Proving a sequence is a Cauchy Sequence

This sum converges, and so by the comparison test, the original sum also converges. Thus, it is a Cauchy sequence. Therefore, we have proven that \sum\frac{(-1)^k}{k^2} is a Cauchy sequence. In summary, by using the triangle inequality and the comparison test, we can show that \sum\frac{(-1)^k}{k^2} is a Cauchy sequence.
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Homework Statement

Prove [itex]\sum\frac{(-1)^k}{k^2}[/itex] is a Cauchy sequence.

Homework Equations

Definition of Cauchy sequence: |a[itex]_{n}[/itex] - a[itex]_{m}[/itex]|<ε for all n,m>=N, n>m

The Attempt at a Solution

I thought if I could prove that the above summation was less than the summation of 1/k^2, the problem would be easy. But either that isn't true, or I don't know how to prove it.

So I started some stuff with the triangle inequality. Here's what I have in full so far:

Let ε>0 be given. Choose a positive integer N such that 1/N<ε. Then, if m,n>=N, and n>m, we have |a_n - a_m| <= |[itex]\sum(-1)^n/n^2[/itex]| + |-[itex]\sum(-1)^m/m^2[/itex].

But I don't really know where to go from here. I could say that |a_m| = |-a_m|, but I don't think that gets me anywhere. Any hints to get me going again would be greatly appreciated.
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  • #2
It should be intuitively clear that [itex]|a+b| \leq |a| + |b|[/itex]. From this follows that [itex]|\sum f(x)| \leq \sum |f(x)|[/itex], thus [itex]\sum \frac{(-1)^k}{k^2} \leq \sum \frac{|(-1)^k|}{k^2} = \sum \frac{1}{k^2}[/itex].

FAQ: Proving a sequence is a Cauchy Sequence

1. What is a Cauchy Sequence?

A Cauchy Sequence is a sequence of real numbers that is defined by the property that for any small positive number, there exists a term in the sequence after which all subsequent terms are within that small distance from each other. In other words, the terms of a Cauchy Sequence get closer and closer together as the sequence progresses.

2. How do you prove that a sequence is a Cauchy Sequence?

To prove that a sequence is a Cauchy Sequence, you must show that for any positive number, there exists a term in the sequence after which all subsequent terms are within that distance from each other. This can be done by using the definition of a Cauchy Sequence and using mathematical manipulations and inequalities to show that the terms get closer and closer together.

3. What is the importance of proving a sequence is a Cauchy Sequence?

Proving that a sequence is a Cauchy Sequence is important because it guarantees that the sequence is convergent, meaning that it has a limit. This is useful in many areas of mathematics, including analysis and calculus, where the concept of convergence is crucial.

4. Can a sequence be both a Cauchy Sequence and a divergent sequence?

Yes, it is possible for a sequence to be both a Cauchy Sequence and a divergent sequence. This can happen if the sequence approaches a limit, but does not actually converge to that limit. In other words, the terms of the sequence get closer and closer together, but do not actually reach a specific value.

5. Are all Cauchy Sequences convergent?

No, not all Cauchy Sequences are convergent. While a Cauchy Sequence guarantees that the sequence is convergent, it does not necessarily mean that the sequence actually has a limit. This is because the sequence may be approaching a limit that is not included in the sequence itself. In other words, the sequence may have a "missing" limit that it is approaching, but does not actually reach.
