What Are the Best Books on Relativity for High School Students?

In summary: This is a book that requires a lot of work from the reader, but it's worth it.In summary, members of the Physics Forum community were asked for recommendations of books on relativity for a bright 11th grade student. Suggestions included "Spacetime Physics" by Taylor and Wheeler, "An Illustrated Guide to Relativity" by Takeuchi, "It's About Time" by N. David Mermin, and "The Geometry of Special Relativity" by Tevian Dray. For general relativity, recommendations included "Gravity from the Ground Up" by Schutz and "Exploring Black Holes" by Taylor and Wheeler. Additional suggestions were "Einstein's Theory of Relativity" by Max Born and "An
  • #1
Dear Physics Forum community,
I teach AP Physics and general physics at a small independent school. One of my colleagues asked me if I could recommend a book on relativity for the son of a friend, who is a bright 11th grade student. Sadly, I have not read many books in the popular science literature that deal with relativity. Could any of you recommend a book or books dealing with special and/or general relativity that is pitched at a high school level? I would imagine that books dealing with the implications of relativity or of thought experiments would be of particular interest in this case.

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  • #2
jdlawlis said:
Dear Physics Forum community,
I teach AP Physics and general physics at a small independent school. One of my colleagues asked me if I could recommend a book on relativity for the son of a friend, who is a bright 11th grade student. Sadly, I have not read many books in the popular science literature that deal with relativity. Could any of you recommend a book or books dealing with special and/or general relativity that is pitched at a high school level? I would imagine that books dealing with the implications of relativity or of thought experiments would be of particular interest in this case.


It was a long long time ago that I was in the eleventh grade, but I got a lot out of Taylor and Wheeler's "Spacetime Physics" back then.
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  • #3
For special relativity:

Takeuchi, An Illustrated Guide to Relativity

N. David Mermin, It's About Time requires nothing more than some algebra, and works out the theory carefully.

Tevian Dray, The Geometry of Special Relativity. More math (hyperbolic functions), but also a more geometrical outlook in preparation for GR.

For GR it's tougher to find books that are at an appropriate level but that are not superficial. It also requires more general physics background. A good semi-popular book is

Schutz, Gravity from the Ground Up: An Introductory Guide to Gravity and General Relativity

Taylor & Wheeler, Exploring Black Holes: Introduction to General Relativity might work with some preparation in SR.

These books look interesting, but I haven't tried them:

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  • #4
Great suggestions, Nugatory and Daverz!
  • #5
One of the greatest (semi-)popular books written about relativity is

Max Born, Einstein's Theory of Relativity

It's written in the 1920ies, and Born gave the income from this book to save the Institute of Theoretical Physics in Frankfurt of which he was the director at the time and which was in big trouble because of the inflation at this time.

The trick is NOT to avoid mathematics, but use mathematics at the high-school level (however at high-school level of the 1920ies!).
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FAQ: What Are the Best Books on Relativity for High School Students?

1. What is the best book to learn about relativity?

The best book to learn about relativity is "A Brief History of Time" by Stephen Hawking. It provides a comprehensive and accessible explanation of both special and general relativity.

2. Are there any books that explain relativity without advanced math?

Yes, "Relativity: The Special and General Theory" by Albert Einstein is a great introduction to the concepts of relativity without the use of advanced mathematics.

3. Can you recommend a book that explores the practical applications of relativity?

"The Elegant Universe" by Brian Greene discusses the practical applications of relativity in modern physics, including its role in understanding the universe, black holes, and time travel.

4. Is there a book that explains relativity in a visual way?

"Introducing Einstein's Relativity" by Bruce Bassett and Ralph Edney uses illustrations and diagrams to help readers understand the complex concepts of relativity in a visual way.

5. Are there any books that discuss the history and development of the theory of relativity?

"Einstein: His Life and Universe" by Walter Isaacson provides a detailed account of Einstein's life and his groundbreaking work on relativity, giving readers insight into the historical context of this theory.

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