Questioning Unnecessary Tasks: Why Fold Underwear?

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
  • Start date
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
I like to pick apart things that we do for no good reason. What job or tasks do you find to be a waste of your time?

My vote: Folding underwear. I can't think of one good reason to fold underwear...and on principle I refuse to do it. :biggrin:
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  • #2
Well, I'm not much interested in folding ANY clothes. But I have to agree, underwear definitely does not require folding.

Beds don't have to be made every day either...only if company is coming, and only if they're likely to wind up on the second floor where they'll see the bed. :biggrin:
  • #3
I no longer fold my underwear. I still fold my bras (put one cup inside the other) because otherwise they take up too much space. I also still fold my knit sweaters and put them on the shelves in the closet because hanging them will stretch them out of shape.

I used to make my bed at night before I went to sleep because wrinkles in the sheets kept me awake, but no more. :approve: I found that sleeping in pajamas with pants (to my ankles) prevented me from feeling the wrinkles.

I'M NOT HIGH MAINTENANCE! o:) I'm just a light sleeper.
  • #4
Evo said:
I no longer fold my underwear. I still fold my bras (put one cup inside the other) because otherwise they take up too much space. I also still fold my knit sweaters and put them on the shelves in the closet because hanging them will stretch them out of shape.

Sweaters don't really wrinkle, so I'm content to leave them in the laundry basket.

I used to make my bed at night before I went to sleep because wrinkles in the sheets kept me awake, but no more. :approve: I found that sleeping in pajamas with pants (to my ankles) prevented me from feeling the wrinkles.

I'M NOT HIGH MAINTENANCE! o:) I'm just a light sleeper.

Uh huh. We'll just call you Princess and the Pea! LOL! :smile:
  • #5
Moonbear said:
Uh huh. We'll just call you Princess and the Pea! LOL! :smile:
Oh, you have NO idea how accurate a description of me that is! :frown: I'd make that freeking princess seem like a narcoleptic.
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  • #6
Moonbear said:
Well, I'm not much interested in folding ANY clothes. But I have to agree, underwear definitely does not require folding.

Beds don't have to be made every day either...only if company is coming, and only if they're likely to wind up on the second floor where they'll see the bed. :biggrin:

I never do my bed...Even if company is coming,she's got to admit that,anyway,the bed will look bad at the end of her visit...Though she keeps on "lemme make the bad" afterwards,i tell'er:"You found it that way:leave it that way"... :-p

As for you slender women,the underwear is so tiny,it would be a major achievement if you managed to fold it... :-p

  • #7
Ivan Seeking said:
I like to pick apart things that we do for no good reason. What job or tasks do you find to be a waste of your time?

My vote: Folding underwear. I can't think of one good reason to fold underwear...and on principle I refuse to do it. :biggrin:

getting dressed at all. If naked is good enough for the animals its good enough for me!


  • #8
franznietzsche said:
getting dressed at all. If naked is good enough for the animals its good enough for me!



There's a problem with going out in the winter,though...You may have to make some hair implants,everywhere... :-p


P.S.Do u have the money to pay for the fines?
  • #9
Most of the good responses are taken (what's underwear??)
For me: cleaning the baseboards!
My mom was real big on making sure the base-boards were clean when we had company, but honestly, have you ever inspected, let alone glanced at someones baseboards when you visited??
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  • #10
dextercioby said:
There's a problem with going out in the winter,though...You may have to make some hair implants,everywhere... :-p


P.S.Do u have the money to pay for the fines?

A naked winter is no problem for me.

And yeah, baseboards are a pain. I got grounded for having my socks incorrectly oriented in the drawer once (i'm dead serious). And people wonder why i was so eager to move out.
  • #11
MathStudent said:
Most of the good responses are taken (what's underwear??)
For me: cleaning the baseboards!
My mom was real big on making sure the base-boards were clean when we had company, but honestly, have you ever inspected, let alone glanced at someones baseboards when you visited??

Okay, that I do notice. My sister doesn't. Cleaning along the baseboards was one of the things I snuck around doing while visiting my sister because the dust and dog hair were driving me crazy. See, we should make a list of which jobs we don't do and which we feel compelled to do and then we can all trade off. I know someone who LOVES to do laundry, it's her way of unstressing. I keep offering to ship her my laundry, and she would seriously take me up on the offer if I ever did it. To me, that's one of those things that has to be done, but certainly isn't something I look forward to.
  • #12
When u moved out,u should have left those disoriented socks in the drawer.To remind your folks of you...

  • #13
Moonbear said:
Okay, that I do notice. My sister doesn't. Cleaning along the baseboards was one of the things I snuck around doing while visiting my sister because the dust and dog hair were driving me crazy. See, we should make a list of which jobs we don't do and which we feel compelled to do and then we can all trade off. I know someone who LOVES to do laundry, it's her way of unstressing. I keep offering to ship her my laundry, and she would seriously take me up on the offer if I ever did it. To me, that's one of those things that has to be done, but certainly isn't something I look forward to.
Kindred spirits. I used to fight with my ex all the time about what "clean" was. I don't care about clutter, I don't mind a few magazines on the coffee table, kids toys on the floor, some clothes lying in the wrong place, but I clean my baseboards with a toothbrush. My stove inside and out is spotless. To him if you glance a round a room and see nothing, it's clean, even though it's filthy. To me if you glance around the room and there is stuff everywhere, is the toilet, sink, stove, baseboards (I still haven't figured that one out, blinds, etc... CLEAN? You can have clutter, but be clean, or you can be "tidy" and filthy.
  • #14
Do you clean the bottom of your toaster; you know, inside?
  • #15
Ivan Seeking said:
Do you clean the bottom of your toaster; you know, inside?

