questions.

FAQ: Properties of Complex Numbers (phasor notation)

1. What is the difference between a real number and a complex number?

A real number is a number that can be expressed on a number line and includes all rational and irrational numbers. A complex number, on the other hand, includes both a real and imaginary component and is typically written in the form a + bi where a and b are real numbers and i is the imaginary unit (√-1).

2. What is phasor notation and how is it used in complex numbers?

Phasor notation is a way of representing complex numbers in the form of a magnitude and phase angle. It is typically used in electrical engineering and physics to simplify calculations involving sinusoidal functions. The magnitude represents the amplitude of the complex number, while the phase angle represents the angle between the vector representing the complex number and the real axis.

3. How are addition and subtraction of complex numbers performed in phasor notation?

In phasor notation, addition and subtraction of complex numbers are performed by adding or subtracting the magnitudes and adding or subtracting the phase angles. This is similar to how vectors are added and subtracted using their components.

4. How are multiplication and division of complex numbers performed in phasor notation?

Multiplication of complex numbers in phasor notation is performed by multiplying the magnitudes and adding the phase angles. Division is performed by dividing the magnitudes and subtracting the phase angles. It is important to note that when dividing, the denominator must be non-zero.

5. How are complex numbers represented graphically in phasor notation?

In phasor notation, complex numbers are represented graphically as vectors on a polar coordinate system. The magnitude of the complex number is the length of the vector, and the phase angle is the angle between the vector and the positive real axis. This representation allows for easy visualization and calculation of complex numbers.

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