Computing Eigenfunctions for a One-Dimensional Operator

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the eigenfunction of a given operator that is one-dimensional and composed of the momentum and position operators. The speaker attempted to solve the equation for the eigenfunction and is stuck with two arbitrary constants. The other speaker suggests normalizing the equation to find the eigenfunction and mentions that the constants are arbitrary. The conversation also touches on the eigenvalue of the position and momentum operators and the process of finding px and x for the eigenfunction. The concept of taking the n-th derivative and multiplying it with (-i\hbar) to the n-th power is also mentioned.
  • #1

Homework Statement

find eigenfunction of the the given operator. compute the vaule of px and x for this eigenfunction

Homework Equations

O= p + x
O is made up by adding the momentum operator(p) and the position operator(x); it is one dimensional

The Attempt at a Solution

i tried doing Oѱ=ѱp+ѱx=kѱ , h'=h bar
or, -ih' *(d/dx ѱ) + x * ѱ= kѱ
or, k = -ih' *(d/dx ln ѱ) + x =k
or, kx+c=-ih' * ln ѱ +x2 /2 [after integrating]
and then solved for ѱ and i am stuck.
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Physics news on
  • #2
Well this one is ok:

-ih' *(d/dx ln ѱ) + x =k

which give you:

(d/dx ln ѱ) = (i/hbar)(k-x)

the integration is also good:

kx+c=-ih' * ln kx+c=-ih' * ln ѱ +x2 /2 +x^2 /2

Why you got stucked at solving for ѱ? What did you try? How can we help you if you not tell us what you tried?
  • #3
after doing all that i get an equation for ѱ, that look slike
ѱ= (exp) ((2kx+ 2c -x2)/-2ih)
i do have an equation but its got 2 unknown k and c, how do i proceed from here to find the eigenfunciton and the values of px and x for the eigenfunction
  • #4
k and c CAN be arbitrary constants, they are determined by normalization condition.

The eigenvalue of position operator is x|x'> = x'|x'>

The eigenvalue of momentum operator is p|x'> = -ihbar(d/dx')|x'>
  • #5
so does that mean i just take the two constants out and get an equation for the eigenfunction that looks like:
ѱ= (exp) ((2kx+ 2c -x2)/-2ih) without the k and c,
ѱ= (exp) ((2x -x2)/-2ih)

and is x|x'> = x'|x'> mean x divided by x' where x' is the derivative? or is it just performing the eigenfunction(ѱ) on x?
  • #6
nono sorry, i used the notation of sakurai. This is better:

[tex]\hat{x}\psi(x) = x\psi(x)[/tex]

[tex] \hat{p} \psi (x) = -i\hbar\dfrac{d}{dx}\psi(x) [/tex]

hat- is operator.

Should not have introduced that sloppy notation for a beginner of Qm.. sorryy

There is not ONE unique eigenfunction to this operator, the constants are arbitrary.
  • #7
yeah. i am sort of a beginner. may i bother u once more. i am asked to normalize the eigenfunction (ѱ) after finding out what it is; if there are no particular solutions for it, how do i normalize it for a given range like say (-L to L)? is it logical? and if i can't then how do i find px and x for the eigenfuntion(ѱ)
  • #8
In general, you normalize from -infinity to +infinity if nothing else is stated.

You would have normalized to -L to L if you were given this wavefunction for instance:

Psi (X) = psi(x) if -L < x < L
Psi (X) = 0 elsewhere

A hint regarding that normalization, your obtained function is a Gaussian function.
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  • #9
so normalize the equation for the eigenfunctin ѱ of O(with a hat)=p+x(both with hats) leaving the two constants k and c?? on the equation ѱ= (exp) ((2kx+ 2c -x2)/-2ih).
and px and x for the eigenfunction (ѱ) of O(with a hat) is the same thing as the eigenfunction of x on px and x on x?
  • #10
I would keep the constants k and c and then just normalize the wave function ѱ= (exp) ((2kx+ 2c -x2)/-2ih)
  • #11
malawi_glenn said:
nono sorry, i used the notation of sakurai. This is better:

[tex]\hat{x}\psi(x) = x\psi(x)[/tex]

[tex] \hat{p} \psi (x) = -i\hbar\dfrac{d}{dx}\psi(x) [/tex]

hat- is operator.

