Solve Relativity Questions: KE, Time, and Distance

  • Thread starter iurod
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In summary, the velocity of the spaceship will be 0.80c, and the time elapsed on the spaceship clock will be 6 years while 10 years have passed on Earth. The distance travelled will be 8 lightyears for observers on Earth and 4.8 lightyears for observers on the spaceship. The distance was found using the equation d=vt, as the length contraction formula cannot be used without knowing the length in one of the frames. The time dilation formula was not used to find the distance as it yielded incorrect results.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A) at what velocity will be the KE of a spaceship 2/3 of its rest energy?
B) If the Spaceship travels at this velocity relative to the Earth and its trip takes 10 years as measured in the earthbound system, how much time has elapsed on the spaceship clock?
C) What is the distance (in lightyears) it travels as seen from the Earth and as seen from the spaceship?

Homework Equations

m=mo/([tex]\sqrt{}1- (v^2/c^2)[/tex]
[tex]\Delta[/tex]t= [tex]\Delta[/tex]to/([tex]\sqrt{}1- (v^2/c^2)[/tex]

Sorry for some reason the subscript isn't working or I'm doing it completely wrong...


The Attempt at a Solution

KE = (m-mo)c^2 = 2/3moc^2 ... m=1.67o(1+2/3 = 1.67)

1.67 = 1/([tex]\sqrt{}1- (v^2/c^2)[/tex]
2.7889 = 1/(1-(v^2/c^2))
1/2.7889 = (1-(v^2/c^2))
0.6414 = v^2/c^2
v= 0.80c

[tex]\Delta[/tex]t= [tex]\Delta[/tex]to/([tex]\sqrt{}1- (v^2/c^2)[/tex]
10 yrs = [tex]\Delta[/tex]to/[tex]\sqrt{}1-.80^2[/tex]
[tex]\Delta[/tex]to = 6 years

C)I didn't really know how to do this one so I just tried and equation:
L=61 lightyears for the people on earth

10years = Lo[tex]\sqrt{}1-.80^2[/tex]
Lo16.67 Lightyears for the people in the spaceship

Unfortunately I don't have the answers to these so I can't check my own work, any help would be greatly appreciated..


Physics news on
  • #2
To find the distance, just multiply the speed of the ship by the time elapsed.
  • #3
vela said:
To find the distance, just multiply the speed of the ship by the time elapsed.

Distance on Earth inertial frame = 0.80c(10years) = 8yc (does yc = light years?)

Distance on spaceships inertial frame 0.80c(6years) = 4.8yc

Thanks... does all the other stuff look correct?

Thanks for your help
  • #4
Yes, yc is a light-year. Your other work is fine. You might also note that the two distances you found are related via length contraction.
  • #5
vela said:
Yes, yc is a light-year. Your other work is fine. You might also note that the two distances you found are related via length contraction.

The only formula I thought fit after doing multiple relativity questions was Length contraction for a question like this. Is there another way to solve it?

I tried time dilation first thinking time/years seems reasonable, but my answers were wacky. But it may have been a mathematical error, can it be done using time dilation?

Thank you for all your help, i greatly appreciate it.
  • #6
The length contraction and time dilation formulas merely relate quantities in one frame to those in another. You need an independent way to determine the distance in one of the frames.
  • #7
If I use d=vt I get:
d=0.80c(10years) = 8 Lightyears for the people on earth


d=0.80(6years) = 4.8 Lightyears for the astronauts

I was under the impression that d=vt was not valid for speeds close to the speed of light?

(I'm a little confused was finding the distance via the length contraction equation incorrect?)
  • #8
Your impression is incorrect; d=vt is valid at all speeds.

Unless you have the length in one of the frames, how can you use the length contraction formula?

(Just to be clear, those answers you got using d=vt are correct.)
  • #9
now this makes total sense. Since I have no length in either frame I cannot use the Length contraction equation. The 10 years I plugged into the length contraction equation is not a length but a time...

Thank you for helping me with this Vela. I greatly appreciate it...

FAQ: Solve Relativity Questions: KE, Time, and Distance

1. What is the equation for calculating kinetic energy in relativity?

The equation for calculating kinetic energy in relativity is E = mc^2 / √(1 - (v^2/c^2)), where E is the kinetic energy, m is the mass, c is the speed of light, and v is the velocity.

2. How do you calculate the time dilation in relativity?

The formula for calculating time dilation in relativity is t = t0 / √(1 - (v^2/c^2)), where t is the time measured in a moving frame of reference, t0 is the time measured in a stationary frame of reference, c is the speed of light, and v is the velocity.

3. What is the equation for calculating distance in relativity?

The equation for calculating distance in relativity is d = vt / √(1 - (v^2/c^2)), where d is the distance, v is the velocity, t is the time measured in a stationary frame of reference, and c is the speed of light.

4. How does relativity affect the concept of simultaneity?

According to relativity, the concept of simultaneity is relative and depends on the observer's frame of reference. Events that may appear simultaneous to one observer may not be simultaneous to another observer in a different frame of reference.

5. Can relativity be applied to everyday situations?

Yes, relativity can be applied to everyday situations such as GPS navigation, where the satellites have to take into account the effects of time dilation and gravitational time dilation in order to provide accurate location data. Relativity also plays a role in particle accelerators, nuclear power plants, and many other technological applications.
