Rewriting Triple Integrals: How to Split Up Limits for Cylindrical Surfaces?

Thanks for catching that.In summary, the given integral can be rewritten in five other ways by rearranging the order of integration and setting different limits for the variables. The key is to visualize the intersection of the surfaces in 3D and use that to determine the limits for the integrals. It may be helpful to sketch the intersection on the xz or yz plane to better understand the limits.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Rewrite this integral the other five ways
[tex]\int_{x=0}^{1}\int_{z=0}^{1-x^2}\int_{y= 0}^{1-x} dydzdx[/tex]

Homework Equations

Must be in rectangular coordinates

The Attempt at a Solution

1.)[tex]\int_{z=0}^{1}\int_{x=0}^{\sqrt{1-z}}\int_{y= 0}^{1-x} dydxdz[/tex]




5.)[tex]\int_{y=0}^{1}\int_{z=0}^{1-x^2}\int_{x= 0}^{1-y}dxdzdy[/tex]

With the last two I see the problem that the variable x will still be in the final answer. How can this problem be fixed. I figured the solution is to write the planes in another form but I don't see how to write the equations y=1/x or z=1-x2 without the variable x.

Thank you for your time.
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  • #2
The first step in solving a problem like this is to draw a picture of the 3d figure. Have you done that? You need it to see the proper limits.

The reason x first is tricky is that when you go from x on the back, which is x = 0, to x on the front, the front surface is in two pieces, partially a plane and partially a curved surface. You will need two integrals.
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  • #3
Yes I have drawn it. I am having trouble figuring out how to split it up. Could I by chance get a hint on how to split it up? Thank you.
  • #4
For #4, try sketching on the xy plane the intersection of the solid and a plane of constant z. It may be easier to ignore the constraint on y initially and then add it back in later.

Similarly, for #5, sketch on the xz plane the intersection of the solid and a plane of constant y. Again, it may be easier initially to ignore the constraint on x and then add it back in later.
  • #5
EV33 said:

Homework Statement

Rewrite this integral the other five ways
[tex]\int_{x=0}^{1}\int_{z=0}^{1-x^2}\int_{y= 0}^{1-x} dydzdx[/tex]
this tells that x lies between 0 and 1, for each x, z lies between 0 and [itex]1- x^2[/itex], and for each x and z, y lies between 0 and 1- x.

In the xz-plane, [itex]z= 1- x^2[/itex] is the parabola with vertex at (0, 1) and x-intercepts (1,0) and (-1,0). In the xy-plane, y= 1- x is the line through (0, 1) and (1, 0).

Notice that there is no "z" in that last! That tells us that we can write [itex]\int\int\int dzdydx[/itex] in exactly the same way.

For something like [itex]\int\int\int dxdzdy[/itex], we have to first think, what is the range for y? Looking at y= 1- x, we see that y can range from 0 to 1 as x goes between 0 and 1. The "outer" integral is [itex]\int_0^1 dy[/itex]. Now, the range of z, for each y, is a bit more complicated. Since z goes from 0 up to [itex]1- x^2[/itex] and y from 0 to 1- x, we have x= 1- y and z from 0 to [itex]1- (1-y)^2= 2y- y^2[/itex]. Finally, for all y and z, [itex]z= 1- x^2[/itex] is the same as [itex]x^2= 1- z[/itex] or [itex]x= \pm\sqrt{1- z}[/itex]. x can go from [itex]-\sqrt{1- z}[/itex] to [itex]\sqrt{1- z}[/itex]:
[tex]\int_{y=0}^1\int_{z= 0}^{2y- y^2}\int_{z=-\sqrt{1-z}^{\sqrt{1-x}}dxdzdy[/tex]

Now, try the others.

Homework Equations

Must be in rectangular coordinates

The Attempt at a Solution

1.)[tex]\int_{z=0}^{1}\int_{x=0}^{\sqrt{1-z}}\int_{y= 0}^{1-x} dydxdz[/tex]




5.)[tex]\int_{y=0}^{1}\int_{z=0}^{1-x^2}\int_{x= 0}^{1-y}dxdzdy[/tex]

With the last two I see the problem that the variable x will still be in the final answer. How can this problem be fixed. I figured the solution is to write the planes in another form but I don't see how to write the equations y=1/x or z=1-x2 without the variable x.

Thank you for your time.
  • #6
EV33 said:
Yes I have drawn it. I am having trouble figuring out how to split it up. Could I by chance get a hint on how to split it up? Thank you.

I have posted an image to help you see this.


This image shows the projection of the intersection of the two surfaces onto the yz plane. The equation of the cylindrical "wall" (shown in red) that projects onto the yz plane is gotten by setting the x values of the intersecting surfaces equal to each other. The black curve in the zy plane is where the wall intersects the plane and gives you the limits on the two zy integrals that have different "front" surfaces.

[Edit]Fixed x and y were reversed.
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FAQ: Rewriting Triple Integrals: How to Split Up Limits for Cylindrical Surfaces?

1. What is the purpose of rewriting triple integrals?

Rewriting triple integrals is necessary when the given integral is in an inconvenient form and needs to be simplified in order to be solved. It involves changing the limits of integration and/or the order of integration to make the integral easier to evaluate.

2. How do you determine the limits of integration when rewriting triple integrals?

The limits of integration can be determined by drawing a graph of the region of integration and identifying the boundaries of the region. These boundaries will then become the limits of integration for the rewritten integral.

3. What is the process for changing the order of integration in a triple integral?

To change the order of integration, the innermost integral is evaluated first followed by the next integral and so on. The limits of integration must also be adjusted accordingly to match the new order.

4. When should you use cylindrical or spherical coordinates to rewrite a triple integral?

Cylindrical and spherical coordinates are useful when the region of integration is best described by circular or spherical shapes, respectively. They can help simplify the integral and make it easier to evaluate.

5. Are there any techniques for rewriting triple integrals to make them easier to solve?

Yes, there are several techniques that can be used to rewrite triple integrals, such as using symmetry to reduce the number of integrals, using trigonometric identities to simplify the integrand, and using substitution to change the variables in the integral.
