Solving for Simple Harmonic Motion Phase Angle

In summary, the student is trying to solve a problem but is not getting the correct answer. He is tired and needs to go to bed, so he asks for help. The help he receives is not good and he does not understand it.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A block, attached to a spring, moves in Simple Harmonic Motion on a horizontal frictionless
table. The displacement from equilibrium is given by x = xm cos (ω t + φ ) where x is positive to
the right of the equilibrium position. The frequency of the motion is 3.10 Hz and the amplitude
is 15.0 cm. At t = 0.00 s, the velocity of the block is 2.70 m/s to the left and the position is to the
left of the equilibrium position.
Calculate the phase angle, φ.

Answer: 1.96 Rad

I have no Idea what I'm doing wrong. I am almost certain its a stupid mistake

The Attempt at a Solution





now I just plugged and chugged it all into x = xm cos (ω t + φ )

but i got the wrong please
Physics news on
  • #2
Check your expression for V (I'm guess that is the velocity). Remember that
[tex]V={dx \over {dt}}[/tex]
  • #3
I don't think that works...

V=dx/dt = x(t)=0.15cos[tex]\phi[/tex]



sin[tex]\phi[/tex]=56.9/.15 ---> does not work

Am I doing something wrong?
  • #4
Take the derivative before plugging in t=0. And remember that you're differentiating with respect to t and not phi.
[tex]v={dx \over dt}=-\omega A sin(\omega t + \phi)[/tex]
This is where you want to put your givens.
  • #5
I think the formulas you are using, v=w xm and a=w^2 xm are for the MAXIMUM velocity and acceleration.
  • #6
Pacopag said:
I think the formulas you are using, v=w xm and a=w^2 xm are for the MAXIMUM velocity and acceleration. that a problem?
  • #7
damn...i can't seem to get it
  • #8
unhip_crayon said: that a problem?
What makes you think the velocity is at a maximum? What is the velocity as a function of time (hint: see post #4)?
  • #9
If you plug 2.7 m/s into the formula for the maximum velocity it is a mistake, because 2.7 m/s is not the maximum velocity, it is just the initial velocity.
You should be able to put v=-2.7, t=0, A=0.15 and w=19.5 into the formula I gave you, then solve for phi.
Also, make sure that your calculator is set to radian mode.
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  • #10
That formulae will not yield the correct answer using a calculator. He will have to make sure the result is in the correct quadrant.
  • #11
But I'm not getting the desired 1.96 radians.
  • #12
RIght. Good call DH.
  • #13
Hmm. This is not good:
Pacopag said:
You should be able to put v=-2.7, t=0, A=0.15 and w=19.5 into the formula I gave you, then solve for phi.
Also, make sure that your calculator is set to radian mode.

The reason is that you spoon-fed the OP a formula, and he/she will be able to "plug in the numbers", get a result, and not have the foggiest idea why things work that way. The OP is missing something very basic here. In retrospect, it would have been much better to press the OP to come up with post #4 rather than give it out.
  • #14
I tried that but it doesn't give me the right answer...1.18 rad, I need 1.96 rad
  • #15
Sorry DH. You're right. I should be more careful and keep in mind what the purpose of this forum is. I just get so excited when I actually know how to help someone, I get carried away. And in this case I wasn't even right. I'll watch myself in the future. Thanks.
  • #16
That one you'll have to work out unhip_crayon.

And DH..I was wondering what OP means?
  • #17
OP=Original Poster

unhip_crayon, Can you see how Pacopag derived the velocity equation? You should be able to derive this yourself. Give it a shot. Understanding how velocity varies with time is central to this problem.
  • #18
I understand how pacopag derived the velocity equation, the thing is, I haven't slept in 20 hrs, so I'm exhausted, I'm going to bed now. Thanks for the help guys. I''ll email my prof to double check that answer.
  • #19
You should have got -1.18 radians by calculator rather than 1.18.

The sine function hits all non-zero values twice over any interval of length 2*pi. The inverse sine function has a range of pi, not 2*pi. When you use the inverse sine to calculate an angle you have to make sure that the value is in the correct quadrant. You need some other information to do this, but the problem has that information. You were told the initial velocity (it has a sign; I don't think you used that info) and enough about the position (left of the origin) to resolve the angle.

FAQ: Solving for Simple Harmonic Motion Phase Angle

What is Simple Harmonic Motion Phase Angle?

Simple Harmonic Motion Phase Angle is the measure of how far along an oscillating object is on its cycle of motion. It is typically measured in degrees or radians.

Why is it important to solve for Simple Harmonic Motion Phase Angle?

Solving for Simple Harmonic Motion Phase Angle allows us to accurately predict the position of an oscillating object at any given time. It also helps us understand the energy and forces involved in the motion.

What are the different equations used to solve for Simple Harmonic Motion Phase Angle?

The most commonly used equations for solving Simple Harmonic Motion Phase Angle are: θ = ωt, θ = Asin(ωt + φ), and θ = Acos(ωt + φ). These equations depend on the initial position, amplitude, angular frequency, and initial phase angle of the oscillating object.

How do I know which equation to use when solving for Simple Harmonic Motion Phase Angle?

The equation to use depends on the given information about the oscillating object. If the initial position and amplitude are known, θ = ωt can be used. If the initial phase angle is known, θ = Asin(ωt + φ) or θ = Acos(ωt + φ) can be used.

What are some real-life applications of Simple Harmonic Motion Phase Angle?

Simple Harmonic Motion Phase Angle is used to analyze and predict the motion of various objects, such as pendulums, springs, and waves. It is also important in fields such as engineering, physics, and music, where oscillating systems are present.

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