Questions about QFT and the reality of subatomic particles

In summary: This is not what QFT says. QFT says that the particles are really just the end result of these fluctuations.
  • #1
Quantum Alchemy
I've been reading about Quantum Field Theory and what it says about subatomic particles. I've read that QFT regards particles as excited states of underlying quantum fields.

If this is the case, how can particles be regarded as objective? It seems to me that this also removes some of the mystery associated with Quantum Mechanics.

It's often said that QM says, a particle like an electron can be in multiple states at the same time. This is confusing because when people think of a particle, they think of a particle of salt or a particle of sand. So naturally, it's mysterious as to how a particle of anything can be in multiple places at the same time.

With QFT, you remove this notion from the equation and are more in line with saying the particle only exists as potential until a measurement occurs so the potential has to be just as real as the actual. This brings us to the debate about the wave function being real or a mathematical abstraction that represents some underlying reality. My vote is that it's real but non physical as supported by Counterfactual Quantum Cryptography.

The wave-function is real but nonphysical: A view from counterfactual quantum cryptography

Counterfactual quantum cryptography (CQC) is used here as a tool to assess the status of the quantum state: Is it real/ontic (an objective state of Nature) or epistemic (a state of the observer's knowledge)? In contrast to recent approaches to wave function ontology, that are based on realist models of quantum theory, here we recast the question as a problem of communication between a sender (Bob), who uses interaction-free measurements, and a receiver (Alice), who observes an interference pattern in a Mach-Zehnder set-up. An advantage of our approach is that it allows us to define the concept of "physical", apart from "real". In instances of counterfactual quantum communication, reality is ascribed to the interaction-freely measured wave function (ψ) because Alice deterministically infers Bob's measurement. On the other hand, ψ does not correspond to the physical transmission of a particle because it produced no detection on Bob's apparatus. We therefore conclude that the wave function in this case (and by extension, generally) is real, but not physical. Characteristically for classical phenomena, the reality and physicality of objects are equivalent, whereas for quantum phenomena, the former is strictly weaker. As a concrete application of this idea, the nonphysical reality of the wavefunction is shown to be the basic nonclassical phenomenon that underlies the security of CQC.

This makes sense in light of QFT and recent experiments.

I see it like an Ocean with small ripples(quantum fluctuations) but at certain points of the Ocean these ripples get excited and turn into large waves(particles, galaxies, universes). We then have to ask what causes the ripples to become waves. If we look at the Ocean analogy, we can say the weather or maybe there's a school of fish or sharks under that point in the Ocean doing something under the water that's causing the ripples on the surface to turn into larger waves.

So it seems to me that the cause of the ripples turning into waves is more fundamental to reality than any particles which are just the end result of this excitation.
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  • #2
Quantum Alchemy said:
I've been reading about Quantum Field Theory

Where? Please give references. (You give a link to one paper later in your post, but it doesn't say the things you are saying you read at the start of your post.)

Quantum Alchemy said:
It's often said that QM says, a particle like an electron can be in multiple states at the same time.

No, that's not "often said", at least not in acceptable sources like textbooks and peer-reviewed papers.

What is "often said" is that particles can be in states that are not eigenstates of common observables like position or momentum. That means that if you try to measure those observables for the particle, the result is probabilistic--QM only predicts the probabilities of getting different possible results. But the particle still has just one state; it is not in multiple states at the same time.

QFT is no different from ordinary QM in this respect.
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  • #3
Quantum Alchemy said:
I see it like an Ocean...

Please read the PF rules on personal speculation. That's what your post from here on is. Even in this forum, which gives somewhat wider latitude because it is about interpretations and foundations, personal speculation is not allowed.
  • #4
PeterDonis said:
QM only predicts the probabilities of getting different possible results. But the particle still has just one state; it is not in multiple states at the same time.

Where's the evidence that the particle has one state prior to a measurement occurring? Also, it's not speculation, it's an analogy. I'm only describing what QFT says but using an analogy. I didn't know analogies weren't allowed.

QFT says in most places, these Quantum Fields just have small ripples or fluctuations. In the places where energy causes these small fluctuations to become much larger and we see particles and galaxies. So there wasn't any speculation.

In theoretical physics, quantum field theory (QFT) is a theoretical framework that combines classical field theory, special relativity, and quantum mechanics[1]:xi (but notably not general relativity's description of gravity) and is used to construct physical models of subatomic particles (in particle physics) and quasiparticles (in condensed matter physics).