Should not have introduced that sloppy notation for a beginner of Qm.. sorryy

There is not ONE unique eigenfunction to this operator, the constants are arbitrary.

okay. so after all this. does it mean that the eigen functino of ѱ is also the eigenfunctin of the momentum operator as px?
refering to post number 6, and when trying to find the value of px and x for ѱ(the eigenfunctin of O), why are we just executing the eigenvalue on the momentum and position operator, rather than plugging it on the eigenfunction(ѱ)?
  • #12
Yes it is also an eigenfunction of the momentum operator. Remember the linearity requirement for operators.
  • #13
yeas, i get that part. its just the values of px and x for the eigenfunction(ѱ) of O that's not clear to me?
  • #14
why is it hard to just evaluate them by operating on the wavefunction?

Give it a try
  • #15
yea, i was about to get to that; to find the value of x in ѱ, i just operate for x; but what do i do for px; i can solve of x2 but what about px2??
can ѱ represent any physical state, if at all?
  • #16
so you don't know how to take a derivative of a general function?

\hat{p} \psi (x) = -i\hbar\dfrac{d}{dx}\psi(x)

You will find out that the momentum is the generator of translations..

now just do this, don't think so much, be axiomatic.

Yes this is a Gaussian wavefunction and have many nice properties.

"but what do i do for px; i can solve of x2 but what about px2"
I can't understand what you are thinking about here.. just evaluate the derivative...
  • #17
i menat px^2, px raised to the power of two? when finding px for ѱ, i first operate x on the momentum operator and then operate the result on ѱ??
  • #18
It is still an eigenfunction...
  • #19
so if it were pxn then i would just apply the momentum function on any given function n times, and plug it in for on ѱ to find the value of pxn for ѱ??
  • #20
what is the "momentum function"? and "plug it in"?

But yes, if you want to evaluate the eigenvaule of the momentum operator to the n-th power for some wavefunction in position space, you take the n-th derivative with respect to x and then multiply it with (-i\hbar) to the n-th power.

Now that has nothing to do with the normalization.
  • #21
yea, i wasn't sure about raising it to the nth power. thns for that. well i hope i won't have anymore questions. thnks a lot for the time and effort. its really going to help.
  • #22
I can give you this nice excerice, if you want.

Given the wavefuction [tex]\psi(x) = (1/(\pi ^{1/4}\sqrt{d}))\exp (ikx - x^2/(2d^2))[/tex]

Evaluate the expectation values of x, x^2, p and p^2

This wavefunction minimizes the Heisenberg Uncertainty principle:
[tex]\Delta x \Delta p = \hbar / 2[/tex]
  • #23
malawi_glenn said:
I can give you this nice excerice, if you want.

Given the wavefuction [tex]\psi(x) = (1/(\pi ^{1/4}\sqrt{d}))\exp (ikx - x^2/(2d^2))[/tex]

Evaluate the expectation values of x, x^2, p and p^2

This wavefunction minimizes the Heisenberg Uncertainty principle:
[tex]\Delta x \Delta p = \hbar / 2[/tex]

yea. how do i evaluate the values of x for any given eigenfunction. like the one u've mentioned
  • #24
you mean the eigenvaule of x-hat on psi(x)?

It is simple!

x-hat Psi(x) = x Psi(x)

You did that thing when you did the operator:
O = p + x

Don't you remember?

What are you asking?
  • #25
for the exercise you gave me in post 22, how do i evaluate the expected value of x, x^2 and so on for any given wave function.
  • #26
click on that hyperlink: expected value

Or wait until it is introduced in class, I thought you have done that.
  • #27
what hyperlink. is it hard? i might understand if u give me the instruction on here.
  • #28
In your post #25, there was a hyperlink created for the library item

It is very easy, we learned operators, eigenfunction, expectation values etc, in one lecture I recall..

This should be introduced to you next in your class I think.

The example I gave you will learn you to master the operators and taking integrals with Gaussian functions.
  • #29
malawi_glenn said:
I can give you this nice excerice, if you want.

