Complex Solution of e^x = x | Math Help for College Student

  • Thread starter marcusmath
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In summary: I tried to find some sort of general solution to the equation ex=x, but I got to a point where I couldn't get any further.My method was to let x=e^z => z=lnx and then substitute this into the original equation to get e^(e^z)-e^z=0After this, I tried to get the equation into terms so that I could use the inverse of the e^z function (ln) to cancel it out, but I couldn't do it.But I'm pretty sure that there's something wrong with my method anyway because I'm not sure if you can go from z=lnx to x=e^z without using the original
  • #1
Okay, before you scream x = ∞, I'm finding the complex solution to the problem.

I'll show you my working so far, maybe you'll see something I missed.

First let x = a+bi

e^(a+bi) = a+bi
e^a * e^bi = a+bi

Applying Euler's identity
e^a*cos(b) + ie^a*sin(b) = a+bi

e^a*cos(b) = a
e^a*sin(b) = b

Simple rearranging;
[1] cos(b) = a/e^a
[2] sin(b) = b/e^a
[3] tan(b) = b/a

Using the identity;
cos^2(b) + sin^2(a) = 1

It follows that..
(a/e^a)^2 + (b/e^a)^2 = 1
[4] a^2 + b^2 = e^2a

Okay so I have these 4 equations and I still can't find solutions to any of them,
I only need to find a or b and the solution to e^x = x will follow.
Could you please help?

+I'm only a college student and haven't done much uni level maths, so go easy on me if I've missed something blindingly obvious.

Also, would analysis of the series of e^x help? (Just sprung into my mind as I was about to submit thread)
EDIT: A solution can be found using Lamberts W-function, x =~ 0.318 + 1.337i, you can delete this thread if you want
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  • #2
expand e^x as an infinite series and equate it to x:


or subtracting x from each side:

0=1+x^2/2! +x^3/3! + x^4/4! ...

This is an infinite degree equation and has an infinite number of solutions.
I hope this helps.
  • #3
Thecla said:
expand e^x as an infinite series and equate it to x:


or subtracting x from each side:

0=1+x^2/2! +x^3/3! + x^4/4! ...

This is an infinite degree equation and has an infinite number of solutions.
I hope this helps.

This is not true


Is too an "infinite degree" equation and has no solution at all.
  • #4
elibj123 said:
This is not true


Is too an "infinite degree" equation and has no solution at all.

No real solutions. But there are infinite complex solutions.

But again this is only because [itex]r.cis(\theta)=r.cis(\theta+2n\pi)[/itex] for all integers n.
  • #5
marcusmath said:
A solution can be found using Lamberts W-function, x =~ 0.318 + 1.337i, you can delete this thread if you want

This is the only (finite) solution I find.

0.3181315052047641353126542515876645172035176138713998669223786062294138715576... + 1.3372357014306894089011621431937106125395021384605124188763127819143505313612...i
  • #6
CRGreathouse said:
This is the only (finite) solution I find.

0.3181315052047641353126542515876645172035176138713998669223786062294138715576... + 1.3372357014306894089011621431937106125395021384605124188763127819143505313612...i

What the hell was the point of that post?
  • #7
CRGreathouse said:
This is the only (finite) solution I find.

0.3181315052047641353126542515876645172035176138713998669223786062294138715576... + 1.3372357014306894089011621431937106125395021384605124188763127819143505313612...i

Did you use the W-function to get that result? I've been hoping to find an alternate method to solve this which could maybe lead to a closed form expression.
As of now, the expansion for e^x isn't getting me very far.

Also, not that it's of much use, e^x=x also implies e^e^e^...e^x = x = logloglog...logx
  • #8
Mentallic said:
No real solutions. But there are infinite complex solutions.

But again this is only because [itex]r.cis(\theta)=r.cis(\theta+2n\pi)[/itex] for all integers n.

Well I don't think that infinite solutions are what the poster is aiming for.
  • #9
Mentallic said:
What the hell was the point of that post?

1. Verifying marcusmath's claim
2. Providing more decimal places
3. Noting that I could find no others

That seems like two points more than the minimum (and one more point than this post).

marcusmath said:
Did you use the W-function to get that result?

No, I used the secant method.
  • #10
elibj123 said:
Well I don't think that infinite solutions are what the poster is aiming for.

Mentallic meant "infinitely many solutions", not "solutions involving infinities".
  • #11
CRGreathouse said:
1. Verifying marcusmath's claim
2. Providing more decimal places
3. Noting that I could find no others

That seems like two points more than the minimum (and one more point than this post).
Is a post necessary if the points containing it are redundant? Face it, marcusmath seemed to have no uncertainty in the finite solution he found and your post has no added value to this thread (except point 2, that was very helpful) :-p

elibj123 said:
Well I don't think that infinite solutions are what the poster is aiming for.
What CRGreathouse said.
  • #12
CRGreathouse said:
3. Noting that I could find no others
You didn't look very hard. 0.318131505-1.337235701i is also a solution. In general, if z=x+iy is a solution to z-exp(z)=0, then so is z*.

