Correct Physics Answers: Understanding Acceleration, Velocity, and Inertia

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In summary, the correct answers for the conversation are: 1. Exactly g, 2. Always the same, 3. Differ in different frames of reference, 4. All objects fall with equal acceleration, 5. Expresses the tendency of bodies to maintain their state of motion, and 6. Oriented in the same direction.
  • #1
The answers that i think are correct have ***** next to them. If anyone knows the right answers please share your thoughts. Thank you.

1. A ball is thrown downward (not dropped) from the top of a tower. After being released, its downward acceleration will be
greater than g.
exactly g. *****
less than g.
none of the above

2. A rock is thrown up at a 45° angle. Neglecting air resistance, the x-component of the rock's velocity is
greatest just after the rock is thrown
greatest at the top of the rock's flight
greatest just before the rock hits the ground
always the same *****

3. Velocity measurements
differ in defferent frames of reference. *****
are the same in any Galilean reference frame.
are always largest in the reference frame of the Earth.
are always smallest in the reference frame of the Earth.

4. Which of these laws is not one of Newton's laws?
Action force equals reaction force
F = ma
All objects fall with equal acceleration *****
Objects at rests stay at rest, etc.

5. Inertia
expresses the tendency of bodies to maintain their state of motion. *****
is Newton's third law.
none of the above

6. If vector B is added to vector A, the resultant vector A+B has a magnitude A+B when A and B are
perpendicular to each other
oriented in the same direction *****
oriented in opposite directions
in any direction relative to each other

Thank you.
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  • #2
I believe the only one you missed is #1. What is your reasoning for your choice? Think about it. When you throw a ball upward is there a change in velocity? What happens when you throw it down?
  • #3
zwtipp05 said:
I believe the only one you missed is #1. What is your reasoning for your choice? Think about it. When you throw a ball upward is there a change in velocity? What happens when you throw it down?

Acceleration is only at a constant 9.8m/s2 in free fall only. So considering there is air resistance i guess that Acceleration has to be less than 9.8 m/s2 then. LMK
  • #4
That argument I would accept. But you originally marked "none of the above"! Surely any acceleration must be "equal to g" OR "less than g" OR "larger than g"!
  • #5
how can acceleration be "larger than g"?
  • #6
HallsofIvy said:
That argument I would accept. But you originally marked "none of the above"! Surely any acceleration must be "equal to g" OR "less than g" OR "larger than g"!

so what would you say is the best answer from "equal to g" OR "less than g" OR "larger than g". I really don't think acceleration would be "larger than g" unless there is some kind of a trick to this question, but not really sure about the other 2 choices.
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  • #7
G is the acceleration due to gravity? if yes, i think you could say that higher than G is possible... don't rely only on me, but id say that an object thrown downward has initial acceleration due to the hand which could be greater than G...
  • #8
The question is asking about the acceleration after being released, so any extra acceleration due to the force of the hand is irrelevant. The only ambiguity is whether to consider air resistance or not. Ignoring air resistance, the acceleration is exactly g. Air resistance reduces the acceleration (consider the net force on the object), since the object is thrown downward.

(Halls' point was that the first three choices cover all the possibilities! :smile: )
  • #9
Doc Al said:
The question is asking about the acceleration after being released, so any extra acceleration due to the force of the hand is irrelevant. The only ambiguity is whether to consider air resistance or not. Ignoring air resistance, the acceleration is exactly g. Air resistance reduces the acceleration (consider the net force on the object), since the object is thrown downward.

Thanks! I'll know it from now on

FAQ: Correct Physics Answers: Understanding Acceleration, Velocity, and Inertia

1. What is the difference between classical and quantum physics?

Classical physics deals with macroscopic objects and their motion, while quantum physics deals with the behavior of subatomic particles and their interactions. Classical physics follows deterministic laws, while quantum physics is probabilistic in nature.

2. What is the theory of relativity?

The theory of relativity, developed by Albert Einstein, is a fundamental theory in physics that explains the relationship between space and time. It consists of two parts - general relativity, which describes the behavior of gravity in the presence of massive objects, and special relativity, which explains the relationship between space and time in the absence of gravity.

3. What is the difference between mass and weight?

Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object, while weight is a measure of the force of gravity acting on an object. Mass is measured in kilograms, while weight is measured in newtons.

4. What is the significance of the speed of light in physics?

The speed of light, denoted by "c", is a fundamental constant in physics and is considered to be the maximum speed at which any physical object can travel. It plays a crucial role in many theories and equations, including Einstein's theory of relativity.

5. What is the difference between a scalar and a vector?

A scalar is a quantity that has only magnitude, such as mass or temperature. A vector is a quantity that has both magnitude and direction, such as velocity or force. Scalars are represented by a single number, while vectors are represented by both a magnitude and a direction.
