What is the significance of the conjugate eigenvalues in a quantum Hamiltonian?

  • Thread starter eljose
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In summary, the conversation discusses a quantum problem involving a Hamiltonian with a potential V. The main focus is on proving that the potential must be real, and also exploring the properties of the wavefunction and the observable p. There is also a question about a given identity and its implications.
  • #1
Quantum problem...:)

let be the next quantum problem we have a Hamiltonian with a potential V so H=T+V we don,t know if V is real or complex the only thing we now is that if [tex]E_{n} [/tex] is an eigenvalue of the Hamiltonian also its conjugate [tex]E^*_{n}=E_{k} [/tex] will also be an eigenvalue we have necesarily that V is real.. ..my proof is that

[tex] <\phi]p^{2}+V[\phi>=E_{n} [/tex] taking the conjugate:

[tex] <\phi^*]p^{2}+V^{*}[\phi^*>=E^*_{n}=E_{k} [/tex] (2)but E_k is also an energy so we would have the equation:

[tex] <\phi]p^{2}+V[\phi>=E_{k} [/tex]
(3) ow equating down 2 and 3 we would have that

[tex]<\phi^*]p^{2*}+V^{*}[\phi^*>= <\phi]p^{2}+V[\phi> [/tex]

so we would have in the end that [tex]<\phi]V(x)[\phi>=<\phi^*]V^*(x)[\phi^*> [/tex] so the potential would be real...

we have that [tex] <\phi][x>=\phi^*(x) [/tex] and that [tex] <x][\phi>=\phi(x) [/tex] we would also have that [tex]\phi^*(x,E_{n})=\phi^(x,E^*_{n})=\phi(x,E_{k}) [/tex]

Another question is suppsed that p^2*=p^2 and that [tex]<p\phi][p\phi>=<\phi]p^{2}[\phi> [/tex]
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  • #2
Are you asking if your work is right? If so, I got lost at the third line. Is that a new wavefunction, or is it the same as the one from line 1? Your notation suggests it's the same, which doesn't follow from your work. And it's easy to prove p^2 is hermitian if p is.
  • #3
Another question how i would prove that [tex]<\phi|p^{2}|\phi>=<p\phi|p\phi> [/tex] ?..we know p is an observable so p=p+...
  • #4
eljose said:
Another question how i would prove that [tex]<\phi|p^{2}|\phi>=<p\phi|p\phi> [/tex] ?..we know p is an observable so p=p+...

[tex]<\phi|a\phi>=<a*\phi|\phi>[/tex] and since p*=p [tex]<\phi|p^{2}|\phi>=<p\phi|p\phi> [/tex]
  • #5
another question,let,s suppose we have the identity:

[tex]\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}dx(|\phi_{n}(x)|^{2}+|\phi_{k}(x)|^{2})f(x)=0 [/tex]

valid for all the k and n eigenfunctions of a given Hamiltonian, then necessarily we must have that f=0
  • #6
That doesn't necessarily have to be so. You can construct a hamiltonian for which all wavefunctions are zero outside an interval (i.e. infinite sqaure well) and have f(x) take nonzero values outside that interval.

FAQ: What is the significance of the conjugate eigenvalues in a quantum Hamiltonian?

1. What is a quantum problem?

A quantum problem is a problem or phenomenon that can only be fully understood and explained using principles and theories of quantum mechanics, which is a branch of physics that studies the behavior of matter and energy at a microscopic level.

2. What makes quantum problems different from classical problems?

Quantum problems involve the behavior and interactions of subatomic particles, which can exhibit properties such as superposition and entanglement that are not observed in classical physics. This means that quantum problems require a different set of mathematical and conceptual tools to analyze and solve.

3. Can quantum problems be solved?

Yes, quantum problems can be solved using mathematical models and theories, such as the Schrödinger equation and the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. However, the solutions to these problems may not always align with our classical intuition and may require advanced computational methods.

4. What are some real-world applications of solving quantum problems?

Quantum problems have numerous real-world applications, including the development of quantum computers, quantum cryptography for secure communication, and the study of quantum materials for technological advancements. They also play a crucial role in understanding the behavior of atoms, molecules, and particles in various fields, such as chemistry and material science.

5. Are there any unsolved quantum problems?

Yes, there are still many unsolved quantum problems, such as the nature of dark matter and dark energy, the unification of quantum mechanics and general relativity, and the interpretation of the wave function in quantum mechanics. These problems continue to be a subject of research and exploration in the scientific community.

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