How Does an Unstable Particle Breakup Affect the Speed of Its Fragments?

In summary, an unstable particle at rest breaks up into two fragments of unequal mass, with rest masses of 2.5 x 10-28 kg and 1.67 x 10-27 kg. Using conservation of energy and momentum, the speed of the heavier fragment was found to be 0.285 times the speed of light. This problem can also be solved by setting the initial and final momenta to be equal.
  • #1
An unstable particle at rest breaks up into two fragments of unequal mass. The rest mass of the lighter particle is 2.5 x 10-28 kg, and that of the heavier fragment is 1.67 x 10-27 kg. If the lighter fragment has a speed of 0.983c after the breakup, what is the speed of the heavier fragment?

What is the idea here? Where does the energy come from, from an external source, or from the mass in the particles? (note: lower case m corresponds to the mass of the light particle and upper case M corresponds to the mass of the heavy particle)

v1: speed of the lighter particle
v2: speed of the heavier particle

We know that the total relativistic energy is:

E = KE + moc2

KE = 1/2mv12, m is the relativistic mass

So if relativistic energy of the light particle is conserved we get this equation.

mc2 = 1/2mv2 + moc2

We can also conserve the relativistic mass of both particles:

(m + M)c2 = 1/2mv12 + 1/2Mv22 + (mo + Mo)c2

Is this the correct way to setup the problem?

I tried solving for v2 without any luck. So I hope there is an easier way--the correct way.

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  • #2
Originally posted by frankR
What is the idea here?

The idea is to apply conservation of energy and momentum to a relativistic problem.

Where does the energy come from, from an external source, or from the mass in the particles?

It comes from the mass of the inital body. When you are done solving the problem, you can verify that the combined masses of the fragments is less than the mass of the whole. Rest mass energy was converted to kinetic energy.

(note: lower case m corresponds to the mass of the light particle and upper case M corresponds to the mass of the heavy particle)

That's a bad choice, in my opinion. I would use capital M for the mass of the body before disintegration, and mL, mH for the masses of the light and heavy fragments, respectively. Descriptive variable names can help you track which quantity is which throughout the problem.

v1: speed of the lighter particle
v2: speed of the heavier particle

We know that the total relativistic energy is:

E = KE + moc2


KE = 1/2mv12, m is the relativistic mass

No, that's nonrelativistic KE. Look up relativistic KE in your book. It is:


and if you add that to the rest mass energy to get the total energy of a free particle, you get:


This should all be in your book.

So if relativistic energy of the light particle is conserved we get this equation.

mc2 = 1/2mv2 + moc2

No, even if you were right about KE you wouldn't get that. The energy of the light particle by itself is not conserved.

We can also conserve the relativistic mass of both particles:

(m + M)c2 = 1/2mv12 + 1/2Mv22 + (mo + Mo)c2

No, on the left you have the total mass equal to (m+M), which is not true.

I am going to use the notation I suggested.

The total energy prior to disintegration is:


The total energy after disintegration is:


Let Ei=Ef, and you have the equation for conservation of energy. Since you have two unknowns (M and vH), you need another equation. Luckily, conservation of momentum saves the day.

Total momentum before disintegration:


Total momentum after disintegration:


Let pi=pf, and you have the equation for conservation of momentum.

edit: fixed variable subscripts
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  • #3
I got vH = .3265*c

However the correct answer should be .285*c

I founs these equations:

From: pL = pH I got:

VH = (YL/YH)*(mLo/mHo)*VL

From Ei = Ef:

I found:

YH = (mLo + mHo - YL*mLo)/mHo

I then substited YH in VH = (YL/YH)*(mLo/mHo)*VL and calculated my answer.

What went wrong?

  • #4
Originally posted by frankR
From Ei = Ef:

I found:

YH = (mLo + mHo - YL*mLo)/mHo

How did you eliminate the mass M of the initial particle?
  • #5
Originally posted by Tom
How did you eliminate the mass M of the initial particle?

Uhhhhh... By making it go to zero.

Nevertheless you can solve it strickly with ph=pl.
  • #6
Originally posted by frankR
Nevertheless you can solve it strickly with ph=pl.

Yes, that's true--I didn't notice that at first.

So you got it then?
  • #7
Yeah, I fiquered it out right before I turned it in. It was a Newton's Third Law problem with a Special Relativity twist.

FAQ: How Does an Unstable Particle Breakup Affect the Speed of Its Fragments?

1. What is the relativistic particle problem?

The relativistic particle problem is a theoretical problem in physics that involves understanding the behavior of a particle moving at speeds close to the speed of light. It is based on Einstein's theory of special relativity, which states that the laws of physics should be the same for all observers moving at constant speeds.

2. What are some key features of the relativistic particle problem?

Some key features of the relativistic particle problem include time dilation, length contraction, and the equivalence of mass and energy. These concepts challenge our intuitive understanding of time, space, and mass, and require the use of complex mathematical equations to accurately describe the behavior of a relativistic particle.

3. How is the relativistic particle problem different from classical mechanics?

The relativistic particle problem differs from classical mechanics in several ways. Classical mechanics, also known as Newtonian mechanics, only applies to objects moving at speeds much slower than the speed of light. In contrast, the relativistic particle problem takes into account the effects of special relativity and applies to objects moving at high speeds close to the speed of light.

4. What are some real-world applications of the relativistic particle problem?

The relativistic particle problem has many practical applications, such as in particle accelerators used in scientific research and medical treatments. It also plays a crucial role in technologies like GPS, which rely on accurate calculations of time and space to function properly.

5. What are some current challenges in solving the relativistic particle problem?

Solving the relativistic particle problem is a complex task that requires advanced mathematical techniques and computational power. Some current challenges in this field include finding ways to accurately describe the behavior of particles at extremely high energies and incorporating quantum mechanics into the equations for a more complete understanding of the universe.
