Schumann Resonance and EEGs: Is There a Connection?

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
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In summary: EM frequencies.In summary, it seems that the range of peak Schumann Resonance frequencies [the ionosphere] land right in the range of the peak amplitude EEG frequencies. This may or may not be a coincidence, and it is possible that Schumann nodes exist and could effect human behavior. There is currently a lack of understanding of the source of EEGs, and it is possible that this could be explained through the work of someone like Persinger.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
I am multi-tasking here, but the questions are all linked.

It is interesting to note that the range of peak Schumann Resonance frequencies [the ionosphere] land right in the range of the peak amplitude EEG frequencies. I first noticed this by chance some time ago. I then noticed a related paper by a neurobiologist but have not been able to locate this reference since. So, first, has anyone ever heard or read about this. Next, does it seem likely that such a relation could exist...that this is not coincidental? What is the state-of-the-art in understanding the influence of non-ionizing EM on the brain? What about a tuned frequency? Finally, what in the heck is the source for and what determines the frequencies of EEGs? I have not found a clear explanation about the source of these oscillating potentials in our heads.

Note that before I could even ask the question, I ran across one pseudo-science claim linking SR to Native American mystic places. This may or may not be a completely unreasonable proposition to consider. Do Schumann nodes exist? If so, could they effect human behavior? [EDIT: What about crime? Depression?] I'm just asking questions assertions intended.

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  • #2
I wanted to stress that any implied connection here is only intended in a long term evolutionary sense; or perhaps as a minor influence now - moods, stress levels etc. No takers? What is the problem? No idea or just too far out? It seems that I saw one paper, the one mentioned above, that implies that a connection here is feasible.
  • #3
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking

Note that before I could even ask the question, I ran across one pseudo-science claim linking SR to Native American mystic places.

LOL! OK, am I the only Schmo in the Forums who thought this was an attempt to use Earthlights to connect Native American places of power to Special Relativity?

Anyhow, is the artical you saw before?

I don't think the similarity between Schumann Resonances and human EEG patterns is any more coincidental than the similarity between Earth's chemistry and our own. Just as our bodies are made from the soil of this world, and so bear its chemical signature, so too the ellectrical activity in our brains evolved within this planets EM field. It would be quite strange indeed if the two EM patterns did not have some similarities. Could have been used as proof that we came from elsewhere!
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  • #4

Originally posted by LURCH
LOL! OK, am I the only Schmo in the Forums who thought this was an attempt to use Earthlights to connect Native American places of power to Special Relativity?

Anyhow, is the artical you saw before?

I don't think the similarity between Schumann Resonances and human EEG patterns is any more coincidental than the similarity between Earth's chemistry and our own. Just as our bodies are made from the soil of this world, and so bear its chemical signature, so too the ellectrical activity in our brains evolved within this planets EM field. It would be quite strange indeed if the two EM patterns did not have some similarities. Could have been used as proof that we came from elsewhere!

I knew I shouldn't have abbreviated SR...Schumann Resonance...not the other SR. And no, that's not the article I saw, but that works! Thanks. Seems like an interesting subject don’t you think?
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  • #5
Sure is! Have you heard of the work being done by Could have specific bearing on what we're discussing. He uses controlled EM fields to produce very specific hallucinations in humans. I've seen video of people in his lab (a vault-like room in northern Canada). They put on a helmet, which he adjusts to hit their brain with low-voltage EM.

The special I saw was directed at explaining UFO abduction experiences. And indeed, people had illusory experiences ranging from "feeling a presence" in the room to seeing figures, or faces in front of them, to actual tactile hallucinations. One guy was certain someone had grabbed his foot and was pulling on it, said he expected to be pulled right off the chair at any moment!

However, persinger's work has also produced "trips" very similar to many "religious experiences". Could relate to "Schumann Nodes" and Native American religious sites, no?
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  • #6
Yes I have heard a little about this. Very interesting work. I wouldn't be surprised to see this incorporated into virtual reality at some point. Also, it seems that hallucinations or at least minor mental aberrations can also result from the ELF waves produce by seismic activity. This all really makes me wonder not only about some mystical experiences, but also about mental health and behavior.

As far as mystical places go: Could stable Schumann nodes exist as a function of the topography of the land, or due to the local mineral content of the soil for example? I am grasping for straws here but this idea is suggested by some myths and legends...such as the Native American beliefs.
  • #7
This all just reminded me of something. When I worked on MRI scanners we had an MRI tech that needed an MRI scan. Obviously she was comfortable with the procedure. She went into the hole and remained quiet the entire time. When the scan was finished and she was taken out of the hole, she was furious and insisted that she had been screaming to be let out the entire time. An intercom and constant visual observation insured that this was not true. She had in fact been hallucinating. This particular scanner used a 0.75 Tesla field. I don’t remember the RF field strength used at that time but the frequencies used are standard. For the record, the cause of the hallucination was listed as a claustrophobic reaction. The tech did object to this answer since she was not prone to claustrophobia. I have also heard some really weird reports of MRI techs claiming to see ghosts or apparitions of some sort. Of course, since this comes from the fringe, who knows; all of the fringe-nuts are working this as a trans-dimensional something or other. But is seems that this could also be a related story
  • #8
Now that IS interesting. I had never heard of such stories related to people working closely with MRI equipment.

One of our PF members did a paper on this very topic last semester, but I can't remember which one. I remember it was a female member, so I will PM the few possibilities that this leaves, in an attempt to find the guilty party and asked her to join this discussion.

FAQ: Schumann Resonance and EEGs: Is There a Connection?

What is Schumann Resonance?

Schumann Resonance refers to the low-frequency electromagnetic waves that naturally occur in the Earth's atmosphere. These waves are created by the continuous interaction between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere.

How does Schumann Resonance impact the human brain?

Studies have shown that the human brain and nervous system are highly sensitive to electromagnetic frequencies, including Schumann Resonance. It is believed that exposure to these frequencies can have a calming effect on the brain and improve overall brain function.

Can Schumann Resonance be measured using EEGs?

Yes, EEGs (electroencephalograms) are used to measure brain wave activity, including the frequencies associated with Schumann Resonance. These measurements can provide valuable insights into the state of the brain and its response to environmental factors.

Is there a correlation between Schumann Resonance and human health?

While further research is needed, there have been some studies that suggest a correlation between Schumann Resonance and human health. Some researchers believe that disruptions in these frequencies may contribute to certain health issues, such as sleep disturbances and depression.

Can changes in Schumann Resonance affect the human brain?

Some studies have shown that changes in Schumann Resonance, such as spikes or dips in frequency, can have an impact on the human brain. These changes may be linked to changes in mood, cognitive function, and overall well-being. However, more research is needed to fully understand the relationship between Schumann Resonance and the human brain.
