Replacing two corresponding switches as one with AND-gates

In summary: I understand that you want to share the images, but maybe splitting them up into their own thread would be better. In summary, the user can choose between DPDT functionality (so having "SensorI" be a doorway that goes up and down, reverse) or add another sensor in place of the first sensor having DPDT functionality. The DPDT requires two +VccRelays. The attempts at a solution include replacing the two switches on the right (SW3 & SW4), which is thought to work.
  • #1
Homework Statement
So this is not homework or an assignment, but usually my questions get moved here anyway. This is from a project I'm working on for my job. A user can choose between DPDT functionality (so having "SensorI" be a doorway that goes up and down, reverse) or add another sensor in place of the first sensor having DPDT functionality. The DPDT requires two +VccRelays.

The relays on the left can be effectively thought of as simply Vcc. This is my current design. It works. (I implemented and tested it.)

The attempt at a solution
Although, I want the user have less switches to screw up. So I figure there's a way to replace the two switches on the right (SW3 & SW4). Do you think this will work:
I tried to make it easier to understand where the switch numbering is replaced with corresponding letters (where A matches everywhere with A, and B with B). If doing switch B, then the DPDT is enabled.


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  • #2
Sorry, I'm having trouble seeing what you want the circuit to do. Could you post a description and/or a truth table? And it looks like there are some combinations of switch settings where the Sensor output can get connected directly to Vcc and Ground. Will that hurt the Sensor?
  • #3
adamaero said:
I think that's the truth table: A⊕B = C = D'
adamaero, the images you cite are not viewable by us. Allaboutcircuits requires registration, apparently.

To include it in your post, you would need to download the image, then upload it to PF.
  • #4
I opened up a new thread:
(I mistakenly thought I couldn't edit the original question.)
  • #5
adamaero said:
I opened up a new thread:
(I mistakenly thought I couldn't edit the original question.)
Please don't cross-post. Just add the new images here in this thread please.
  • #6
@ adamaero. If you could fully define and understand the question, you would see the obvious answer. Maybe you need to explain it clearly to others, in completely different ways, so you can see the answer yourself. Can you step back and see or describe the problem from a different viewpoint?
  • #7
adamaero said:
Can this thread be deleted? I can see all the images (which you cannot). And it appears that I cannot edit the original question
It is very confusing for others if you go back and edit your OP. Please just add a post here with your new images. Thanks.
  • #8
If you post the pictures, I can clean up the posts that are us expressing confusion.

FAQ: Replacing two corresponding switches as one with AND-gates

What is the purpose of replacing two corresponding switches with AND-gates?

The purpose of replacing two corresponding switches with AND-gates is to create a logical connection between the two switches. This allows for both switches to be turned on simultaneously in order for a circuit to be activated.

How do AND-gates work in replacing two corresponding switches?

AND-gates work by taking two inputs and producing an output based on the logical operation of AND. This means that the output will only be active if both inputs are active. In the context of replacing two switches, this means that both switches must be turned on for the circuit to be activated.

What are the advantages of using AND-gates to replace two corresponding switches?

Replacing two corresponding switches with AND-gates has several advantages. It simplifies the circuit by reducing the number of components needed, it ensures that both switches are always connected and activated together, and it allows for more precise control over when the circuit is activated.

Are there any limitations to using AND-gates to replace two corresponding switches?

While AND-gates are a useful tool for replacing switches, they do have some limitations. One limitation is that they can only be used for circuits that require both switches to be turned on simultaneously. Another limitation is that the number of inputs for an AND-gate is limited, so it may not be practical for circuits with more than two switches.

What are some real-world applications of replacing two corresponding switches with AND-gates?

Replacing two corresponding switches with AND-gates is commonly used in electronic circuits, such as in alarm systems, garage door openers, and automatic doors. It is also used in computer logic circuits, where multiple inputs need to be activated in order for a process to occur.

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