Understanding Square Wave Amplitude in Fourier Transforms

  • Thread starter alextsipkis
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In summary: If I have a graph that covers a 10 sec range, from 0 to 10 sec, you might ask "when does t=0". And I might answer that t is zero at 2:00 p.m. today. But we could just as easily say t is zero at 5 seconds past 2:00 p.m., in which case the graph would run from -5 to +5 sec.Offsetting the signal on the amplitude axis introduces a 0 Hz component in the frequency domain.
  • #1

While studying Fourier Transforms, i saw that a square wave with amplitude +A and -A can be replaced with a sqaure wave with amplitude 2A.

Just wondering how it was done? I'm new to Signals and Systems .

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  • #2
It is just a coordinate system shift. Translate by -A.
  • #3
If you look at a square wave with amplitude of +/- A on a graph, you will see that it covers a range of 2A (A- -A=2A). This wave has a amplitude that fluctuates between these two values. However, an alternate wave with amplitude 2A has the same range (2A), yet it fluctuates between 0 and 2A. The two are identical in their form, they only differ how values are assigned.
  • #4
So that means that an X shift can be done in the same way. For e.g -5 to +5(on the x-axis) can be from 0 to 10 on the positive side.
  • #5
I think you meant y-axis (the normal up/down designation), but yes.
  • #6
NO, i meant X-axis . I assumed that when the coordinate shift can be done on Y-axis, the same can be done on X-axis.

Also, when x(t) has amplitude of (-A to +A), the book says that we can write it as x1(t) - A, where x1(t) has an amplitude of 2A. Any explanations.

  • #7
Your statement explicitly says x(t) is an amplitude.
So t is the location on the x-axis and x(t) is a sample point value on the y-axis.
Adding a constant to x(t) just shifts the waveform up or down on the y-axis.

If you want to shift the wave on the x-axis then you would write something like x(t-n).
This has no overall effect on the y-axis amplitude excursions.
  • #8
NoTime said:
Your statement explicitly says x(t) is an amplitude.

I don't see that anywhere.
  • #9
Redbelly98 said:
I don't see that anywhere.
Do you think the following says something else?
alextsipkis said:
when x(t) has amplitude of (-A to +A),
  • #10
Missed that, sorry.

At any rate, if this is just a math exercise in shifting coordinates, a signal can be shifted horizontally by one's choice of zero time. Looking back at message #4, we can say either the signal goes from -5 sec to +5 sec, or 0 to 10 sec.

This assumes I'm interpreting alextsipkis's statements correctly.
  • #11
Redbelly98 said:
Missed that, sorry.

At any rate, if this is just a math exercise in shifting coordinates, a signal can be shifted horizontally by one's choice of zero time. Looking back at message #4, we can say either the signal goes from -5 sec to +5 sec, or 0 to 10 sec.

This assumes I'm interpreting alextsipkis's statements correctly.
I agree with you about the coordinate shifting part, you can do both.
Seems to me that the OP defined x to be a square wave generator of amplitude (+A, -A).
That gives A the definition of amplitude.
Unless A got redefined somewhere, I don't see how you could get a time shift by adding a voltage value to the square wave.
Did I miss a redefinition somewhere?
If so, I'm not seeing it, but I've been known to be blind sometimes.
  • #12
NoTime said:
Seems to me that the OP defined x to be a square wave generator of amplitude (+A, -A).
That gives A the definition of amplitude.
Unless A got redefined somewhere, I don't see how you could get a time shift by adding a voltage value to the square wave.
Did I miss a redefinition somewhere?
If so, I'm not seeing it, but I've been known to be blind sometimes.

No, adding a voltage can't produce a time shift. It's simply a matter of defining where "zero" is. Whether it's voltage or time, 0V or 0 sec is an arbitrary reference.

If I have a graph that covers a 10 sec range, from 0 to 10 sec, you might ask "when does t=0". And I might answer that t is zero at 2:00 p.m. today. But we could just as easily say t is zero at 5 seconds past 2:00 p.m., in which case the graph would run from -5 to +5 sec.
  • #13
Offsetting the signal on the amplitude axis introduces a 0 Hz component in the frequency domain.

Shifting the signal on the time axis will introduce a phase change of frequency amplidudes. If you are transforming into sines and cosines the relative amplitudes for at any given frequency will vary inversily. (actually as a^2+b^2=constant, but that may be too much detail)
  • #14
Phrak said:
Offsetting the signal on the amplitude axis introduces a 0 Hz component in the frequency domain.
I admit to being a little rusty on this stuff.
It has after all been a good 20 years since I've been paid to do any of this.

Out of curiosity is a 0 Hz component just a fancy way of saying DC offset or is there a deeper implication.

Rereading this thread it looks like I read "same way" in the following statement to be -5v to +5v, but now notice there is no units specification at all.
I don't know if the OP is confused or not.
alextsipkis said:
So that means that an X shift can be done in the same way. For e.g -5 to +5(on the x-axis) can be from 0 to 10 on the positive side.
  • #15
NoTime said:
Out of curiosity is a 0 Hz component just a fancy way of saying DC offset


FAQ: Understanding Square Wave Amplitude in Fourier Transforms

1. What is a square wave?

A square wave is a type of electrical signal that alternates between two levels, typically a high level and a low level, in a repeating pattern. It is characterized by its sharp, abrupt transitions between the two levels.

2. How is a square wave different from a sine wave?

A square wave differs from a sine wave in that a sine wave has smooth, gradual transitions between its high and low levels, while a square wave has sharp, instantaneous transitions.

3. What applications or uses does a square wave have?

Square waves have various applications, including as a testing signal in electronic circuitry, as a source of timing signals in digital systems, and in audio synthesis for creating unique sounds.

4. How is a square wave generated?

A square wave can be generated using electronic circuits or by digitally programming a waveform generator. It can also be approximated by combining multiple sine waves of different frequencies and amplitudes.

5. Can a square wave be used for communication purposes?

Yes, a square wave can be used for communication, although it is not as commonly used as other waveforms such as sine waves. It can be modulated to carry information, but its sharp transitions can cause distortion and interference in the signal.