Given the wavefuction [tex]\psi(x) = (1/(\pi ^{1/4}\sqrt{d}))\exp (ikx - x^2/(2d^2))[/tex]

Evaluate the expectation values of x, x^2, p and p^2

This wavefunction minimizes the Heisenberg Uncertainty principle:
[tex]\Delta x \Delta p = \hbar / 2[/tex]

hey glenn, do u mind evaluating for x and p^2 for me, showing the steps. so i can learn how to do it. i went through the library item and didnt quite get the end.
to find x do i integrate x|ѱ(x)2| ?? what does ѱ(x)2 mean??
  • #30
you mean a physical interpretation or what it is mathematically?

Since ѱ is a complex valued function, in order to get something with is postive and real, one has to take the MODULUS square. Now for a complex number a, a* means that you take the complex conjugate of a.

a = Re(a) + Im(a)
a* = Re(a) - Im(a)

So, |a|^2 means a* a

I thought complex number algebra was a pre requirement for Quantum Mechanics.. what kind of Quantum Class do you attend? :P I mean, no book :P

That was the mathematical explanation what |ѱ(x)|^2 is. The physical is that |ѱ(x)| ^2 is the probability DENSITY. Just as you have in mathematical statistics, which is also an requirement for quantum mechanics.

<x> = int psi* x psi dx


<p^2> = (-i hbar)^" int psi* (d/dx)^2 psi dx
  • #31
actually, this was written in the post

< x > = \int _{\text{All space}} \psi^*(x)x\psi(x) dx = \int x|\psi (x)|^2 dx

So I have no clue why you asked. Maybe this is too difficult for you? I suggest you wait. You still don't seem to follow my advise that taking one small step a head =(
  • #32
i just didnt know the notation. i know the complex conjugate. ok, so here's the question.
for yesterdays O(with hat) i got the eigenfunction(ѱ) after normalization to be,
ѱ=exp((x2 -x)/2ih') how would i go on about finding the expectation value of x, px and px2?
would you mind telling me the process step by step??
  • #33
I don't think you understand this thing with operators and eigenfunction...

It is a difference of FINDING the eigenfunctions to a given operator and finding the eigenvalues of a given operator on a given wavefunction.

The example was:

Given the wavefuction [tex]\psi(x) = (1/(\pi ^{1/4}\sqrt{d}))\exp (ikx - x^2/(2d^2))[/tex]

Evaluate the expectation values of x, x^2, p and p^2


So for the first part, <x> is int ѱ* x ѱ dx

What you need to know here are two parts, first what the complex conjugate of ѱ is and then what integral of a Gaussian integral is.

See " Generalizations "

This is too hard for you, I give up.

FAQ: Computing Eigenfunctions for a One-Dimensional Operator

1. What is the purpose of computing eigenfunctions for a one-dimensional operator?

The purpose of computing eigenfunctions for a one-dimensional operator is to determine the possible states or solutions of a physical system described by the operator. These eigenfunctions represent the stationary states of the system and can provide information about the energy levels and probabilities of different outcomes.

2. How is the one-dimensional operator represented mathematically?

The one-dimensional operator is typically represented as a differential operator, such as the Schrödinger operator in quantum mechanics or the Laplace operator in classical mechanics. It acts on a function and produces another function as its result.

3. What is the process for computing eigenfunctions for a one-dimensional operator?

The process for computing eigenfunctions for a one-dimensional operator involves solving the corresponding eigenvalue problem. This usually involves using mathematical techniques, such as separation of variables, to find the eigenfunctions and their corresponding eigenvalues.

4. What are some applications of computing eigenfunctions for a one-dimensional operator?

The computation of eigenfunctions for a one-dimensional operator has many applications in physics and engineering. It is used in quantum mechanics to study the behavior of particles, in signal processing to analyze signals, and in structural analysis to determine the modes of vibration of a system.

5. Are there any limitations to computing eigenfunctions for a one-dimensional operator?

Yes, there are limitations to computing eigenfunctions for a one-dimensional operator. In some cases, the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues cannot be found analytically and must be approximated numerically. Additionally, the eigenfunctions may not accurately represent the behavior of a system if the operator does not accurately describe the physical system.

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