QFT treats particles as excited states (also called quanta) of their underlying fields, which are more fundamental than the particles. Interactions between particles are described by interaction terms in the Lagrangian involving their corresponding fields. Each interaction can be visually represented by Feynman diagrams, which are formal computational tools, in the process of relativistic perturbation theory.

My analogy say nothing different than what QFT says. If you think it doesn't than it can be easily corrected using QFT not any speculation.
  • #5
Quantum Alchemy said:
Where's the evidence that the particle has one state prior to a measurement occurring?

This question makes no sense. The particle's state is part of the theory, not the data. The theory always models the particle as having one state. (More precisely, it does as long as the particle is not entangled; entangled particles don't have a well-defined state at all, only the joint system including all entangled particles does.)

Quantum Alchemy said:
it's not speculation, it's an analogy

Sorry, the part of your post that I said was speculation, is speculation. Please note that I didn't say all of your post was speculation, only that part. Saying "it's an analogy" doesn't excuse speculation; speculative analogies are still speculation. Anyway, science does not work by analogy.

Quantum Alchemy said:
I'm only describing what QFT says

No, you're not. You're describing your own personal speculative version of what QFT says.

Quantum Alchemy said:
My analogy say nothing different than what QFT says.

Wikipedia is not a valid source. Go look at a textbook or peer-reviewed paper.
  • #6
PeterDonis said:
This question makes no sense. The particle's state is part of the theory, not the data. The theory always models the particle as having one state. (More precisely, it does as long as the particle is not entangled; entangled particles don't have a well-defined state at all, only the joint system including all entangled particles does.)Sorry, the part of your post that I said was speculation, is speculation. Please note that I didn't say all of your post was speculation, only that part. Saying "it's an analogy" doesn't excuse speculation; speculative analogies are still speculation. Anyway, science does not work by analogy.

First, I haven't read anywhere that a particle exists in one state prior to measurement. Which state exactly and is the one state in many possible state prior to measurement? Any peer reviewed studies that support this would be appreciated.

Again, analogies are used all the time in scientific debates. I don't see anything in your rules that says analogies aren't allowed.

Speculation would be if I said that these excitation's were caused by a parallel universe. I simply gave an analogy on what I think QFT is describing and if others think I'm seeing it wrong they can say you're wrong because QFT says x,y or z. They don't need any speculation to refute my analogy.
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  • #7
Quantum Alchemy said:
I haven't read anywhere that a particle exists in one state prior to measurement.

Then you evidently need to go read different sources. You haven't referred to a single textbook or peer-reviewed paper. Garbage in, garbage out.

Quantum Alchemy said:
Which state exactly and is the one state in many possible state prior to measurement? Any peer reviewed studies that support this would be appreciated.

Go read any QM textbook.

Quantum Alchemy said:
analogies are used all the time in scientific debates. I don't see anything in your rules that says analogies aren't allowed.

Analogies based on personal speculation are not allowed, because personal speculation is not allowed.

Quantum Alchemy said:
Speculation would be if I said that these excitation's were caused by a parallel universe. I simply gave an analogy on what I think QFT is describing and if others think I'm seeing it wrong they can say you're wrong because QFT says x,y or z. They don't need any speculation to refute my analogy.

No amount of quibbling about what is and is not "speculation" will help you here. Sorry.

Thread closed.
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FAQ: Questions about QFT and the reality of subatomic particles

What is quantum field theory (QFT)?

Quantum field theory is a theoretical framework that combines principles of quantum mechanics and special relativity to describe the behavior of subatomic particles. It is used to understand and predict the interactions between these particles and their corresponding fields.

How does QFT explain the reality of subatomic particles?

QFT explains the reality of subatomic particles by treating them as excitations or disturbances in their corresponding fields. These fields are considered to be the fundamental building blocks of the universe, and particles are manifestations of their interactions.

What is the role of mathematical equations in QFT?

Mathematical equations are essential in QFT as they are used to describe the behavior of subatomic particles and their corresponding fields. These equations, such as the Dirac equation and the Klein-Gordon equation, are based on fundamental principles and have been extensively tested and verified through experiments.

Can QFT be used to explain all subatomic particles?

QFT is a highly successful and accurate framework, but it is not yet complete. It can explain the behavior of most subatomic particles, but there are still some particles, such as dark matter, that cannot be fully explained by current QFT models.

How does QFT relate to the standard model of particle physics?

The standard model of particle physics is a specific QFT model that describes the interactions of all known subatomic particles and their corresponding fields. It is considered to be the most accurate and comprehensive theory of particle physics to date, but it is still an ongoing area of research and may be modified or expanded upon in the future.

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