Yep! But that's a habit I learned after living in an apt with ants. I'm sure MIH understands that one. :biggrin:
  • #16
having to poor water into the kettle every hour.. having to type http addresses in the browser.. having to use mouse and stress my wrists..
  • #17
Evo said:
I no longer fold my underwear. I still fold my bras (put one cup inside the other) because otherwise they take up too much space. I also still fold my knit sweaters and put them on the shelves in the closet because hanging them will stretch them out of shape.

I used to make my bed at night before I went to sleep because wrinkles in the sheets kept me awake, but no more. :approve: I found that sleeping in pajamas with pants (to my ankles) prevented me from feeling the wrinkles.

I'M NOT HIGH MAINTENANCE! o:) I'm just a light sleeper.
We're twins. We're exactly the same in this. :biggrin: Except I still have to kind of straighten out the bed before I climb in... (Ivan just RIPS our bed up!)
  • #18
Tsu said:
Ivan just RIPS our bed up!

That's why she married me. :wink:
  • #19
dextercioby said:
When u moved out,u should have left those disoriented socks in the drawer.To remind your folks of you...


but then what would i have worn on my feet?
  • #20
Ivan Seeking said:
That's why she married me. :wink:
Well... that's true... :wink: :biggrin:
  • #21
the only job i do not like doing is grating cheese. i would rather spend the extra money on the pre-shredded cheese then the big blocks of it.
  • #22
Kerrie said:
the only job i do not like doing is grating cheese. i would rather spend the extra money on the pre-shredded cheese then the big blocks of it.

I ahve a friend who is reminded of home by grating cheese, and so always volunteers. No cheese grating for me!
  • #23
rearranging the furniture.
Find the damn best arrangement and don't change it. I have tender shins and moving the coffee table makes me bang them when I have to stumble to the bathroom at night.
putting things I use all the time where they go. messy does not equal dirty. Don't touch my pile of stuff if you don't smell something rotting underneath.
  • #24
Tsu said:
(Ivan just RIPS our bed up!)
Ivan, you ornery devil you. :wink:
  • #25
Originally Posted by Tsu
(Ivan just RIPS our bed up!)

Ivan Seeking said:
That's why she married me. :wink:
:blushing: :bugeye: :blushing:
  • #26
Ivan Seeking said:
...What job or tasks do you find to be a waste of your time?...
Keeping Ivan and Tsu apart on the forum. Apparently, any efforts along those lines aren't working. :biggrin:

Get a room you two! (Oh that's right, they have a room with a rumpled bed!)
:eek: :smile: :eek:
  • #27
What's a baseboard?
  • #28
brewnog said:
What's a baseboard?
A baseboard is a decorative and protective surface added to the base of a wall. It is often made of a 1" wide by some height (usually 6" or so) piece of wood and topped with a decorative molding. This is probably the type that they are referring to (the moldings collect dirt easily).
  • #29
Ahhhh, skirting board, cheers.

I can understand not ironing pants, not folding socks and not brushing your teeth. But not grating cheese is just lazy!
  • #30
brewnog said:
Ahhhh, skirting board, cheers.

I can understand not ironing pants, not folding socks and not brushing your teeth. But not grating cheese is just lazy!
I have never heard the UK equivalent. Skirting boards all around! :smile:
  • #31
Artman said:
I have never heard the UK equivalent. Skirting boards all around! :smile:

Woohooo! Skirting boards! Oh wait...
  • #32
brewnog said:
Ahhhh, skirting board, cheers.

I can understand not ironing pants, not folding socks and not brushing your teeth. But not grating cheese is just lazy!

Not brushing your teeth? . So let me get this strait,,, not brushing your teeth is A-OK but not grating cheese is where you draw the line? :rolleyes:
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  • #33
MathStudent said:
Not brushing your teeth? . So let me get this strait,,, not brushing your teeth is A-OK but not grating cheese is where you draw the line? :rolleyes:
He/She is from the UK, what do you expect? :-p

Every job is too stupid to do. But you got to do them :cry:
  • #34
cleaning paint brushes sucks. so does matching socks. I either make sure all my socks are the same or I throw them away and buy new ones. They don't cost much and everyone loves new socks.
  • #35
I hate cleaning the cat box. I tried using the disposable plastic box liners but the cat just scratches the liner to shreds so everything ended up in the box anyway.

I had to buy one of those hooded boxes because one cat goes into wild scratching frenzies and would fling litter and poop for three feet outside the box in all directions. Another one just never quite figured the box out, he'd put all four paws inside the box, but his rear end would hang "just outside" the edge of the box and go on the floor instead, then he'd shovel the litter out of the box and unto the floor to cover it up. He did keep the litter box clean though. :frown:

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