Here are a few more solutions:
  • #13
Since ex - x has an essential singularity at infinity, we can invoke Picard's theorem:
In any neighborhood of infinity, with at most one exception, ex-x takes on every complex value infinitely often​

IMO, it's unlikely that 0 just happens to be the one exception, so we would expect infinitely many solutions.
  • #14
marcusmath said:
Did you use the W-function to get that result?

Hi Marcus, did you want to use LambertW to find more solutions?

I assume you've already worked out that the solution can be expressed as x=-W(-1) right. W() has multiple branches and most implementations of this function will allow you to include a second integer parameter to select the branch. Both Octave and MatLab for example use something like "lambertw(n,x)", where "n" is used to select different branches.

For example :
> lambertw(-1,-1)
ans = -0.318131505204764 - 1.337235701430689i

> lambertw(0,-1)
ans = -0.318131505204764 + 1.337235701430690i

> lambertw(1,-1)
ans = -2.06227772959828 + 7.58863117847251i

> lambertw(2,-1)
ans =  -2.65319197403870 + 13.94920833453321i

Hope that helps.
  • #15
uart said:
Hi Marcus, did you want to use LambertW to find more solutions?

I assume you've already worked out that the solution can be expressed as x=-W(-1) right. W() has multiple branches and most implementations of this function will allow you to include a second integer parameter to select the branch. Both Octave and MatLab for example use something like "lambertw(n,x)", where "n" is used to select different branches.

For example :
> lambertw(-1,-1)
ans = -0.318131505204764 - 1.337235701430689i

> lambertw(0,-1)
ans = -0.318131505204764 + 1.337235701430690i

> lambertw(1,-1)
ans = -2.06227772959828 + 7.58863117847251i

> lambertw(2,-1)
ans =  -2.65319197403870 + 13.94920833453321i

Hope that helps.

Ah thanks, I never really knew what the first parameter was in matlabs lambertw function.
Out of interest, is there some closed form expression for W(x)?
I found the taylor expansion [tex]W_0 (x) = \sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{(-n)^{n-1}}{n!}\ x^n[/tex]
but it doesn't have an imaginary part so surely can't be valid for when [tex]W_0 (x)\notin\Re[/tex]?
  • #16
The source where you found the Taylor series should have told you where it's valid -- or at least given you the radius of convergence. But... you can compute that yourself, can't you? I expect it to be a straightforward calculation.
  • #17
Mentallic said:
elibj123 said:
This is not true


Is too an "infinite degree" equation and has no solution at all.

No real solutions. But there are infinite complex solutions.

But again this is only because [itex]r.cis(\theta)=r.cis(\theta+2n\pi)[/itex] for all integers n.

Hrm? e^z = 0 has no solutions, real or complex. The clause in Picard's theorem "...attains every value infinitely often with at most one exception" is usually demonstrated using e^z, which has an essentially singularity at infinity but you will never find it to be equal to zero anywhere near there (or anywhere else, of course).
  • #18
marcusmath said:
Out of interest, is there some closed form expression for W(x)?

No, not for any reasonable definition of "closed form" anyway.

FAQ: Complex Solution of e^x = x | Math Help for College Student

1. What is a complex solution?

A complex solution is a solution that involves complex numbers, which are numbers that can be expressed in the form a + bi, where a and b are real numbers and i is the imaginary unit (√-1). Complex solutions can occur when solving equations that involve variables raised to non-integer powers, such as in the equation e^x = x.

2. How do you solve an equation with complex solutions?

To solve an equation with complex solutions, you can use algebraic techniques such as factoring or the quadratic formula. However, with equations that involve non-integer powers, it is often helpful to use numerical methods, such as graphing or using a calculator, to approximate the solutions.

3. What is the significance of e^x = x?

The equation e^x = x is a special case of a transcendental equation, which means that it cannot be solved algebraically. It is used in various fields of mathematics and science, such as in studying the behavior of exponential functions and in differential equations.

4. Can a complex solution be a real number?

No, a complex solution cannot be a real number. A complex solution involves both a real and imaginary component, so it cannot be purely real. However, there can be real solutions to equations with complex solutions, as the real and imaginary parts can cancel out.

5. How can complex solutions be represented geometrically?

Complex solutions can be represented geometrically on the complex plane, which is a two-dimensional plane where the horizontal axis represents the real numbers and the vertical axis represents the imaginary numbers. The complex solution can be represented as a point on this plane, with its coordinates being the real and imaginary components of the complex number.
