Reliable and Accruate Mechanism for Launching Ping Ping Balls?

In summary: It used a simple catapult made from a 2x4 with a notch cut out of the top, with a tennis ball placed in the notch and a rubber band stretched around the 2x4. The catapult was then gently pushed forward, causing the tennis ball to be thrown forward (and up) into the air.
  • #1
Hello, I'm an electrical engineering student at Washington State University, and I am attempting to design a beer pong (more properly known as beirut) playing robot. It won't be completely autonomous, as you will still have to tell it when to shoot, and load the balls, etc. Anyway, all of the components necessary to make it are clear to me besides the launching mechanism.

What I need is a launching mechanism that will launch the ball varying distances in a reliable manner that is not too large. I've had a few ideas for doing this: something similar to a tennis ball launcher, or perhaps using compressed air? The two wheeled ball launcher is common, but according to the youtube videos I've seen, also quite inaccurate. To put the accuracy requirement in perspective: it needs to be able to get the ball inside 0.3 inches of the target position at a range of at most 10 feet. Is that possible?

I'd like to keep the robot relatively small; hopefully it will be less than a few cubic feet. Any suggestions? Thanks!
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  • #2
I see compressed gas used a lot, isn't it simpler to use elastic or spring energy?
  • #3
I've seen a coil gun used to propel ping pong balls, but that seems a lot more difficult to control. Compressed air looks like the most consistent solution, but I have nearly no experience with any of these things.
  • #4
I competed in an engineering competition in high school and made a ballista out of PVC piping, a wooden crossbar and surgical tubing for propulsion of the ping pong ball. I drilled holes in the top of the PVC pipe along its length to change distance, had slots milled on both sides for the tubing to slide through and a wooden block in the middle to follow behind the ball. This was mounted on a base with a protractor-like upright with 3 angle settings. The whole thing had a 1' by 1' footprint and was ~8" high. As for the .3 leniency, if you tweak the design enough that'll come.

My design (close to the same both years, with slight modifications) was capable of accurately getting a ball in a 5 gallon bucket within 6 to 30 feet (repetitively).

FAQ: Reliable and Accruate Mechanism for Launching Ping Ping Balls?

1. What is the purpose of a reliable and accurate mechanism for launching ping pong balls?

The purpose of a reliable and accurate mechanism for launching ping pong balls is to ensure consistent and precise launch of the balls. This is important for experiments or competitions where the distance or trajectory of the ball needs to be controlled and measured accurately.

2. How does a reliable and accurate mechanism work?

A reliable and accurate mechanism for launching ping pong balls typically uses a spring-loaded mechanism or air pressure to propel the ball. The mechanism is designed and calibrated to launch the balls at a specific speed and trajectory, ensuring consistency and accuracy.

3. What factors affect the reliability and accuracy of a ping pong ball launcher?

The design and construction of the mechanism, the quality and consistency of the materials used, and the precision of the calibration process all contribute to the reliability and accuracy of a ping pong ball launcher. External factors such as air resistance and humidity can also affect the launch of the ball.

4. How can the reliability and accuracy of a ping pong ball launcher be tested?

The reliability and accuracy of a ping pong ball launcher can be tested by launching multiple balls and measuring their distance and trajectory. This can be done with a measuring tape and a target or by using sensors and data analysis software. The results can then be compared to the intended specifications of the launcher.

5. Are there any safety precautions to consider when using a ping pong ball launcher?

Yes, it is important to follow all safety guidelines provided by the manufacturer when using a ping pong ball launcher. This may include wearing protective gear, keeping a safe distance from the launcher, and avoiding using the launcher in crowded or confined spaces. It is also important to handle and store the launcher properly to prevent accidents or injuries.
