- #1
Jonathan Stanley
- 13
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From his original thesis, Einstein said light speed is always constant (c). There is very clear evidence for this.
However, later in the paper, he writes:
This appears self-contradictory... light speed cannot be all three:
Every ray of light moves in the “stationary coordinate system” with the same velocity c, the velocity being independent of the condition whether this ray of light is emitted by a body at rest or in motion.
However, later in the paper, he writes:
we take into consideration the fact that light when viewed from the stationary system, is always propagated along those axes with the velocity √{c2-v2}.
andNow the ray of light moves relative to the origin of k with a velocity c-v, measured in the stationary system
This appears self-contradictory... light speed cannot be all three:
- constant (c)
- non-constant (√{c2-v2})
- non-constant (c-v)