Solve UROV Fluid Mechanics Homework: Max Vel, Time, Distance, Drag Force

In summary: Also, it would help if you could provide a simplified diagram of your setup.In summary, your robot is trying to move forward, but is being held back by drag.
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Homework Statement

Im working with a UROV and I have a technical scenario that I am supposed to solve. It seems pretty easy but i keep getting ridiculous answers.

Assuming a max thrust of 5 N for 1 motor/propeller, for the forward direction only, use the above information to determine the Max Velocity, the Time to achieve this velocity and the Distance traveled. Please be sure to state all assumptions.
Calculate the Drag Force at Max Velocity

My robot has 2 thrusters thrusting forward and 1 upward, it weighs 5.68 lbs, and we are testing them a chlorine pool.

Homework Equations

for the forward direction only, use the above information to determine the Max Velocity, the Time to achieve this velocity and the Distance traveled. Please be sure to state all assumptions.
Calculate the Drag Force at Max Velocity[/B]

The Attempt at a Solution

I was trying to use F=ma to get the acceleration then use constant accel equations to get the other parts but I think there's too many unkowns.
I had 2 equations,
F = ma(horizontal) = 2T - Fd
F = ma(vertical) = T - Fd - W

T = 5 (thrust)
W = 5.68 lbs = 25.27 N
m = .1765 slugs = 2.576 kg[/B]

assuming: the drag forces in both directions are equal, and the accel in the horizontal is equal to 2x the accel in the vertical. With this i got a(horizontal) = 23.5 m/s^2

this is obviously ridiculous so i didnt continue, and even if i did i couldn't get much further because i have too many unknowns too solve any constant accel equations. Any help please?
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  • #2
There are several problems with your analysis.
Drag does not operate independently in each ordinate. It depends on the overall speed. Not sure what the vertical thruster is doing, though. Is it only there to counteract gravity, or is it also delivering 5N thrust? If the latter, we need to know the buoyant force too. If it is only to maintain constant height, we can ignore it and treat it as purely a one dimensional problem.

You seem to have calculated an acceleration, not a velocity, and I do not see anywhere that you have taken drag into account. You need an expression that specifies the drag as a function of speed.

FAQ: Solve UROV Fluid Mechanics Homework: Max Vel, Time, Distance, Drag Force

What is the max velocity in fluid mechanics?

The maximum velocity in fluid mechanics is the highest speed that a fluid can reach within a given system. It is typically dependent on factors such as the viscosity and density of the fluid, as well as the characteristics of the system itself.

How is time related to fluid mechanics?

Time is an important factor in fluid mechanics as it helps to determine the rate of change of the fluid's velocity and position. Time can also be used to calculate other important variables such as acceleration and force.

What is the distance in fluid mechanics?

The distance in fluid mechanics refers to the total length traveled by a fluid in a given system. It is typically measured in units such as meters or feet and can be used to determine the overall efficiency of the system.

What is drag force in fluid mechanics?

Drag force is a type of resistance that is experienced by a fluid when it moves through a solid surface. It is caused by the friction between the fluid and the surface and can be calculated using the fluid's velocity, density, and viscosity.

How can I solve UROV fluid mechanics homework problems?

To solve UROV fluid mechanics homework problems, you will need to have a strong understanding of the principles and equations involved in fluid mechanics. It is also helpful to practice solving various types of problems and to seek assistance from a teacher or tutor if needed.
