Are silicone breast implants safe for use?

  • Thread starter Entropia
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In summary, the website contains graphic pictures and claims that silicone implants are dangerous and untested. However, no sources are cited and the validity of the claims is questionable. The conversation also suggests that those who criticize the president may also be the ones seeking silicone implants.
  • #1

some graphic pictures included in that site
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  • #2
Well, the same stupid females who call their president
a war criminal (at the bottom of the page) are probably
the majority of the ones who want these implants in the first
place, so it's their concern and I do not believe we have stupid
people here so it's not our concern. (But if this info is
unknown to someone here and can help them I'm all for it of course.)

Live long and prosper.
  • #3
I see not a single source cited on that page.

My BS detector also starts screaming whenever people say things along the lines of: "This medical procedure was never tested."

Call me a skeptic, but I wouldn't put too much faith in such a website.

FAQ: Are silicone breast implants safe for use?

1. What are silicone breast implants?

Silicone breast implants are medical devices that are used to enhance the size, shape, and appearance of a person's breasts. They are made of a silicone outer shell and are filled with either silicone gel or saline solution.

2. How long have silicone breast implants been around?

Silicone breast implants have been around since the 1960s, but they have gone through significant changes and improvements over the years. The first silicone breast implants were approved by the FDA in 1962, while the current generation of implants was approved in 2006.

3. Are silicone breast implants safe?

The safety of silicone breast implants has been a topic of controversy for many years. However, numerous studies have been conducted, and they have found no link between silicone breast implants and major health problems. The FDA has also deemed them safe for use in breast augmentation surgeries.

4. How long do silicone breast implants last?

Silicone breast implants are not considered to be lifetime devices, and they may need to be replaced at some point in the future. The average lifespan of silicone breast implants is around 10-15 years, but this can vary depending on factors such as age, lifestyle, and the type of implant.

5. What is the recovery process like for silicone breast implants?

The recovery process for silicone breast implants varies from person to person, but generally, it takes around 4-6 weeks for the breasts to fully heal. During this time, patients may experience some pain, swelling, and bruising, but these symptoms can be managed with medication prescribed by their surgeon.
