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Homework Statement
Here's another problem from Munkres.
Let (a1, a2, ...) and (b1, b2, ...) be sequences of real numbers, with ai > 0, for every i. Define h : Rω --> Rω with h((x1, x2, ...)) = (a1x1 + b1, a2x2 + b2, ...). Show that if Rω is given the product topology, h is a homeomorphism.
Homework Equations
I used a theorem which states that if f : A --> ∏Xj is given by the equation f(a) = (fj(a)) (j is from some indexing set J), where fj : A --> Xj, for each j, then f is continuous if and only if fj is continuous, for each j.
I'm not sure if I can use this theorem here, since there's no information about what the set A is.
The Attempt at a Solution
First I tried to prove that h is continuous using the theorem up there.
h(x) can be represented with (h1(x), h2(x), ...), where hj(x) = aj∏j(x) + bj. Here ∏j(x) denotes the projection mapping onto the j-th coordinate of x. Since hj(x) is continuous for every j (the projection mapping is continuous, addition and multiplication are, too), we conclude that h is continuous.
Proving one to one and onto is easy:
Let h(x) = h(y), then for every j, ajxj + bj = ajyj + bj, hence xj = yj, for every j. Let c = (c1, c2, ...) be in the image set of h. Then, for every j, (cj - bj)/aj = xj, and hence (x1, x2, ...) maps to c.
The j-th component of the inverse of h is given with (hj(x) - bj)/aj, and the inverse is continuous too, since it's continuous for every index j.
All this is well defined, since aj > 0, for every j.
Hence, h is a homeomorphism from R∞ to R∞.