How Fast is the Distance Changing Between Two Friends on a Circular Track?

In summary: And the angular rate is d\theta/dt = 7/(200\pi)(100 m)/(1 sec) = 7/(20000\pi) rad/sec. Of course you could just say 7 m/s translates into 7 m/200 m = 0.035 = 7/(200\pi) rad/sec. I think you get the idea.In summary, in this conversation, the problem was to find the rate at which the distance between a runner and their friend is changing when the distance between them is 200m. This was solved using the Law of Cosines and the concept of related rates, with the final answer being approximately 6.78m/s. The runner's angular
  • #1
A runner sprints around a circular track of radis 100m at a constant speed of 7m/s. The runner's friend is standing at a distance 200m from the center of the track. How fast is the distance between the friends changing when the distance between them is 200m.

Equations: Area of a Triangle, Law of Cosines, and Sector of a Circle.

[tex]A = \frac {1}{2}bh \ (\sin\theta = hr) \rightarrow A = \frac {1}{2}br\sin\theta[/tex]

[tex]A = \frac {1}{2}r^{2}\theta \ (s = r\theta) \rightarrow A = \frac {s^2}{2\theta}[/tex]

Setting Area of the Triangle and Sector of the Circle equal to each other ...

[tex]\frac {1}{2}br\sin\theta = \frac {s^2}{2\theta} \rightarrow 200\sin\theta = s[/tex]

Using Law of Cosines to relate l with theta ...

[tex]l^2 = b^2 + r^2 - 2br\cos\theta \rightarrow l^2 = 50,000 - 40,000\cos\theta[/tex]

[tex]\theta = \cos^{ - 1}\left(\frac {b^2 + r^2 - l^2}{2br}\right)[/tex]

Taking the derivative ...

[tex]\frac {d}{dt}(200\sin\theta) = \frac {d}{dt}(s) \rightarrow \frac {d\theta}{dt} = \frac {1}{200\cos\theta}\frac {ds}{dt}[/tex]

[tex]\frac {d}{dt}(l^2) = \frac {d}{dt}(50,000 - 40,000\cos\theta) \rightarrow \frac {dl}{dt} = 100\sin\theta\frac {d\theta}{dt}[/tex]

Substituting ...

[tex]\frac {dl}{dt} = \frac {1}{2}\tan\theta\frac {ds}{dt} = \frac {1}{2}\tan\left[\cos^{ - 1}\left(\frac {b^2 + r^2 - l^2}{2br}\right)\right]\frac {ds}{dt} \approx 13.56m/s[/tex]

Actual answer = 6.78m/s
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  • #2
Why not just start from the Law of Cosines?
rocophysics said:
Using Law of Cosines to relate l with theta ...

[tex]l^2 = b^2 + r^2 - 2br\cos\theta \rightarrow l^2 = 50,000 - 40,000\cos\theta[/tex]

I'll give you a tip: implicit differentiation is the heart of related rates problems. If you differentiate your result here with respect to time, you have

[tex]\frac {d}{dt}(l^2) = \frac {d}{dt}(50,000 - 40,000\cos\theta) \rightarrow 2l \frac {dl}{dt} = 40,000\sin\theta\frac {d\theta}{dt}[/tex] .

They were nice to you in this problem and told you l = 200 m right off, giving you

[tex]\frac {dl}{dt} = 100\sin\theta\frac {d\theta}{dt}[/tex] ,

as you found. The Law of Cosines gives us

[tex]l^2 = 40,000 = 50,000 - 40,000\cos\theta[/tex],

so [tex]\cos\theta = \frac{1}{4}[/tex] , making [tex]\sin\theta[/tex] equal to [sqrt(15)]/4 .

The arclength of the runner's path is increasing at 7 m/sec, so the angular rate is

[tex]\frac {d\theta}{dt} = \frac{7}{100} rad/sec[/tex].

So at last we have

[tex]\frac {dl}{dt} = 100 (srqt 15)(1/4)(7/100) = 6.78 m/sec[/tex].

I'd avoid dealing with the angle explicitly, since the derivatives get messy and leave one more open to error (especially on a timed exam).

I think I see where the extra factor of 2 got into your analysis. I don't think the areas argument is actually helpful in this problem; you will need the runner's angular speed around the circular path, but that comes directly from the definition of angular velocity. The trigonometric equation for the sides of the triangle is sufficient to work from
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  • #3
dynamicsolo said:
Why not just start from the Law of Cosines?
Ah, you are a miracle worker :-]

Question: Did you find the angular rate through the question? When it states that "the runner sprints around a circular track of radius 100m at a constant speed of 7m/s" ... so 7/100?

nvm, you used D=rtheta
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  • #4
Not quite. The 7 m is measured around the circumference of a circle while the 100 m is a radius. You have to compare circumferences, not radii. Radian measure can be defined by "[itex]\theta[/itex]= "arc length" / circumference of circle" so a distance of 7 meters around a circle of radius 100m, diameter 200 m and so circumference [itex]2000\pi[/itex]. The radian measure of the angle is [itex]7/(200\pi)[/itex].

FAQ: How Fast is the Distance Changing Between Two Friends on a Circular Track?

1. What is the formula for finding the related rate of a sector using cosine?

The formula for finding the related rate of a sector using cosine is dA/dt = r*(cosθ)*(dr/dt), where dA/dt represents the change in area, r represents the radius, θ represents the angle, and dr/dt represents the change in radius over time.

2. How do you determine the angle in a related rates problem involving a sector?

The angle in a related rates problem involving a sector can be determined by using the inverse cosine function. First, find the adjacent side and the hypotenuse using the given information. Then, use the inverse cosine function to find the angle.

3. Can you use related rates to solve problems involving sector areas that are not circular?

Yes, related rates can be used to solve problems involving sector areas that are not circular. As long as the shape of the sector is known and the appropriate formula is used, the same principles of related rates can be applied.

4. How do you set up a related rates problem involving a sector?

To set up a related rates problem involving a sector, first identify the variables that are changing and the variables that are constant. Then, use the appropriate formula for the sector and differentiate with respect to time. Finally, substitute in the given values and solve for the unknown variable.

5. Can related rates be used to find the rate of change of the angle in a sector?

Yes, related rates can be used to find the rate of change of the angle in a sector. This can be done by differentiating the angle with respect to time and using the related rates formula for sectors. However, this is only applicable if the angle is changing at a constant rate.
