Reverse time dilation possible?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of using reverse time dilation to achieve greater computational power. The idea is that if a computer is traveling through time slower than us, it would appear to be working faster. One suggestion for achieving this is by submerging oneself into an extreme gravity field and running the computer from outside of it. Other ideas include using exotic matter with negative mass or building computers that use photonics instead of electricity. However, there are concerns about the feasibility of these ideas and potential consequences.
  • #1
I've become fascinated by the prospect of using reverse time dilation as a means to achieve a "holy grail" of computational power.

I'm probably going to get knocked down by not explaining this right (I haven't studied SR yet) but please try and understand what I mean. If a computer was traveling through time slower than us then it would appear to be working faster than if it was traveling through time in sync with us.

It has been suggested that we travel through time at the speed of light.

This could have extraordinarily implications for everything from folding proteins and other biological simulations to breaking ridiculously high strength cryptography.

Does anyone here have any theories on how reverse time dilation might work. No idea is to far out so don't hold back :)

So far I'm thinking about what might be "inside" a black hole or what could happen if exotic matter with negative mass accelerated to super speeds. Perhaps even the best way to do it would be to build CPU's that use Photonics instead of electricity through a semi-conductor.

Thanks and I hope this becomes a very exciting thread!
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  • #2
caston said:
Does anyone here have any theories on how reverse time dilation might work. No idea is to far out so don't hold back :)
I don't know of a workable way other than mine:

Put your computer onto a spaceship and let it run your computer program far away from earth. Then bring the Earth near a strong gravity source (or the other way round). Every clock on Earth will run slower. When your computer program finishes execution, remove the gravity source and bring back the spaceship.

Don't try this method at home though!

Wai Wong
  • #3
We had a thread on this a while back. If you could create a large and dense negative mass (i.e. exotic matter) it would have gravitational time acceleration rather than time dilation.

The thread also had some references to the literature by Bondi and some semi-popular references. You can probably find it if you search the forum, if you look for my name, Bondi, and negative mass.

To create time acceleration would require bulk exotic matter, which may or may not exist. The Casimir effect shows that negative energy densities are possible, but this is not the same as bulk amounts of negative mass. There would be some rather unpleasant thermodynamic consequences to the existence of bulk negative mass as well, this has also been mentioned in past threads.
  • #5
caston said:
If a computer was traveling through time slower than us then it would appear to be working faster than if it was traveling through time in sync with us.


Nice idea, but actually, the computer has one of two options if one considers relative motion thru 3-space as the source for relative time ...

(1) It is stationary wrt you, at which point it experiences the passage of time the same as you do, such as sitting at PC typing these posts.

(2) It is moving wrt you, at which point it appears to you to run slower than a PC at rest with you.​

caston said:
It has been suggested that we travel through time at the speed of light. Does anyone here have any theories on how reverse time dilation might work. No idea is too far out so don't hold back :)

Seems that the only way to achieve your goal is to submerse yourself into an extreme gravity field, and let the computer run from outside the G field. Per you it'd run processing very fast, once you gave it a command. But then per those outside with the PC, you'd be the most slowest PC operator alive, and they could not reap the reward since the PC runs at normal speed for them :-)

caston said:
So far I'm thinking about what might be "inside" a black hole or what could happen if exotic matter with negative mass accelerated to super speeds. Perhaps even the best way to do it would be to build CPU's that use Photonics instead of electricity through a semi-conductor.

Don't know about negative mass, but I'd tend to agree that a light based computer could open up the door quite a bit. May not need to be limited to base 2, and if it could be run primarily in vacu then it'd be fast as could be. However you'd need something to switch states, and so the speed of state change would be the limiting factor. But a base (say) 11 computer could be pretty powerful.


Related to Reverse time dilation possible?

What is reverse time dilation?

Reverse time dilation is the phenomenon where time appears to move slower for an object in motion compared to a stationary observer. In other words, time appears to "dilate" or slow down for the object in motion.

Is reverse time dilation possible?

Currently, there is no scientific evidence to suggest that reverse time dilation is possible. The concept of time dilation is based on Einstein's theory of relativity, which has been extensively tested and has been shown to accurately describe the behavior of time. Thus, it is widely accepted that time dilation can only occur in one direction - time appears to move slower for the object in motion, not faster.

Can we travel through time by reversing time dilation?

No, reversing time dilation cannot be used as a means of time travel. While time dilation does affect the perception of time, it does not actually alter the flow of time. This means that even if we were able to reverse time dilation, it would not allow us to travel back in time.

What are some potential consequences of reverse time dilation?

If reverse time dilation were possible, it would have significant consequences on our understanding of time and the laws of physics. It could also potentially change our perception of events and the order in which they occur. However, as mentioned before, there is currently no evidence to support the idea of reverse time dilation.

Are there any experiments or studies being conducted on reverse time dilation?

While there may be some theories or speculations about reverse time dilation, there is currently no scientific research or experiments being conducted on this topic. As it goes against our current understanding of time and the laws of physics, it is not a widely studied concept in the scientific community.

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