How you add gauge groups to spacetime

In summary, The conversation discusses the representation of particles, specifically an electron, in Wigner's theory. It is explained that particles are unitary irreducible representations of the 2 fold cover of the Poincare group Sl(2,C). However, there is confusion about whether an electron should also be considered a section of the fiber bundle U(1) over flat spacetime, and if this remains true upon quantization. The addition of gauge groups to spacetime and their compatibility with the particle point of view is also discussed. The use of the fiber bundle point of view in a quantum sense is mentioned, but references for this are difficult to find. The question of whether this has been figured out is posed to @Haelfix.
  • #1
Science Advisor
I wanted to restart this discussion b/c the previous thread got sidetracked, and something about it has left me deeply confused, and I think my confusion is similar to the original posters confusion.

In Wigners theory, particles (like say an electron) are unitary irreducible representations of the 2 fold (universal) cover of the Poincare group Sl(2,C). Ok good!


Shouldn't an electron be considered a section of the fiber bundle U(1) over flat spacetime. Classically this is true, upon quantization it should also remain true.. Correct?

In other words is the representation of an electron under SL(2,C) identical to the representation of an electron under SL(2,C) * U(1). Locally that is.

What has me confused is basically how you add gauge groups to spacetime, and how it meshes with the particle point of view. Theres also the added subtletly of Z2 factors showing up all over the place that has me confused.

Also, U(1) is an abelian group, it seems to me more complicated topological gauge groups would exhibit global features that clash with Wigners point of view. I mean is it even appropriate to tensor a spacetime group with an internal symmetry group and then ask for representations thereof upon quantization.

Finally, I can't find good references where the fiber bundle point of view is used in a quantum sense, its always developed classicaly.
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  • #3

FAQ: How you add gauge groups to spacetime

1. What are gauge groups in the context of spacetime?

Gauge groups are mathematical structures that represent symmetries in the laws of physics. In the context of spacetime, gauge groups describe the transformations that leave the fundamental laws of physics unchanged at every point in space and time.

2. How do you add gauge groups to spacetime?

The process of adding gauge groups to spacetime involves finding mathematical representations of the symmetries that exist in the laws of physics and incorporating them into the equations that describe spacetime. This can be accomplished through a mathematical framework called gauge theory.

3. Why are gauge groups important in understanding spacetime?

Gauge groups are important because they allow us to better understand the fundamental laws of physics and how they operate in spacetime. By incorporating gauge groups, we can better describe and predict the behavior of particles and fields in the universe.

4. How do gauge groups affect our understanding of gravity?

Gauge groups play a crucial role in our understanding of gravity. In particular, gauge theories have been instrumental in developing the theory of general relativity, which describes the force of gravity as a curvature in spacetime. Gauge groups also play a role in attempts to unify gravity with other fundamental forces.

5. Can gauge groups be added to any spacetime model?

Yes, gauge groups can be added to any spacetime model as long as the model is consistent with the principles of gauge theory. However, the specific gauge groups that are relevant may vary depending on the particular model and the symmetries that exist within it.

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